Depression & Diet are a bad combo

I have been low since Sat. Not making my calorie goal and no energy/motivation to work out. I had just started Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 and was love n it. My body was finally no longer sore. Then this hit. I am just idea how to come back up.


  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I'll start with, I don't have depression. But, I know many people who suffer thru it. It's a horrible monster of a disease. That's what people have to remember, it's still a disease and needs treatment.

    I don't know what you have tried in the past. So, it's hard to know what advice to give. But, I have have to stay fight hard!! Be proactive. People can die from the disease like any other.

    Good Luck!!
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    We have all been there so don't feel lonely. Its very hard to find reasons to be happy when depressed-I know this for sure but there are reasons. Sometimes when i get super sad I turn on the fastest song I can find and just start flopping around next thing I know I'm smiling and laughing at myself. Hope you feel better soon! And don't forget that we all have a true friend who is always willing to listen and truely cares.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Oooo, I forgot to mention have you had a screening for thyroid, B-12, hormone levels, etc. It could easily be something treatable in that regard.
  • Loudmom01
    Loudmom01 Posts: 131 Member
    Thank you. Right now I am not trying much. I just lock myself in my room and wallow in my misery. Not the most proactive way to change. Just feel stuck and unsure how to pull myself up by my bootstraps. Every time I try to something else happens and I am back in my room with my blackout shades and king size bed.

    I will try music, dance around, and laugh. Sounds like fun.
  • Loudmom01
    Loudmom01 Posts: 131 Member
    Oooo, I forgot to mention have you had a screening for thyroid, B-12, hormone levels, etc. It could easily be something treatable in that regard.

    I recently had a full series of test ran on my blood. Except for low Good Cholestorol I am ok. So its all in my head :frown:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    You might have a chemical imbalance which is not possible to do bloodwork and test. It, is then, done by trial and error with anti-depressents.

    You can try a supplement that was recommended by my daughter's psychiatrist...B-Stress Comples sold at Walgreens...the B vitamins are good the nervous system.

    I know, I know, we all want to be strong and not take pills. But, sometimes, that's just the way it is.

    Start my calling a making a urgent deserve it
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Oooo, I forgot to mention have you had a screening for thyroid, B-12, hormone levels, etc. It could easily be something treatable in that regard.

    I recently had a full series of test ran on my blood. Except for low Good Cholestorol I am ok. So its all in my head :frown:

    That's the same as it was for me....I was on antidepressants for a little over a year. Helped tremendously. I promised myself to never let myself get that low again. Easier said than done.

    Please take care of yourself. Seek help if you can't pull yourself out of this soon.
  • fancydancyme
    I suffer from depression and it is usually worse in the winter for me. I've struggled with it all my life and am on medication for it. I finally have a GOOD primary care doctor who is compassionate towards me and truly cares as to whether I'm feeling good or not. I've dealt with too many doctors who don't seem to care. I also have fibromyalgia so I deal with chronic pain. (and to add to all this my daughter passed away just over a year ago following an extremely long illness and it is so hard to move forward - I was her primary care giver) I've seen several therapists over the years who have come into our home to help my daughter and my husband and I deal with her chronic illnesses. Sooo... over the years I've learned a little about depression and anxiety.

    So here's my advice (and you can take it or leave it - I am not a licensed professional but am a very experience mom)

    1.make sure you have a good doctor and then tell him or her what you are going through. Like nisijam5 said... it's a disease and you should seek treatment if it lasts more than a couple of weeks.

    2.Try to get some type of exercise even if it's not as much as you were doing before. I am personally bad at this but I've been told by many medical professionals who tell me that exercising will do your body good as well as your emotional status. I know I feel better emotionally when I do at least a little bit of exercise... so I'm going to go and do something - even if it's walking in place - right after I finish here. Sometimes when I reach out to others I find my own answers... don't you? :)

    3.Try to get enough sleep. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO bad at this. My sleep schedule was really messed up because as my daughters illnesses progressed so did her anxiety so I would be up all night sometimes helping her and sleep during the day... or I would get 2 or 3 hours here and there... not sleeping more than 4 hours at a time. I am emotionally stuck in that schedule so I need to set a regular time to go to sleep and to get up.

    4.My wonderful doctor gave me this advice just last week. I guess I must be emotionally fighting it because I haven't forced myself to do it... but I am doing so tonight. She also told me that I need to schedule my exercise and since my fibromyalgia and pain is so bad right now that I should only walk and not over-do it. And the last thing I need to schedule is time for myself - doing something I enjoy.

