P90X - how to tailor to my needs?

Hi all,

Sorry I'm posting about P90X AGAIN, but I'm struggling to understand what I'm supposed to be doing to achieve my personal goals. I'm hoping some clever, clued up people on MFP can tell me what to do!

OK, so the programme is generally aimed at people trying to cut fat and build muscle. It gives you a daily calorie guideline and my goal, usuing their formula, is 1800 cals a day. However, this includes an allowance for calories burnt doing the exercises. They allow an avg of 600 per day. However, using my HRM, I only burn 150-200 on strength training days, and 300-400 on Plyo and Kenpo.

I am wondering if someone can give me insight in to how many calories I should be aiming for considering:

* I am 28 yrs old, female, 51kgs (112lbs), 165cm (5ft 5")
* I supplement P90X workouts with walking, gym classes and other DVDs and have an avg daily calorie burn of 400
* My body fat % was last measured at 14.4% - I need to increase this a little
* I want to build muscle as I look too skinny right now
* I don't want to put on a stack of weight and undo the last 4 years effort!

I am struggling to adhere to the diet plan also - finding it impossible to eat that much protein. I can't afford shakes/ supplements. And considering my goals, what macro ratios should I be eating? It's so confusing..... I have tried looking it all up but there is so much conflicting advice!

Many thanks,



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    boo :-(

    No one can help?
  • Gee45
    Gee45 Posts: 171
    What does MPF give you as a maintenance goal, calorie wise? If I were you I would set myself up at maintenance and eat back exercise calories. That way you can build muscle. Try to make sure your meals have a protein source. Monitor your success and if you start losing any more fat, increase your calories.
    I've read that 40 carb, 30 protein and 30 fats is a good ratio.
    I wouldn't think you need to add to p90x at all. Try to work on form and getting deeper into some moves like squats and lunges. Make sure you are using as heavy weights as you can with good form. On plyo and kenpo, find a way to push yourself harder to get more of a burn. Deeper into the squats, weighted gloves in kenpo, etc.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    That seems sensible, thanks. Sometimes you get caught up in all the literature!
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Yes, I found it hard to go with the recommended amount of protein - 50% at the start, and revised to approx. 40/30/30. Don't be afraid to adjust your macros and see how it goes. I also was set at 1800 and I ate back my cals...had to UP them to 2000, and still going back and forth (I'm 5'5", 132, most days), as I was losing some strength and felt I needed more. I'm doing Insanity cardio on the cardio days, but only 20-25 mins. to avoid any more strength losses. Bottom line, don't be afraid to change things up if you are struggling or too hungry :smile:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thanks, I'm aiming for 40/40/20 in the first stage as I don't need to eat for 'fat shredding'. I'm always having protein cals left over though. Hating that fruit and veg are so carb loaded as I am used to eating them all day!
  • StoryGirl9
    I have never been able to eat the way the nutrition guide suggests as I am a vegetarian, so a lot of my protein comes in the form of legumes, lentils, etc. So, I just count calories and have had results doing that. If you find your energy lacking you could eat a little more, but at your height/weight, you should be fine. Also, are you drinking any sort of recovery drink on strength training days? Something with a 4 carbs/1 protein ratio works well and should help.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    No, I'm not having recovery drinks - then I'll go over on my carbs :-/

    I tend to work out either just before lunch or just before dinner though, so I assume the food will do the same trick. Please correct me if I'm wrong?
  • crewsicka
    crewsicka Posts: 105 Member
    In my opinion... P90X is not really good for building muscle. I did the program to shed fat. If you are set on working out at home.... I would suggest focusing on the workouts like chest and back, bi's and tri's, legs. After your workouts I would take a good protein shake with a big fat scoop of weight gainer in there like Carbo Gain. I wouldn't do the plyometrics, or the cardio cuz that's just gonna burn fat.

    When I'm trying to build muscle and gain weight... I eat about 5000 calories a day. Eat some high calorie stuff.... like a big fat double bacon cheeseburger.