Heart rate monitor? Necessary?

So the calories between the gym equipment (I know I don't put in my weight) and MFP are massively different. How do you guys track your exercise, do I need to invest in a hrm or is MFP accurate enough? Not sure which I should be using. Is there a hrm you would recommend to work out the calories, the cost seems to vary massively. Thanks x I am in uk btw x


  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    MFP is far more accurate than the gym equipment, I would say. A heart rate monitor is a nice tool and I love mine, but it's not necessary.
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    Agreed: ^^
  • kwehkweh
    kwehkweh Posts: 70 Member
    I prefer a HR monitor with a chest strap instead of a touch sensor. With the chest strap, it sees when I have a drop in heart rate. With touch, it only sees my HR at the times I touch it. The same goes for the machines at the gym. And if you're going by the calorie counter without a HR monitor attached to it, chances are your calories burned are waaaaay different because machines don't know your fitness level.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    MFP is far more accurate than the gym equipment, I would say. A heart rate monitor is a nice tool and I love mine, but it's not necessary.
    Agreed, it's nice to have but not essential - I've lost weight using MFP or runkeeper calories.
  • Missmaggieann
    Missmaggieann Posts: 68 Member
    I have a polar FT4 and I love it. Although I love my HRM I don't think they are a must. I was losing weight before I got one but find it interesting to track my burn. Get one with a chest strap if you do get one they are more accurate,
  • I started without one and did ok but now that I have one, I would never be without. The equipment and MFP are way over calories actually burned. Now, I can monitor my heart rate and make sure I'm in my fat burning (heart rate) zone AND see really what calories are burned. It is a fun challenge for me. I think it is worth it. I have the Polar FT4 with the chest band (and it sync the exercise equipment up with it at the gym too).
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I prefer a HR monitor with a chest strap instead of a touch sensor. With the chest strap, it sees when I have a drop in heart rate. With touch, it only sees my HR at the times I touch it. The same goes for the machines at the gym. And if you're going by the calorie counter without a HR monitor attached to it, chances are your calories burned are waaaaay different because machines don't know your fitness level.

    Oh, definitely. Don't even bother unless you're getting one with a chest strap. The watch only ones are useless.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    Being very overweight to start with, a concern of mine was if I was overdoing it into a danger zone when I got started. I couldn't afford a HRM right away, but got one after a few months. It's been VERY helpful - now I can tie how I'm feeling with some numbers and have a much better idea when I'm working "in the zone" versus overdoing it. So - required? Not so much - but now I am really glad to have one!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • bex1408
    bex1408 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks everyone :)