Hi...newbie here!


I am new here, unfortunately not new to the dieting malarky but hoping this will be the last time I ever have to worry about losing weight but just keeping it off instead once I get to target.

Anyway, I'm Yvonne and I live in Scotland with my hubby and 2 gorgeous boys. I'm hoping the advice and tips on these boards will help me along in my journey :) x


  • jdbeckers
    Welcome to MFP Yvonne! I'm also new here, just started yesterday. Feel free to add me if you would like to help motivate one another. Think of it as a new way of life, not a diet. I'm here to teach myself new healthy eating habits and learn about portion control. Hopefully I'll never have to diet again.
  • maby9082
    Hi im Gaby and im new on here!
    All going well so far looking forward to seeing the weight go down! :) x
  • Aretha8
    Hi My name is Aretha and I am new. Just started on the 7th, but what I find helpful is preparing your foods ahead of time. I went on line to look for 1200 cal vegitarian menus to help me with food suggestion that would help me on my journey. Jello makes a 60 cal fat free chocolate pudding that is great, I also found a sugar free jelly thats only 10 cal per table spoon which works great on kellogs wheat waffles that are only 140 cal for 2.