Thyroid problem and no medical insurance



  • Mia2891
    Mia2891 Posts: 54 Member
    i agree with everyone. go to the doctor. its the only way you will find out for sure and if it is the problem it can be VERY difficult to lose weight. I was diagnosed with under active thyroid last year, and for years before i had refused to go to the dr cause it was easier not to know if something was wrong. but i couldn't drop any weight just gained. since i've been on synthroid and begun exercising and dieting it has been much easier. i know its expensive doctors are awful that way but i second what others have said about a clinic or dr who will work with you on payments. i hope this may help:)
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Do your best to save some money and go see a doctor (its the only way to know). You can call around to get prices of dr visits and how much the blood test would cost. When I had my complete blood work done (which was more then just checking the thyroid) it was around 142 dollars and that included the visit I believe.
  • alysh8
    alysh8 Posts: 21
    Get in to see the doc. I lost patches of my hair, I slept all the time, I had no energy, I got really cold all the time and my chest started hurting so much so at one point I thought I was having a heart attack. When I got my thyroid tests the doc called me the same day and told me I had to come in right away to take some medication before I slip into a coma. The medication isn't that expensive but I'm Canadian so the pricing might be off. I pay about $30 for three months worth of medication. But get in to see the doc, it's important to get it fixed.
  • tashdownunder
    I'm not in the US so I don't understand your health care system. But, really, checking your thyroid involves a simple blood test to check levels of T3, T4 and TSH. This is the first step. Surely just a blood test can't set you back that much?
  • tashdownunder
    By the way there is a group on here for people with thyroid issues. Maybe you can ask some advice there

    Good luck. I hope you get it sorted out. Thyroid problems can be very serious, so I hope you are able to get to the bottom of it all.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I take the generic of Synthroid; Levothyroxine, and it's only $4 at Walmart!
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    I was just reading about kelp today and how it may benefit people with thyroid problems.
  • Demwitted
    Demwitted Posts: 163
    My mom almost died because her thyroid stopped working. I've been without insurance before and it sucks, but if you are seriously ill, you should go to a doctor anyway. Look into free or reduced cost clinics.

    Especially the poster who was taking synthroid, and stopped: YOU NEED THIS MEDICINE. Go to the doctor.
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    I would like to know this too. I was taking synthroid but I don't have insurance anymore so I haven't been taking it for a couple of months. My levels are really low.

    I don't know about Synthroid, but I know mine is super cheap to buy. Call the pharmacy and see how much to fill without your insurance. Call your Dr. and ask for him to reup your RX if it's expired. Follow the other advice I sent the OP. DON'T let this go too far!

    I second this - I don't have insurance, either, and my script is less than $20 a month, and it's even cheaper if you get 90 days online. I don't even have to go to my doctor to get a refill since I've been on it for years - the pharmacy just sends it to him, he writes it for a year, and I'm good to go without the cost of an office visit.

    If you're supposed to be on synthroid, you NEED to take it. This will so f&^k up your system if you dont!
  • rcleary1981
    Hey, I just wanted to encourage you and give u some information on inexpensive insurance. Check out:
  • rcleary1981
    Her'es the direct link:

    Good Luck and we're here for u.
  • brendabuckeye
    brendabuckeye Posts: 53 Member
    Some hospitals do cheap clinics once in awhile. I am waiting on our local one to happen in March. You still need to take the results to the dr. to get a prescription, but levothyroxine is the generic synthroid and is pretty cheap (I think $10/month for mine, but don't remember for sure). It is cheaper than buying coffee/pop every day to just survive the fatigue. Also check your Vitamin D if you can - that can drag you down, too.