Newbie wanting friends!

Hi guys! I'm not new to MFP, but I am new to the boards - I usually access MFP via the android app, so can't see the boards :( But now that I know they're here I thought I'd say hi and make some new friends!

I started at Slimming World last week, having previously lost weight doing the Rosemary Conley GI diet but then falling by the wayside and putting it all back on when my class stopped running. I am now heavier than I've ever been (well more than I weighed during either pregnancy) and I've decided enough is enough. I spent all of my 20s fat and miserable, and now that my youngest (an impressionable daughter) is starting to take an interest in appearances and her body, I want to be able to set a healthy example to my family with regards to body image and general lifestyle. My first 'proper' weigh in is tonight and I'm very scared that I've not lost anything and will have let everybody down. Meh!

Anyway, enough rambling from me! Nice to 'meet' you all.

Jess x :flowerforyou:


  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member
    Good luck tonight with your weigh in I am sure you will be fine.

    I started on here a year ago as my daughters were getting order and I was fed up with being fat but wanted to show them that you can loose weight by eating sensible and exercising. I did not want my girls to think that it was ok to yo-yo dieting so my emphasis has been eating healthy meals with plenty of veg and fruit and trying to cut out the rubbish.

    It is working and also it is rubbing off on my daughters as they are now making healthy choices when it comes to snacks, instead of biscuits last night they asked it they could have a pear each which I was more than happy for them to have. I think it does help you to stick to this lifestyle change if you know your decisions have an impact on the others around you.

    Joining this site was the best thing I ever did, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like more friends.
  • gook luck hun with your weigh in tonight :)
  • Welcome. I just joined yesterday. Looking forward to the support. Have a great day.
  • Thanks guys :smile: good luck with your healthy living journeys x