The Over 300 Club



  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    I just had my physical at the doctor and he was so happy with my weight loss. He said it was significant and that I should keep it up. I felt so good about that!
    CONGRATS!! All your work is paying off! Good for you!:drinker:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Morning team. I don't know whats going on, but my weight loss has really kicked in this past few weeks. I think it might be a couple of things, first, more exercise, which is so critical. Second, I think my metabolism is finally geared up to actually burn a little. Even just the last two or three days, I feel so much better! I can get up the stairs much more easily, in fact - everything is easier! So, this week, the scale says I lost 14 lbs!

    Ok, here is what really happened. Remember last week, I lost two pounds and the week before I lost 7 pounds? So, I think my actual weight loss is up around 7 pounds a week, but last week was one of those 5 pound swing weeks. Either that, or this week, it swung the other way. Anyway, I am within 5 pounds of actually being in the Over 300 Club! I will be out of the 400s. I can't tell you how happy I am!

    Have a beautiful, blessed day everyone. We can do this!
  • aur23a
    aur23a Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I hope everyone is having a Fabulous Friday!!
    Kristi, Way to GO!!! That’s so awesome!! I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now. You keep rocking Girl!! And everyone else, there are too many to name Congrats on this weeks weigh in!! Let's keep this going and make great choices during this 3 day weekend!!
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Morning team. I don't know whats going on, but my weight loss has really kicked in this past few weeks. I think it might be a couple of things, first, more exercise, which is so critical. Second, I think my metabolism is finally geared up to actually burn a little. Even just the last two or three days, I feel so much better! I can get up the stairs much more easily, in fact - everything is easier! So, this week, the scale says I lost 14 lbs!

    Ok, here is what really happened. Remember last week, I lost two pounds and the week before I lost 7 pounds? So, I think my actual weight loss is up around 7 pounds a week, but last week was one of those 5 pound swing weeks. Either that, or this week, it swung the other way. Anyway, I am within 5 pounds of actually being in the Over 300 Club! I will be out of the 400s. I can't tell you how happy I am!

    Have a beautiful, blessed day everyone. We can do this!

    Kristi that's GREAT! (In the word of Tony the Tiger :laugh: )

    Hey guys, I think we've discovered the secret of the universe; WALKING! :drinker:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team- I hope everyone is having a great day. I went for my 3 mile walk this morning. I wore shoes that I've had for awhile but hardly ever wear. These darn shoes rubbed the skin off one of my heels. :frown: It hurts ! I don't think I'll be able to do my 2 miles tonight. :frown: I'm going to try 2 pairs of socks and differant shoes and see if I can though. Ughhh- :frown: I peeked at the scale this morning and I'm happy. I don't weigh in until Sunday so my ticker will be updated then. I will do my upper body work today with my resistance band and 5 lb weights. I hope my heel heals quickly. I need to go to a shoe store and have them find the shoes that will fit my feet . This is so frustrating ! Ok team - everyone have a super fantastic day ! Cindy:heart:
  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    Kristi, that's fantastic on your weight loss! You should feel great about yourself. :D

    Ouch Cindy, hope your foot feels better :(

    To everyone else, great job!!!!!

    The past couple of days have been kind of hard... I had a little too much birthday cake... And not enough of the getting off of my butt.

    Tomorrow I work all day, and with the weather being beautiful, it promises to be EXTRA busy, so I'm sure I'll get in a major workout tomorrow.

    When my husband gets off work at 4, I'm going to get my son in the stroller and walk with him a while as he runs (he's going into the army on september 1st, so he has to get in shape..) me? run? I'd pass out.

    Have a FANTASTIC night ladies. You are all such inspirations to me :)
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    Morning team. I don't know whats going on, but my weight loss has really kicked in this past few weeks. I think it might be a couple of things, first, more exercise, which is so critical. Second, I think my metabolism is finally geared up to actually burn a little. Even just the last two or three days, I feel so much better! I can get up the stairs much more easily, in fact - everything is easier! So, this week, the scale says I lost 14 lbs!

    Ok, here is what really happened. Remember last week, I lost two pounds and the week before I lost 7 pounds? So, I think my actual weight loss is up around 7 pounds a week, but last week was one of those 5 pound swing weeks. Either that, or this week, it swung the other way. Anyway, I am within 5 pounds of actually being in the Over 300 Club! I will be out of the 400s. I can't tell you how happy I am!

    Have a beautiful, blessed day everyone. We can do this!

    Kristi that is FANTASTIC!! Good for you!!! have a great weekend!
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for your sweet words of encouragement and was better...although I had a mini-binge at work due to boredom...I went to the gym and (hopefully) undid all of that damage...tomorrow should be good because I will be busy...I will let you all know.

    Thanks again for this thread...I love reading the posts, and while I don't post as much as I'd like, I want you all to know that you are doing great and I am so thankful to have found this thread!
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    stillkristi congrats on the loss You did great time for a happy dance:happy:
    Cindy I hope your feet feel better I have the same problem I hate buying shoe's I can never find one's that make my feet feel good. :huh:
    I also have to thank everyone here it is so nice to have all of you to talk to and have such wonderful people who know right where it's at. you are all true blessing's:flowerforyou:
    everyone have a great night
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    Congrats Kristi you're doing an amazing job on losing weight :drinker: everytime I turn around you've lost more weight that's awesome

    I got up this morning, jumped on the scale and I am down 3 pounds this week awesome and down another inch around my waist :drinker: I'm so happy :drinker:

