What do you guys think of my diet & exercise plan?

I need to lose around 80 pounds in about 8 months. Is this possible? I eat around 1,200 - 1,500 calories a day. I vary how much calories I take in so my body doesn't get used to a specific amount. I do 3 workout DVDs: Biggest Loser Cardio Max (400 calories burned) Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack (300 calories burned) & Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs (300 calories burned) daily for a total of 1000 burned a day. My BMR is 1,700 btw.

Foods I eat are usually:
Breakfast either Special K cereal or Oatmeal
Lunch would be a turkey or tuna sandwhich on wheat bread
Snack would be fresh fruit or pretzels (2 snacks a day)
Dinner would be fish or chicken, brown rice & vegetables.

I eat every 3 - 4 hours.

Anything I should change? Thanks. I'm new to this site & just started this diet. Have already lost 5 pounds within a week!(:


  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Hi - welcome to MFP

    That sounds like a lot of calories burned compared to how many you have eaten. Is 1200-500 a day the amount suggested by MFP? If so you might want to consider eating back a few of your exercise calories to make sure you keep your body fully fuelled to continue those intense workouts.

    Remember - you need to be able to stick to the plan for a long time, so what seems strict but doable now could seem like torture in a few weeks. Don't cut back too much, and you will still see steady losses.
  • nsnyeahh
    nsnyeahh Posts: 33 Member
    They suggest 1,200 calories for me. But in my Jillian Michaels book, I had to find my weekly total & divide it up to different amounts for each day so my body doesn't plateau. How many calories should I burn in a day?

    Thanks for the advice!(:
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    If you have your settings in MFP set at sedentary then it will be suggesting you eat 1200 calories a day PLUS however much your burn. So in your case it would be about 2000 - assuming you are correct on your calorie burn. (You can find this by using a Heart Rate monitor, or the estimates on MFP, but I find these a bit high and recommend counting about 75% of these)

    It sounds like a lot of food, but with 3 DVDs a day you will need it. You might not want to eat exercise calories back 100% but lots of people on here can tell you about the benefits and it will help your weight loss in the long term
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,301 Member
    Looks very ambitious, but you should have a good outcome. Might not want to avoid treats, altogether. In my experience, depriving myself of chocolate leads to a binge. Not everyone is like that, I know.

    Are you includIng a small amount of healthy oil, from olive, canola or nuts? the best of luck to you in your efforts.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I need to lose around 80 pounds in about 8 months. Is this possible? I eat around 1,200 - 1,500 calories a day. I vary how much calories I take in so my body doesn't get used to a specific amount. I do 3 workout DVDs: Biggest Loser Cardio Max (400 calories burned) Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack (300 calories burned) & Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs (300 calories burned) daily for a total of 1000 burned a day. My BMR is 1,700 btw.

    Foods I eat are usually:
    Breakfast either Special K cereal or Oatmeal
    Lunch would be a turkey or tuna sandwhich on wheat bread
    Snack would be fresh fruit or pretzels (2 snacks a day)
    Dinner would be fish or chicken, brown rice & vegetables.

    I eat every 3 - 4 hours.

    Anything I should change? Thanks. I'm new to this site & just started this diet. Have already lost 5 pounds within a week!(:
    This is a no go - sorry.

    I am not trying to be negative, but you asked for an objective analysis.
    You need twice as long to accomplish this in my opinion. 16 months.

    It's much too restrictive and ivory tower.
    I could never stick to this diet.

    Maybe you have sand that I do not possess, and all I am saying is that this process takes time if you really want to be fit and stay fit for life.

    It's not a race. Good luck to you, and welcome.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    You're looking at 10 lbs per month. I don't see what's impossible about that goal - sounds attainable.

    The exercise will accelerate your progressive but make sure you're cleared with your doctor for the dietary change and exercise combo.

    Stay healthy and good luck.

  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    I think your goal of losing 80lbs in 8 months is a little too high. I'm sure you will be able to lose 10lbs or so per month for the first few months but you won't be able to sustain it and shouldn't try to when you are closer to your goal. 12 to 16 months sounds like a better timeframe.

    I think you eating is a little too restricting to last long term and I don't think you are eating enough for the amount of calories that you are burning. You need to fuel your body properly to get the best results!

    Are you are planning on working out like this 7 days a week?? Your body needs some rest too!

