
With all the weight loss pill comercials and sales lately I have been going crazy:explode: :explode: . I know these do not work and I was explaining this my cousin last night and he agreed and said that it is becuase they dont work since the ephedrine is taken out. Is this true? So if someone took ephedrine they would lose weight? I am just curious what it is since I just now found out it existed :laugh: :laugh:


  • samanthar83
    As far as I know Ephedrine is now illegal. Yes, it does make you lose weight, it is basically speed. Years ago I took Metabolife when it still contained ephedrine and it was awful! I felt so jittery all the time but I lost weight.
  • fink21061
    fink21061 Posts: 53 Member
    Years ago there was a perscription phen phen. Yes it worked great but the fda yanked it. You cant get it now. But it was wonderful.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Ephedrine by itself doesn't really enhance fat loss. Only combined with caffeine was it found to enhance fat loss in peer reviewed studies.

    But it can be dangerous if abused and that was why it was taken off the market in the form of diet pills.
  • salmasy
    salmasy Posts: 15
    ephedrine is just another name for adrenaline, that stuff that is secreted by the adrenal glands in response to fast movement or fear in order to quickly boost the body into energetic mode so you have the energy to run the **** away from animals that used to eat us back when we were evolving.
    faster energy production = more calories burnt.

    so yes adrenaline works to burn calories.
    even more so if you split a workout into two, the first part for the natural adrenaline to start and then the second main part you do after injecting yourself with ephedrine.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    With all the weight loss pill comercials and sales lately I have been going crazy:explode: :explode: . I know these do not work and I was explaining this my cousin last night and he agreed and said that it is becuase they dont work since the ephedrine is taken out. Is this true? So if someone took ephedrine they would lose weight? I am just curious what it is since I just now found out it existed :laugh: :laugh:

    The ephedrine and caffeine stack is an effective tool to help with weight loss, however it isn't some magic pill that can beat a bad diet. And of course all supplements carry certain risks in using them.
  • jamezyjamez
    Man...ECA (ephedrine, caff, aspirin) was the rage back in the day.

    Pretty sure ephedrine is an ingredient in meth production as well which is another reason it's now more controlled.
  • SummerFun2011
    He mentioned that people thought that if the took more than they would lose more weight and died. Which I can see why they took it out! Dumb people i guess :laugh: :laugh: But if you take the ephedrine and caffiene you would lose more eating the same calories? Or what does it do that makes it so god?
  • KEMerriman
    they took the ephedrine out because it isn't any good for you. Yes you can lose weight with it but it is not a good way to do it. Here are a couple of website that discuss it




    While this might sounds like a good idea it can have some serious side effects. Hope this helps!
  • eashelton53
    eashelton53 Posts: 55 Member
    This is true, When I was in the Army my weight loss peaked at 200. I purchased Metabo Life that had Ephedrine in it and with into 2 weeks I dropped down to 185 solid. My BMI was 11% I had to take it after workouts though because taking it before workouts made my heart pump way too fast and making me feel like I was going to pass out.

    I later heard of a baseball picture dying from an enlarged heart that was caused by Ephedrine so I stopped taking it. After I got out of the Army I gained weight and tried taking the Ephedrine free Metabo Life and it was a waist of time and money. it didn't work.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    ECA is effective, but as mentioned, it does have some risk, be smart and listen to your body if you do take it
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    ephedrine is a stimulant, as well as appetite suppressent. It does other things as well. It is dangerous because it causes increase in blood pressure and fast heart rate, which can lead to basically a heart attack.