    Most of what I just told you is what my doctor and I talked about last week. I guess you received a free doctor's visit. LOL

    I hope that some of this advice helps you - and that you know that you aren't alone. I'm really having a hard time getting myself back into the losing weight mode. Feel free to befriend me if you like. I hope you get to feeling better. Depression stinks!
  • Linnypoo
    I totally understand how you feel. Depression runs in my family. I will say that I've had more success w/diet and exercise than on any med. And I've tried lots! If you are an emotional eater than dieting and being depressed is SO hard! Often times what we least feel like doing is what would be best for us. So when you feel like locking yourself in your room...go for a walk. Just a slow relaxing walk. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that you deserve this alone time! Also sometimes I just need a snack. Try to find some healthier snack options for a little pick-me-up. Good luck!
  • passion4purple
    passion4purple Posts: 9 Member
    thank u ladies for all your posts, I read some very good ideas and I appreciated your words
  • Kimberly_SoCal
    I'm right there with you. Have suffered with depression and anxiety most of my life. I see a cognitive-behavioral therapist weekly (basically she works on how our thoughts shape our feelings and behavior). I am also still on medication for the depression. I tried once to come off it but I reacted so badly that I needed to go back on. I'm soooooo slacking in the exercise department! I had a YMCA membership that I wasn't using, so I canceled it. I went through my shelves and found that I had 2 of Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds videos from way back, so I bought the 5 Mile Walk DVD and 2 lb. weights at Target a few days ago. My therapist (and psychiatrist, and mom!) tell me that the best thing I could do for my depression is to work out. It really does help the emotional as well as the physical side of you. Even a walk up and down the block would get some endorphins kicking into gear. Because I'm pretty much of a loner, my therapist wants me to sign up for a gym or go back to the Y so I can get out and be social. If you don't have any quick/easy workout DVDs, can you march in place for ten minutes, or walk some laps around your house or backyard? Easy to do, don't have to go out, but still getting the exercise "rush" and feeling that at least you exercised.

    Going back on meds if your brain really needs it isn't a weak or "bad" thing... I encourage you to either see your primary or find a psychiatrist/therapist that you can see. Good luck to you.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Oooo, I forgot to mention have you had a screening for thyroid, B-12, hormone levels, etc. It could easily be something treatable in that regard.

    I recently had a full series of test ran on my blood. Except for low Good Cholestorol I am ok. So its all in my head :frown:

    It is NOT all in your head. I have suffered from depression since I can remember. I have been hospitalized for suicidal ideation as well. It is not an imaginary thing, depression really does make you suffer and it's not just a "get off your butt and move" or "it's just the blues get over it" kind of illness. It is REAL and those don't suffer from it can never imagine how difficult it is to live with. I know exactly where you are coming from. I still battle my depression everyday but I have learned to deal with it better over the years, even though I still have days I just can't get out of bed. Don't let it stop you from trying to lose weight. I have been doing pretty good, even with some really terrible depression days. One thing I have been utilizing to try and help me with depression that isn't some RX medication is 5htp. It is a great tool to help boost seratonin levels in the brain. However, make sure you talk to a doctor and make sure it won't interfere with other medications you might be taking. It has done a tremendous amount for me in my moods. It's not 100% but it's still a very very big difference. I really hope you feel better. It's funny because I thought about posting a topic like this recently but i didn't. If you need a friend let me know :)
  • Loudmom01
    Loudmom01 Posts: 131 Member
    Thank you all so much. I do have 3 DVDs that I like. Am currently trying to get into Ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels. I did 3 days before I got down. So tomorrow I will get back into it because as you all have said exercise will help.
  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for posting, this is just how I am feeling today.Not been sleeping so well for weeks now, I seem to wake every 2 hours, and I have lost interest in everything that used to make me happy. I will try my 30 day shred to see if exercise will help pull myself out of it. Ive seen my doctor and Im not depressed as such, but have some things on my mind and self esteem is low at the moment. Hope you have a better afternoon.
  • fancydancyme
    Oooo, I forgot to mention have you had a screening for thyroid, B-12, hormone levels, etc. It could easily be something treatable in that regard.

    I recently had a full series of test ran on my blood. Except for low Good Cholestorol I am ok. So its all in my head :frown:

    I hate that quote "It's all in your head" because it's demeaning. Just because you don't have a thyroid problem or other medical problem doesn't mean you don't need treatment and that it's not important.
    I've suffered from depression my whole life and like you, it's worse in the winter. It's actually quite common to have worse depression during the winter months. I am on medication and I see a therapist. I've been on medication for years and boy does it help! I don't ever want to get into that deep dark hole of depression ever again! I understand how hard it is to even believe that there is hope, but there is. Please consider going to your doctor and talking about your depression... maybe even go to a psychiatrist. I started going to a therapist after my daughter died in 2010 and it has really been helpful.

    Hang in there! NEVER give up! <3
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    There are SO so so many people right there with you. The amount of people who suffer from depression is HUGE. It runs in my family and I've been feeling down too. I started overeating, quit logging, and quit working out. BUT....I'm back on track now. Reaching out and asking for help is a great place to start. Always talk with your primary care provider and if you don't feel you are being heard, find another provider. Take care of you. Eat right and exercise. It will help you feel better. Easier said than done. Believe me, I know. But I also know that it does help.