    Don't mean to sound like a negative nelly I wish you all the luck on your journey but I think you should slow it down a bit, it sounds like you are heading for burn out and a pretty bad fall off the wagon! :drinker:
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I need to lose around 80 pounds in about 8 months. Is this possible? I eat around 1,200 - 1,500 calories a day. I vary how much calories I take in so my body doesn't get used to a specific amount. I do 3 workout DVDs: Biggest Loser Cardio Max (400 calories burned) Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack (300 calories burned) & Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs (300 calories burned) daily for a total of 1000 burned a day. My BMR is 1,700 btw.

    Foods I eat are usually:
    Breakfast either Special K cereal or Oatmeal
    Lunch would be a turkey or tuna sandwhich on wheat bread
    Snack would be fresh fruit or pretzels (2 snacks a day)
    Dinner would be fish or chicken, brown rice & vegetables.

    I eat every 3 - 4 hours.

    Anything I should change? Thanks. I'm new to this site & just started this diet. Have already lost 5 pounds within a week!(:

    80 lbs in 8 months is doable, but it's really aggressive goal. Your body doesn't get "used' to a certain calorie intake. Zig zagging is not needed. 2nd, where's youre resistance training in this list? You can't cardio your way down 80 lbs and expect to have a good looking body. It's a recipe for being skinny fat.

    You should aim to eat minually about 100-120g of protein per day to help minimize muscle tissue loss. Mix in some resistance training as well.
  • salmasy
    salmasy Posts: 15
    That diet plan sucks, not nearly enough calories. you should have at least 2500 calories a day, 3000 if you do any form of exercise.
  • I started a 1200 calorie aday meal plan,on December 31st. and I am exercizing everyday burning about 300 to 350 calories aday. I have not lost no weight in 9 days! What is going on! Please help!! Frustrated!
  • scmoore97
    scmoore97 Posts: 5 Member
    80 pounds in 8 months is possible depending on your starting point. If you have little to no muscle tone and are obese that is a realistic although unhealthy goal. Most dieticians would steer you to losing a max of 8 pounds per month. The 1200 calorie diets are generally for health issues caused by obesity. Check with your doctor and a dietician and get their opinion. Obviously I do not know what your situation is that you feel you need to lose 80 pounds so quickly, but weight loss is not about hitting target weights, there is no "get rich quick" plan no matter what informercials want you to believe. It takes a dedicated and disciplined outlook and is not easy. Take your time and do it right, your kidneys and liver will thank you later in life.
  • scmoore97
    scmoore97 Posts: 5 Member
    I started a 1200 calorie aday meal plan,on December 31st. and I am exercizing everyday burning about 300 to 350 calories aday. I have not lost no weight in 9 days! What is going on! Please help!! Frustrated!

    Try bumping up your calories to the 1500-1800 range, your body is possibly being tricked into thinking it is being starved and holding onto its fat stores and resisting burning glycogen. That's one guess. It has also only been a week and a half, if you're not seeing results at the end of the third week consult a physician; there may be a health issue that needs checked for and dealt with.
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Sounds like you have things well under control just keep going and move it to lose it! Good luck to you!
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    could you be building muscle and that is why there is a weight loss, muscle is heavier than fat!
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    You're only netting around 200-500 calories a day. You should be eating back all of the calories you burn.

    1,200 calories eaten - 1,000 calories burned = 200 calories. That's far too little. You should be eating at least 2,200 a day.
    Also, you should be giving your body periods of rest, and start weight lifting if you want to be toned. I work out around four times a week now, but give myself two days of rest so that my muscles can recover and regenerate. Also, it keeps you from getting burnt out or discouraged.

    I'd up what you eat at dinner as well too. Make sure at least half your plate is veggies! :)
  • Daphnemomof9
    Daphnemomof9 Posts: 113 Member
    I don't really want to lose weight as slow as they suggest on this site so I've been looking around for what the healthy route is in all this. I've been working out around three times a day and sticking with around 1200 calories a day as well. I just found this article that I found interesting. I was looking for info on what is too much exercise, but this article seemed to coincide with what we are doing. I'm thinking I'll do this as long as it is working for me and then change it up when it stops working but lose more of the weight up front. I lost 8 pounds last week. I've been drinking a fresh vegetable juice daily to feel more confident with my nutrients as well. Here's the link if you're interested: http://www.webmd.com/diet/guide/lose-weight-fast-how-to-do-it-safely

    Also, which Jillian book were you talking about?

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • mightn
    mightn Posts: 35

    You must read the 4 excellent posts from this link. It will answer all your questions.