    It worked for fat loss yes, since it stimulated thermogensis of adipose tissue. And yes, now it is illegal to use it in diet supplements. it is still allowed to be used in inhalers, cold medicines and allergy meds. ps..yes it is used in meth production. that is why you need to show your license/id to buy sudafed at the pharmacy.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    ECA is effective, but as mentioned, it does have some risk, be smart and listen to your body if you do take it

    Exactly! And don't take it at 10 pm :P
  • fink21061
    fink21061 Posts: 53 Member
    phen phen was basically a speed. If you took it you could not sit still. So you would really work out and lose weight. Some dumb people thought if you took more you would lose more. But you did not. It just made your heart race more and you could have a heart attack. My friend lost about 70lbs on that. But she would also spend all hours of the night cleaning her house every night top to bottom
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Ephedrine is an appetite suppressor so technically the answer is yes, if you took enough of it for long enough. However, the biggest question is would you take meth to lose weight? Meth can be made from ephedrine (which is why medication like Sudafed is locked up behind the pharmacist counter). If you wouldn't be a crackhead, don't use ephedrine for weight loss. :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    ephedrine is a stimulant, as well as appetite suppressent. It does other things as well. It is dangerous because it causes increase in blood pressure and fast heart rate, which can lead to basically a heart attack.

    It worked for fat loss yes, since it stimulated thermogensis of adipose tissue. And yes, now it is illegal to use it in diet supplements. it is still allowed to be used in inhalers, cold medicines and allergy meds. ps..yes it is used in meth production. that is why you need to show your license/id to buy sudafed at the pharmacy.

    Interestingly enough...

    Breum L, Pedersen JK, Ahlstrom F, and Frimodt-Moller J. "Comparison of an ephedrine/caffeine combination and dexfenfluramine in the treatment of obesity. A double-blind multi-centre trial in general practice." Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1994 Feb, 18(2):99-103

    "During the last two years defined doses daily more than 9.6 million of the EC combination have been used in Denmark, but only 86 adverse drug reactions have been reported to the health authorities, of which none were cases of gastrointestinal bleeding or other kinds of haemorrhagic episodes . . . Both diastolic and systolic BP declined during treatment with both drugs"
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    If you want to try a weight loss pill that helps, I wouldn't try any that are over the counter. There are a few you can get prescribed if you are desperate that will boost your energy and lower your appetite but they are highly addictive so most doctors don't prescribe them and they are only to help you get a jump start on your diet, they are not a long term solution and if your eating habits don't change, it's pointless to use them for short term and then gain the weight back so they are for when you exercise, eat right, and just need help curbing your appetite while you get used to your new eating plan. The one I know of is adipex. I have never tried it so I can't give you a review but my uncle is a doctor and has told me they work for some people. My Doctor here wouldn't write a script for me, and now I'm glad he didn't because I found out my thyroid wasn't working right and as soon as I started taking supplements, I had energy and naturally, with a change in diet, and increased exercise, I feel better.
  • chicago_dad
    as others have mentioned, ephedrine, caffeine, and synephedrine are central nervous stimulants. They speed everything up in your central nervous system. This can produce *short term* side-effects such as alertness, increased energy, heart palpitations, and decreased appetite. These effects diminish and one needs greater quantities to feel any effects. There are significant long-term risks associated with using these things in doses needed to see long-term weight loss. Avoid them.

    Caffein in coffee is good though, taken in the right amounts.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Ephedra is a natural herbal product. Like cocaine and nicotine, you know.

    If it worked, it wouldn't be the 21st century and the world is still having trouble losing weight. People would have been using it all along. It is closely related to amphetamines, sudafed, neo-synephrine, etc.

    It gives you a dry mouth, so food tastes crappy. You lose interest in your usual high fat foods, but you also lose interest in a lot of nourishing foods. If you don't change your eating habits, you'll just switch to sodas and juices and regain the weight.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I agree, it's no magic pill, has risks and is a tool to aid in your losses. Although it's no longer in supplements in the U.S, you can legally import 3.5g per month from Canadian pharmacy's. 3.5g is quite a bit if you're cylcing it and taking a total of 50mg per day.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    As far as I know Ephedrine is now illegal. Yes, it does make you lose weight, it is basically speed. Years ago I took Metabolife when it still contained ephedrine and it was awful! I felt so jittery all the time but I lost weight.

    It's not illegal. If that were the case you wouldn't be able to buy certain medications over the counter.