Who's starting P90X with me?

On Monday my hubby and I are starting P90X! We have done Insanity and ChaLEAN Extreme and now will do P90X! I am excited to start! Is anyone else starting P90X on Monday?


  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    I started on 1/2/12!!!! I'll be one week ahead of you. My first time through. I do alot of Cathe Friedrich rotations, also have done Peak Fit w/ Michelle Dozios (awesome program, BTW!).

    We'll be doing the same workouts for a few weeks though!

  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I want to as the discs have arrived but I am a complete begineer.
    I was trying to find out if the weights I have will be ok or if I need different ones I have 1.5, 3 and 5kg
    and I don't have a chin up bar yet - someone suggested using resistance bands instead, but how to I do
    the fit test at the start without it or is a bar the best option - if so do different ones have different weight limits?
    as if I get one I'd rather get one hubby can use as well if he decides to join me.

    sorry for the questions
  • ill do it with you :) gotta make sure i get off my butt and move, ive been wanting a p90x buddy for a long time, hubby wont do it with me so im more than happy to join you on your journey :)
  • I'm in my second week of p90x. We can encourage each other.
    Check out my blog. at http://myp90xjourney55.blogspot.com/

    This is my second round. I love it!!!
  • I'm starting tomorrow and I can't wait! Good luck everyone!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I am starting another round today. But will be using a weighted vest for the push-ups and pull-ups.
  • bono
    bono Posts: 179 Member
    A group of us started p90x on Dec 26th and are just starting week three. It is great!

    Be prepared to work hard, feel sore and strong! You can bring it!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    My wife and I started on Dec 26 - my second round, her first. So we started week 3 this morning! LOVE P90X, and will be trying P90X2 later this year!

    BRING IT!!
  • jasonmeurer
    jasonmeurer Posts: 16 Member
    I'm on week 2 of the Lean routine. I've done Insanity and parts of Chalean Extreme as supplementation when I needed a shorter workout due to time constraints. This is my second go 'round with with P90X after falling off the bandwagon in 2011. I struggle with push-ups, Chest and Back humbles me every time...hoping to build up to the main schedule after a month of Lean to shed the holiday goo.

    New to calorie counting and can already see the difference that it is going to make. This is the hidden secret IMHO.

    I have not yet accepted the 90 minutes of Yoga, it crosses my mental barrier of 75 minutes of workout time. Therefor, I do the Fountain of Youth Yoga from the One on One series. Working out after 9pm is rough with a standard office job and a 60 minute commute.

    Additionally, I find myself doing Cardio Abs from Insanity instead of ARX. Found a few studies indicating that it is physically better to do abs first, plus it gets over the mental fatigue that you can experience that leads to skipping it altogether.
  • kayla1025
    kayla1025 Posts: 104 Member
    I'll also be on my 2nd week of Lean tomorrow. Ive previously started p90x 3-4 times and have never made it past week 3. Ive also tried Insanity once and got about 2-3weeks into it and then just fall off track. I def like p90x over Insanity. I usually substitute the yoga video with the cardio x or plyometrics..i just very much dislike yoga and have yet to force myself to do it lol.
    Maybe we can be motivation to each other? Do you use a heart rate monitor to track calories burned durring working out? I dont have one and for the cardio advised to categorize it as aerobics and the strength videos as calisthenics...How are you logging it in?
  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    My Husbad is doing it. I have already done it before along with insanity and now Turbo fire/chalean extreme
  • Just started yesterday!
  • AlejaR
    AlejaR Posts: 33
    Meee. Today!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'm starting P90X today! This is my first time doing it. I just finished a Chalean and Turbofire hybrid and am really looking forward to switching it up!
  • I'm starting classic today!
  • dee74
    dee74 Posts: 62 Member
    I just started today. Day one of classic. Chest and back was good ab ripper x was tough
  • Smilee3233
    Smilee3233 Posts: 108 Member
    I started on January 6th! Finished day 4 today.
  • dee74
    dee74 Posts: 62 Member
    I just conquered Plyo. I could do most moves. I had to modify squat jacks and hot foot. I have broken both my feet and both legs in the past so I did not want that much pressure on my legs. My goal is to be able to kep up with the people in video. 88 days to go!
  • jasonmeurer
    jasonmeurer Posts: 16 Member
    I've already done a round and never got to the point of keeping up in Hot Foot. I end up switching every 15 seconds, my foot usually cramps.
  • Webygirl
    Webygirl Posts: 1 Member
    I tried p90x for a week and also loved it. however my friend talked me into joining a boot camp class at a local park, so i decided to stop P90. not sure if that was agood idea.