    If you follow what they say, you will reach your goal. It explains what you are going through and what you are going to go through, perfectly.

    Good luck.
  • You are KICKING *kitten* BUT, try to do this eat NO CEREAL you can eat Quaker Oats with Splenda or Trivia. you should add an egg or protein drink LOW CARB (Muscle Milk 100% Whey Protein at Costco best price) it comes in a 6lb bag for $39. make sure you eat 2 to 2 1/2 hours after breakfast. try to eat 1/2 cup brown rice or red potato and the protein drink. then eat your lunch which is good, you will get tired of tuna so buy skinless boneless chicken breast most of the time they weigh 6oz per each (cook enough for a week). OH YA buy yourself a digital scale. I bought one at Bed Bath and Beyond (it was the biggest looser one) $29 it weighs to half oz.. The biggest thing you can do and remember is NEVER eat carbs after lunch or 1PM! This I am telling you to remember, you can eat green carbs like broccoli, asparagus and so on (no green beans or Very little) they DON'T count.
    The biggest thing to remember is to make sure to change the way you eat all the time, do high protein for 3-4 day with a pound of green veggies. Then add carbs like red potatoes, wild rice, long grain brown rice, tortillas whole grain 8" these work great for Tuna and lettuce wraps. if you start the high protein (Chicken and Broccoli) first do it for at least 7 days then add the carbs for 4 days (90grams) by lunch. Then go back to the chicken/ broccoli for 3 days and then back to adding carbs. After 3 weeks you can start having protein shakes (water mix) 3 a day for snack 1 is always good before bed time. Do you see what we are doing we are confusing your body so that it will eat the fat that you have stored. When we change the mix like this your body burns and stores what it needs. So remember even when you get to your goal ALWAYS change your protein/carbs> CHANGE IT UP). keep me posted and I will help. Also DRINK a gallon of water every day NO QUESTIONS!!!! I mean it your body needs this almost more than anything. Stay away from as much sodium as you can=====Keep me posted!

    Your bud
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Straight up.................based on your current exercise and eating, plus the fact that 10lbs per month gets harder and harder the smaller you get, I'm going to say no about it being reasonable.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You are KICKING *kitten* BUT, try to do this eat NO CEREAL you can eat Quaker Oats with Splenda or Trivia. you should add an egg or protein drink LOW CARB (Muscle Milk 100% Whey Protein at Costco best price) it comes in a 6lb bag for $39. make sure you eat 2 to 2 1/2 hours after breakfast. try to eat 1/2 cup brown rice or red potato and the protein drink. then eat your lunch which is good, you will get tired of tuna so buy skinless boneless chicken breast most of the time they weigh 6oz per each (cook enough for a week). OH YA buy yourself a digital scale. I bought one at Bed Bath and Beyond (it was the biggest looser one) $29 it weighs to half oz.. The biggest thing you can do and remember is NEVER eat carbs after lunch or 1PM! This I am telling you to remember, you can eat green carbs like broccoli, asparagus and so on (no green beans or Very little) they DON'T count.
    The biggest thing to remember is to make sure to change the way you eat all the time, do high protein for 3-4 day with a pound of green veggies. Then add carbs like red potatoes, wild rice, long grain brown rice, tortillas whole grain 8" these work great for Tuna and lettuce wraps. if you start the high protein (Chicken and Broccoli) first do it for at least 7 days then add the carbs for 4 days (90grams) by lunch. Then go back to the chicken/ broccoli for 3 days and then back to adding carbs. After 3 weeks you can start having protein shakes (water mix) 3 a day for snack 1 is always good before bed time. Do you see what we are doing we are confusing your body so that it will eat the fat that you have stored. When we change the mix like this your body burns and stores what it needs. So remember even when you get to your goal ALWAYS change your protein/carbs> CHANGE IT UP). keep me posted and I will help. Also DRINK a gallon of water every day NO QUESTIONS!!!! I mean it your body needs this almost more than anything. Stay away from as much sodium as you can=====Keep me posted!

    Your bud


    holy moly, that was a load of nonsense. let's see, low carb diets have no metabolic advantage, nor does increased meal frequency, arbitrary cut off time for carbs?, confusing your body?

    OP maintain a consistent caloric deficit while getting in adequate protein and fats, lift heavy things and if you want mix in some cardio. While you may not lose 80lbs in 8 months, if you stick with it you will have really noticeable changes in body composition