Stress eater seeking HELP!!!!

How did you over-come your stress eating? I am a HUGE stress eater. Today at work, just thinking about cleaning my trashed house, doing my sink load of dishes, getting the kids fed, bathed and in bed I started hunting around my office fore snacks. When I got home, I grazed while cooking dinner. Are you a stress eater too? If so, how did you beat it?


  • nenar77
    nenar77 Posts: 21 Member
    I saw a neat idea on Dr. Oz. It was recommended to eat a couple bites of a snack with some fat. Me, I'll take a couple tsp of peanut butter. When your stomach identifies the fat, it sends a "full" signal to the brain. I has really worked for me. I don't have a full feeling but a content feeling. Best wishes!
  • Coachcritty
    Coachcritty Posts: 17 Member
    Keep healthy snacks instead of junkie stuff. I keep TONS of fruit and veggies on hand for when I'm feeling emotional. Good luck to you...I feel your pain (from one emotional eater to another)!
  • DoxieMama70
    DoxieMama70 Posts: 92 Member
    Same here, I am a stress eater. Logging everything I eat has helped tremendously. It was very surprising to me how much I was actually eating, seeing those numbers helps a lot. At least it did for me :)

    Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend. Fairly new here and looking for friends/support!
  • I am also a huge stress eater. I had a pretty rough day today as well. Some things that help me are drinking lots of water. When I feel like I want to eat I grab a bottle of water instead. I also find planning my day helps. I usually put in my main meals at the beginning of the day and then when those moments hit I know what calories I still have. Sometimes you really need that snack so find things that will satisfy you but low calories- I like jello 60 calorie sugar free puddings and mousse. I never thought I would and they are actually really good. Hope that helps.
  • scriehl
    scriehl Posts: 94 Member
    I totally get where you are coming from. I am an emotional eater. I don't believe one ever overcomes emotional eating. I think you really have to take it one day at a time. If you fall off the wagon one day, don't crucify yourself. Get right back on the next day. It is a constant battle but it's worth fighting. Just make sure to have the right weapons and tools to use. I like to have lots of fruit and veggies on hand as well as raw almonds for a protein kick. Good luck to you!
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    A few ways...I started carrying healthy snacks with me EVERYWHERE I go as well as have a bottle of water readily at hand, AND I increased my exercise and kept busy. That gives me less time to think about food. I always carry raw organic Almonds and Kale Chips as my two favorite snacks. About 25 almonds or 1/4 cup is about 170 calories so it is higher in calories and fats then most other snacks but they fill me up so I end up eating less during meal time. Another trick is to take some time our for yourself. MAKE THE TIME! Trust me, you need it! Get a massage, a facial, or a pedicure! I get acupuncture and see my chiropractor once a week! It makes a HUGE difference on my stress levels and appetite! You could also try to do a craft when you are stressed and at home!
    I used to scrap book, make bracelets, and read magazines and it really helps.
  • ts1122
    ts1122 Posts: 99 Member
    I invested in decaf black peach tea... it's sweet and I reserve it for just those times when I'm stressed out and really want to snack and graze. It gets me past my cravings without adding many calories (If any).
  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    I've always been a stress eater. I try to find alternatives that aren't so high in calories and fat but are still satisfying. Today I felt like meatloaf and potatoes. So instead of using super fatty meat, I used 93% lean meat and oven roasted potatoes instead of mashed potatoes, butter and gravy. When I want something sweet I will have either fat free pudding with light whip cream or a toasted wheat english muffin with low fat pb and reduced sugar jelly. When I know I shouldn't be eating, I will drink lots of water or have a hot cup of tea and walk away from the kitchen. I'll go online, read a book, etc. to get my mind off food. I hope this helps a little. Best of luck!
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    When I started to drink water as my main drinking item and gave up my diet Snapple tea I found that I stopped eating so much. I felt very full. At first I wasnt enjoying the water... but I must have turned the corner because that problem went away.

    I have lost 18lbs since Nov 2011 and love water now.

    I wish you luck on seeking what works for YOU.

  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Cut out the coffee! If I'm stressed, that sends me through the roof, and it makes me hungrier. Then I crash and it makes me want more coffee, and hence enhances my stress again, and makes me want more food again! A lot of people have this reaction, whether they realize it or not.

    Drink tea. Tea has calming effects, and it lets you get some satisfaction without many calories (Zero for herb teas, then black teas only need a teaspoon or two of sugar, 10-28 calories, depending, plus a little milk, around 10 calories). Have different types around and then you get the satisfaction of choosing without having to resort to higher calorie things.

    The jello and pudding are also great ideas.
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    oh yea..... eat more protein to feel fuller too! :happy:
  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    I am new to this site, just started it seriously two days ago. It is a great question about stress eating, I too do the same thing! I just bought myself lots of frozen vegetables to cook up when i come home from a stressful long day and want to stuff my face.....I am hoping that will help, luckily I love vegetables. Good luck to you!
  • mkath4
    mkath4 Posts: 85 Member
    I am a stress eater a well. I gained 17 pounds in a year worring about a health issue with my son. Thankfully, he is doing well, and I am finally 7 pounds lighter. When I get stress, I just eat and eat and eat. I am now looking for healthy, low cal snacks.The main problem is that eating fruit and veggies when stressed does not help me. Healthy yes, but I need more. I just recently bought Veggie Sticks. They are kind of like a potato chip in a stick form. 38 sticks for just 130 calories. I like the crunch they have. Bought mine at Sam's Club. They have Veggies Chips at Costco. (made from carrot and spinach powder) Doesn't sound the best said like that, but they are a treat. EVen my kids like them.
  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    I love vegesticks! Just had them today! :-)
  • chrissyKar
    chrissyKar Posts: 98 Member
    I have had problems with stress eating from way back! I know how hard it can be to change it.

    finding other ways to manage stress is what has helped me :smile: doing something relaxing each day to unwind is important.
    Also house work management use to stress me out heaps but I kind of follow the advice on and its been getting heaps easier ! A lot of it starts in your mind and for me its all about having a more positive attitude.

    I find that low joule jelly helps me for some reason ! its really low calorie and its go heaps of water in it :happy:

    I also have to make sure I eat regular meals as if I havent eaten enough during the day I would eat too much at night :ohwell:

    Oh and there is a Dr Phil book that is really good about managing the emotional side of weight loss called 7 Keys to weightloss. It is excellent. I think I need to go back and read it again ! has a section on emotional eating

    See for more info:

    Oh and EXERCISE is sooooo good to help with stress! even when I am tired and not feeling like it at all it really helps

  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    I have a hot cup of tea. It's just warm enough to satisfy me a bit, or at least distract me from eating. By the time I'm done with the tea I don't feel that urge to binge anymore.
  • mmoyer1978
    mmoyer1978 Posts: 124 Member
    Thank you all for the great suggestions. Today is another day. It doesn't help me much that mu husband, who was doing this along side me, has been battling depression and therefore not really dieting or working out. In the beginning, I was competing with him. I have a very competitive nature and was constantly trying to beat him, work out longer, eat fewer calories and lose more weight than him. Since he's been on a hiatus of sorts, it's harder for me because I don't have the competition driving me. But I am NOT going back to where I was. I'm going to try out all some of these great suggestions and try, try again.