
So, Saturday I was 129.4 and today I get on the scale and I'm 131.1! WTF? Sunday wasn't the best food day but I did exercise and knew that it wouldn't be a good day because of our family gatherings where we eat and drink. I did ok and kept myself to a few lite beers and mostly fresh veggies and some homemade guacamole. Yesterday I ate well. Fresh salads, lots of water and I've gained weight! I'm so frustrated right now. I did an hour of cardio at the gym, walked the dog for an hour and lifted weights. How is it possible I've gained weight after all of that? These are the days that make me want to quit. I'm in need of answers and lots of motivation.


  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    I was seriously about to post the same exact thing. I'm only 5'4, and my starting weight in October was 143. Over the past three months I've lost 5-6 pounds, and yesterday I ate my goal calories, went to the gym to do strength training, and went for a walk. This morning I stepped on the scale to see 141. UM... NOT OKAY!

    I know how you are feeling! It sucks!

    I'm reminded of the song in Finding Nemo: "just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." lol I guess we can only carry on! I know the weight won't come off if I give up now, so nothing else to do but just keep trying!
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    It happens to me all the time. Water weight and foods that take a little more time to digest always seem to throw me for a loop.

    "JUST KEEP SWIMMING!" Ha, but seriously, reflect and change a few things if needed, and move on. you got this!
  • particleastro
    particleastro Posts: 68 Member
    Gaining two or three pounds over a couple of days is nothing to worry about....I can put on seven or eight in a day. Its probably water or glycogen.

  • sgtlittle
    sgtlittle Posts: 258 Member
    It could be due to a large intake of sodium. Drink plenty of water the next couple of days to flush your system out. The extra sodium causes you to retain fluid. The extra water will help with digestion and excretion. I go through those too.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    So, Saturday I was 129.4 and today I get on the scale and I'm 131.1! WTF? Sunday wasn't the best food day but I did exercise and knew that it wouldn't be a good day because of our family gatherings where we eat and drink. I did ok and kept myself to a few lite beers and mostly fresh veggies and some homemade guacamole. Yesterday I ate well. Fresh salads, lots of water and I've gained weight! I'm so frustrated right now. I did an hour of cardio at the gym, walked the dog for an hour and lifted weights. How is it possible I've gained weight after all of that? These are the days that make me want to quit. I'm in need of answers and lots of motivation.

    calm down will you
    your weight will fluctuate daily based on a large number of things.

    You're not always going to lose weight every single day. You didn't gain it overnight, you're not going to lose it overnight. You shouldn't be ready to quit b/c of BASIC health knowledge.

    Settle down.
  • kandire
    kandire Posts: 87
    It's likely just water weight! You can fluctuate quite a bit day to day just from the amount of water your body is retaining. Exercising can also cause some retention so I really wouldn't worry about it too much, it will be gone before you know it.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    There are many reasons for weight fluctuations, including fat, body fluid, and bile. You may have an excess of bile in your system that you did on Saturday, which could account for a higher number on the scale today.
  • BoxingChick
    BoxingChick Posts: 124 Member
    a weight fluctuation of 1-2 pounds does not reflect a weight gain in "fat"....probably just water retention or maybe you need to go to the bathroom or that time of the month is coming....don't worry about it....just keep doing the right thing
  • newCourtney
    newCourtney Posts: 168 Member
    You have to be careful about weighing yourself so often. Hormones (as well as all the other factors mentioned above) can make your weight fluctuate. Bodies are funky things. Just keep doing what you know you are supposed to and weigh again in a couple of days. Your body will regulate itself.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    If you were to actually gain a pound over the weekend you'd have to eat about 3500 calories above your maintenance goal. Like many others have said it's probably water retention. Drink extra water for a couple days and you'll be okay.
  • spoiledbmeg
    dont weight everyday once a week same day about the same time.
  • jasperoak
    Its called hormones, keep what your doing and don't step on the scale for a couple of day:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: you will probably drop several. My doctor says because of hormones water fluctuates so once a month you will notice one week of a really good weight loss. The other weeks if you are not cheating judge by how your clothes fit and your measurements. Also remember muscle weighs more then fat but also burns more calories. Stick with it, don't let a scale make you quit!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    So, Saturday I was 129.4 and today I get on the scale and I'm 131.1! WTF? Sunday wasn't the best food day but I did exercise and knew that it wouldn't be a good day because of our family gatherings where we eat and drink. I did ok and kept myself to a few lite beers and mostly fresh veggies and some homemade guacamole. Yesterday I ate well. Fresh salads, lots of water and I've gained weight! I'm so frustrated right now. I did an hour of cardio at the gym, walked the dog for an hour and lifted weights. How is it possible I've gained weight after all of that? These are the days that make me want to quit. I'm in need of answers and lots of motivation.

    1. Alcohol slows your metabolism for 2-3 days it's not worth it.
    2. You would have had to have consumed about 5200 extra calories over your maintenance calories to have gained that
    weight so that's unlikely. Soooo, it's mostly water weight.
    3. Give it a week of clean eating and all will be back to normal.
    4. You can quit and go back to your old ways but I'm pretty sure that won't get you to your goal.
    5. And here me loud and clean. QUITTING IS NOT, I REPEAT, NOT AN OPTION.

    Laddy picks you up, dusts you off, smacks your *kitten* and go out there and get that body you want!!!!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I am up 6 pounds from yesterday. I will probably be down 7 tomorrow. It happens. Your weight fluctuates. The closer you are to goal, the more you will notice those fluctuations. Relax. You didn't gain 2 pounds of fat in a day or two.
  • michelledusik
    michelledusik Posts: 63 Member
    Sounds like everyone else said what I was going to say. Stick with it and keep doing what you're doing, you will see a drop in that weight before you know it!
  • dougk1984
    well, i know that muscle weighs more that fat. so maybe certain exercises you are doing are starting to turn into muscle. but dont be discouraged. "with god all things are possible." matthew 19:26. good luck & god bless
  • njoithomp
    Its called hormones, keep what your doing and don't step on the scale for a couple of day:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: you will probably drop several. My doctor says because of hormones water fluctuates so once a month you will notice one week of a really good weight loss. The other weeks if you are not cheating judge by how your clothes fit and your measurements. Also remember muscle weighs more then fat but also burns more calories. Stick with it, don't let a scale make you quit!

    SO TRUE! And those hormones can cause up to 9 lbs of additional weight to register on the scale.
  • sailorsiren13
    my weight goes up and down 2lbs and i just started the 30 day shred so i'm not going to weigh myself for a while. don't sweat it go off of NSV's. (non-scale victories) how are your clothes fitting things like that.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Since the number on the scale is just ONE indication of how I'm doing, I don't let it affect my mood.......

    but just out of curiousity to see how my body fluctuates, I do now weigh myself everyday...
    and it's astounding how MUCH it will go UP/DOWN in the course of ONE day........
    it has MUCH to do with how much water I drink/ if I've had a regular bowel movement ( sorry if TMI),
    and my activity level THAT particular day.......

    It's all normal if you lead a normal life that varies from day to day.......
    don't let it throw you for a loop.......

    Here's a suggestion.......besides the scale......keep track of these too:

    take weekly measurements as well
    keep track of your body fat % with a handheld monitor
    consider other people's comments as positive reflections ( sometimes we just don't see it)
    take progress pictures along the way

    And stay focused on your short term can seem like an overwhelming challenge otherwise.

    Best wishes to you~