Things that Suck about being Overweight and/or Out of Shape



  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    Giving yourself a pedicure. Stretch marks! People telling you that you have a beautiful face.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    The worst for me was panting going up stairs and unable to walk around the block without being out of breath. I didn't even realize it was my weight and lack of exercise that was causing the breathlessness. It was when I'd dropped 30 pounds when I realized my breathing had gotten so much better.

    The other thing that sucked for me was being so self-consciousness when I went to any event where I'd see people I hadn't seen in a while. I was embarrassed because I had gotten so fat.

    And always wondering if there would be anything in my closet that would fit and possibly look good.

    And always wearing clothes to hide, cover up my body, and wearing black.

    I've lost 60+ lbs., still have a bit to go and I worry about going back to my weight gaining old ways. This is a good reminder of why I should stay on track.
  • mckmom69
    just want to be able to cross my legs when sitting on a folding chair. I was at a footbal meeting for my son w/ a bunch of other moms and we were sitting in a circle on folding chairs and I noticed I was the only one that could not cross my legs.

    Also, a guy friend/boyfriend (20 years ago!) when I was 50 lbs lighter (gah!) describing me on the phone to a friend as "you know that girl with the pretty face." That still stings when I think about it today. Guess I now know why we never got serious.

    Being the fat girl in all the "girls night out" photos.
  • cricketannie
    cricketannie Posts: 184 Member
    One for me was after I lost 40lbs, and then realized how big I actually was because some of my clothes just then fit me properly. Apparently I had been in denial about it.

    Another is that I am embarrassed to exercise in front of people because I feel like they are judging me for being so big.

    The worst is that my fat flopps and makes slapping noises when I try running or doing jumping jacks.
    I just want it to go away!!!
  • FiremanSam111
    At my heaviest (109Kg, 240lbs), the thing I hated the most was tying my shoe laces, it was a struggle to bend that far, and I used to come up gasping for air. Sheesh.
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Not adding old friends on facebook because you don't want them going through your photos going "Holy crap she got fat!"
  • ladybug813
    Always being the biggest wife when we go out with our friends, struggling to tie my shoes and being uncomfortable in my own body!
  • youcandoitjess
    DRIPPING sweat after walking from the parking lot to my class on campus... (less than a quarter of a mile).
  • musclefat2k
    musclefat2k Posts: 89 Member
    The small FORTUNE spent on just a pair of pants and a shirt.
    Small bathroom stalls when you ABSOLUTELY JUST HAVE TO DO THE NUMBER 2!!
    Still being asked to be in a wedding or something and you have to come down dressed up and be the center of attention for just that moment.
    Not being able to let you smile speak to a woman before your mouth does. (Always having to be the "friend" while the next guy was the "man")
    Stadium Seats
    Looks at Restaurants
    Missing holiday meals because your on a diet only to break it the very next day.
    The list goes on and on
  • lynne_p
    lynne_p Posts: 173 Member
    Air plane seats!!

    Finding clothes the look good

    Not knowing what it's like to be a normal size uhg

    Oh oh and 20kg ago I found it hard to reach around to wipe ... you know how crushing that is!? LOL
    I'm so with ya on that one! ;)
  • IzzyandBri_mommy
    having people tell my husband that he could do better.
    given dirty looks when I go to the store
    having to spend a ton on clothes to have them last less than a year
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Doing it cowgirl one of these days. :blushing:
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    Sitting on the toilet and ending up partly on the sanitary bin! Urgh!

    Looking in the mirror when wearing something gorgeous and realising its not as good as you think!

    Heels looking like they are about to break....

    I once went on a ride at Alton Towers, no problem fitting in the safety restraints but felt extremely sorry for the 'large' bloke they humiliated him by locking and unlocking the restraints THREE times before ejecting the guy from the ride as he was too big for it! This was my wake up call! (Do something before it gets THAT bad!)

    Heres to a better us!
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    I agree with airplane seats! Definitely sucky. My girlfriend and I flew to Texas a couple of months ago, and I was too embarrassed to ask for a seat belt extender, so I pulled my shirt over the half with the buckle and pretended. (All the while imagining the plane going into some sort of crazy loops and spins and me catapulting out of my seat and squashing somebody). :embarassed:
  • geohow11
    geohow11 Posts: 126 Member
    Meant in a spirit of love for myself and for others, these are some of the things that keep me going. What else am I going to do, give up?

    Feel free to add your own. Time to sound off and get motivated!!

    Snoring and waking up with a sore throat.
    Paying 3 - 5 times more for clothes.
    Sore feet, legs, knees.
    Panting when going up a flight of stairs.
    Trying to reach stuff in the shower.
    Sitting on the beach, listening to a crowd of people trying to decide if they should call the coast guard to rescue me, the "beached whale".
    Being treated like a second class citizen by other people who have no manners.
    Realizing that I have a choice about how I look and feel and I'm just choosing not to use it.

    Having to ask for a seat belt extender on planes!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Not being able to squat OVER the seat in the port-o-potty...yuuuck!
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    I agree with airplane seats! Definitely sucky. My girlfriend and I flew to Texas a couple of months ago, and I was too embarrassed to ask for a seat belt extender, so I pulled my shirt over the half with the buckle and pretended. (All the while imagining the plane going into some sort of crazy loops and spins and me catapulting out of my seat and squashing somebody). :embarassed:

    Why didn't I think of that?
  • TrimThinTonedTight
    TrimThinTonedTight Posts: 69 Member
    -Having people smaller than you complain about how fat they are, while the whole time they were looking right at you.
    -Having boys give you looks of disgust while they eye up the thinner girls.
    -Not having nice clothes because my size isn't made as much
    -The 'chub rub' (aka thigh rub)
    -Not being able to be athletic
    -Having my weight completely control my life. (I'm afraid to make friends, go to the gym, wear shorts, etc. It all makes me unhappy)
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    -Having people smaller than you complain about how fat they are, while the whole time they were looking right at you.
    -Having boys give you looks of disgust while they eye up the thinner girls.
    -Not having nice clothes because my size isn't made as much
    -The 'chub rub' (aka thigh rub)
    -Not being able to be athletic
    -Having my weight completely control my life. (I'm afraid to make friends, go to the gym, wear shorts, etc. It all makes me unhappy)

    Every single one of these points for me. Except boys just outright saying nasty things ("hey, you got something on your chin... oh, it's another chin") while then commenting on how hot the skinny friend is.