Most you've lost in a week?



  • tuftyclub
    tuftyclub Posts: 11 Member
    5lb was the most ever. Week 1 of my new life. A good start
  • Stay with it. I think losing wieght slowly is the way to keep it off them!!! I've just started this week.
  • Six in one week was my record, but that was the first week I got to get back on the bike after a bit of an hiatus, haha.
  • Everyone keeps talking about water weight loose. How does that happen?
  • Years ago I lost a pound a day and ended up losing 80 in the past. But 50 of it came back. I was also in my 30's and a lot easier. Since starting this program, 3 is the most but down to 1-2 now. I lost 15 before starting and since then have lost 30, so I am pleased. I want to lose 25 more, I know this is the more healthy way to lose. I don't work out as much as I would like and that could be a reason too. But I am trying to look at this as a lifestyle change, not a lose it quick and then gain it all back like I have in the past. Good luck everyone!
  • Hi everyone, new to this site,week 2 of healthier eating.I lost 11 lbs. the first week...I think due to drinking a sufficient amount of water through out the day,never used to. Just want to wish all of you good luck ,whichever way you choose to succeed. Dont be afraid to brag about your accomplishments--you've earned them!!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I'll let you know Friday :)