    Everytime I raise my calories and eat I find I lose more waight that week cannot figure thats including all my exercise cals and plus some really weird
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team, I hope everyone is having a great day ! It's raining here right now. My heel feels a bit better. Thanks to everyone for the get better wishes. :flowerforyou: I think I'll have to take a break from walking today. I'll do my strenghth training though. I think I can ride my bike tomorrow and walk again on Monday. This is kinda freaking me out a bit ! I weigh in tomorrow. We ate at Kracker Barel last night and I had a grilled chicken salad without the cheese and croutons. I dipped in fat free ranch. :smile: I was not even tempted to eat the onion rings that were on the table or order anything unhealthy. This truly is a lifestyle change for me. :heart: I managed to hobble around the mall to get my dd a Nintendo DSI. She finished 4th grade yesterday. The DSI was her end of year prize for doing so well. In past years it was a trip to build a bear . Hugh - now that she's 10 things are a changing . :smile: Ohhh I was walking through Ross and decided to look at jeans. I purchased 2 pair of size 24 jeans. and 2 shirts size 20-22. Ok I came home and everything fits beautifully !!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: When I started this lifestyle change I was wearing a tight 28. Wohooooo.... I love it !!!! I stocked up on fresh fruits and veggies at Sams club . I love my veggies ! Ok team - everyone have a great day ! Someone please walk a few miles for me . :smile: ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team-- I'm going nuts!!!!!! Not being able to go outside and get my miles in is driving me crazy !!! I am going to try to do my walk away the pounds 3 mile workout barefoot. I might not burn as many calories but at least it's something. :smile: I hope it works out and I can do it until my heel gets better. I hope everyone is enjoying their day ! ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi guys, Well I did my 3 mile watp workout. I feel sooo much better now ! I did it barefoot and it did not bother my heel at all. :smile: I burned about 50 less calories than usual doing it barefoot and I was being careful not to hurt my heel. I can live with that though! I'll do the watp workout until I can walk again. :smile: I will also strength train and ride my bike if I can. Cindy :heart:
  • well This week has been great...I have stuck to my meal plan religously and have excersised for an hour everyday this I did 2 and a half hours...I went to the gym for the first 45 minutes and then the rest I walked with my family around our kids have really been looking out for me..My daughter only being 7 has really been a big help to me..the other day we were at the store and I was looking in the ice cream section (not the weight watchers either) and my daughter was like come on mommy were not aloud to have this stuff lets go look for something we can have....I was astonished because ice cream is her favorite food.....that inspired me to just walk when I even think about eating something I shouldnt have I think of that day in the store and what she said....then I have just been walking away....its helped alot this week
  • oh and ive lost 8 pounds
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    oh and ive lost 8 pounds

    Yay! :drinker:

    I went about 500 cals over my 1910 limit, but I feel good about it because I did my mile and a half walk before breakfast, rode my recumbant bike for half an hour, and got our little garden put in after supper. I say little garden; it was over an hour of serious sweating! But we'll have all the fresh tomatoes, peppers and zucchini we can eat in a month or so. I love summer!

    So, bottom line, I still have over 800 leftover exercise cals that I'm not touching.

    Here's to everyone getting up tomorrow and starting again! :drinker:
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    oh and ive lost 8 pounds

    Yay! :drinker:

    I went about 500 cals over my 1910 limit, but I feel good about it because I did my mile and a half walk before breakfast, rode my recumbant bike for half an hour, and got our little garden put in after supper. I say little garden; it was over an hour of serious sweating! But we'll have all the fresh tomatoes, peppers and zucchini we can eat in a month or so. I love summer!

    So, bottom line, I still have over 800 leftover exercise cals that I'm not touching.

    Here's to everyone getting up tomorrow and starting again! :drinker:

    Can I make a suggestion, 800 cals left over is a big gap and even if you did eat your net cals your still not getting enough to eat. If you want to lose it you have to consume it. There is just no two ways about it. The metabolism will begin to slow down with that large of a gap making weight lose almost impossible at one point. The body will begin to eat lean muscle mass leaving the fat behind. I would eat at least 600 out of 800 cals.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Can I make a suggestion, 800 cals left over is a big gap and even if you did eat your net cals your still not getting enough to eat. If you want to lose it you have to consume it. There is just no two ways about it. The metabolism will begin to slow down with that large of a gap making weight lose almost impossible at one point. The body will begin to eat lean muscle mass leaving the fat behind. I would eat at least 600 out of 800 cals.

    Falcon, for the most part, I agree with you, however, I have found from experience, and have seen posts by SHBoss (aka Banks) that when we are obese, the rules change a little. Our need to eat all those calories is not quite the same, because we have SO MUCH stored energy (aka fat). As we get closer to goal weight, and have less stored fat, it becomes more important to eat all our calories. For us, the main thing is eating small meals at 2-3 hour intervals so we keep the metabolism burning, and so we don't get too hungry, and then binge. If we slow down our weight loss, its prolly time to up the calories a bit.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Yes, I agree with Falcon, too, but the problem I have is when I eat all those calories, I stop losing! So I'm sort of doing an experiment, seeing if I can find that sweet spot of how many to eat and how many to leave. I don't know if it means anything, but contrary to the way I usually am, I'm not feeling hunger, and I'm not having uncontrollable cravings! I have been concerned that that is a big gap... I also worry though that I may not be burning as much as the calulator says I am... I don't currently have an hrm. Trial and error, I suppose.

    Y'all have a great day!
  • Tyravis
    Tyravis Posts: 37
    :smile: Hello everyone, it looks like a lot of you are doing great even with a little pain but you no what they say "no pain no gain" and for us that means increased workouts and more weight loss. Good job!
    As for myself MFP just told i have hit a mile stone and it shows. I am now running around with my kids more and keeping up in fact me and my nine year old had a relay race and i won. I was winded but it felt good to move my "lard butt" as it where. Anyway i am so excited we are in support of each other and the progress shows.
    Have a great Memorial weekend and I'll talk to you later.:smokin: