Realistic Goals for 5'9" 195cw 22 year old girl?

Hi everyone,

I'm new and I'm starting to get the hang of things - I've lost about 5 pounds in 2.5 weeks - but I'd like some input about what my goal weight should be. I'm going to grad school in mid-August and I'd like to be in the 160s by then. I am currently 195. I have a medium frame.

Is losing 35 pounds a realistic goal for that time frame?

Currently my net calorie daily is about 1300, I'm supposed to stay at 1200 but I just get too hungry especially right before bed (I'll usually have some cottage cheese or something before bed to fill up a tiny bit). I work out 5-6 days/week, usually 30 min of cardio and 15 min strength training. Should I up my cardio?

Any recommendations? Thank you in advance everyone!


  • Erdfisch
    Erdfisch Posts: 13 Member
    Hi and a warm welcome!

    I'm not an expert, but I'm in a similar weight-range (though male) and I'd say those goals look realistic - you can do this! :)

    Just doing some quick math with your stats, but 1300 net cals (I'd rather say even a bit more) should be fine for you if you want to lose 35 pounds in 7 months, don't get obsessed with those 1200, especially if you go hungry at night and after sports.

    How did your get your goals?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm 5'9 and started out at 180... By August, I had lost a little over 23 pounds... which set me at 157ish.

    I'd personally do more then 15 minutes of strength training.. Cardio is great and all, but strength training is what really packs the weight loss punch.
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member
    Hiya and welcome also.

    I'd say 160lbs is a good goal! I'm also 5'9", medium build and currently 162lbs. I'm just trying to lose a little bit of fat and build muscle but I'm considered a healthy weight and bmi.

    5lbs a month is quite a tricky goal - but achieveable, netting 1200 should be designed for around 2lbs a week but everyone's different. Yeah like the other poster said don't get obsessed with 1200 every time, although I'd try to phase out the habit of eating before bed. As long as you eat a good dinner, you shouldn't need to eat before then - it's most likely psychological. Try green tea instead?
  • alie5612
    hiya i am 5.8 and cw is 153 would just like to lose a little more good luck
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    Thanks for all of your responses and the warm welcome :)

    I am aiming for 160 because I remember being happy with myself when I was around that weight - I was able to do much more physically, had much more energy, and looked better.

    As for the eating before bed thing, I know it's a horrible habit and I don't know why it happens to me but my stomach rumbles and I try to ignore it until I actually begin feeling pain. I try chugging water and tea, and usually that helps for a while, but then my stomach is rumbling again... I've always had this issue and I hate it!
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Re: being hungry before bed: are you eating back your exercise calories? Because that could net you some more, and then perhaps you wouldn't be so hungry before bed!
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    I am eating them back! Yikes!