I'm starving

I started this on Saturday and although I am sticking to the number of allocated calories - 1300, I am rather hungry. Does anyone have any ideas of filling low calorie foods that might help me?


  • I started this on Saturday and although I am sticking to the number of allocated calories - 1300, I am rather hungry. Does anyone have any ideas of filling low calorie foods that might help me?

    I understand exactly how you feel! My calories are set to 1330 and I'm hungry!!!!! The 1st 3 days were ok, but here lately I've been wanting to stuff my face. I even cheated a little on Sunday, and then felt bad and went for a jog. One of my friends who does wrestling told me to add beans to my meals, because they have sufficient carbs and protein. The carbs should make you feel fuller and the protein should give you more energy. I'm making a 15 bean vegetarian soup tonight, so we shall see how this works. Good luck to you on your journey to lose!
  • scottdsexton
    scottdsexton Posts: 25 Member
    I just started also. Your calorie goal seems very low compared to mine. They calculated 1720 as my target. Maybe because I'm a male?

    I would probably starve at that low a calorie target.
  • mblanchard0625
    mblanchard0625 Posts: 74 Member
    Protien Protien Protien (higher in cal, but will keep you fuller longer)
    Chicken, eggs, fish, nuts.

    Raw Veggies are low cal, so you can eat more!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    What do you have your goal set on? If you are at 2 lbs a week, you might consider changing it so that you can get more calories.
  • here is a website that may help you. http://www.the-gi-diet.org/lowgifoods/
    It says it's for people who are on the G.I or south beach diet, but that doesn't matter, it gives you a list of food and their calories.
  • It would help if we could see your food diary Hun but first thing I would up is your protein intake and possibly fluids.
  • mblanchard0625
    mblanchard0625 Posts: 74 Member
    My Calorie Goal is at 1600... and I have a sedentary lifestyle! What was your goal weight to lose a week? Is it higher than the recommended 1-2/week?
  • can you share your diary? it might help people give suggestions.....

    I'm back on the wagon after a few months off so I'm finding this week tough too.....

    Try and stick to whole wheat breads, pastas and rice they release the energy slower so fill you up for longer. I have beans on whole meal toast for breakfast which I find keeps me going well.

    Good luck with your journey :) x
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Protien Protien Protien (higher in cal, but will keep you fuller longer)
    Chicken, eggs, fish, nuts.

    Raw Veggies are low cal, so you can eat more!!

    I agree, and would also add a suggestion to spread your food out during the day, so instead of having 3Xmeals have 3 smaller meals, plus 2-3 small snacks to keep you going.

    Don't forget to drink plenty of water between meals and snacks, as this will help you feel fuller.
  • I agree that your calorie target sounds really low. If you're physically hungry, you're not doing yourself, or your metabolism any favors. You may want to decrease your goal weight loss to 1 or 1.5 pounds / week.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    protein and fiber!
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I sympathise! I ate 1200 a day and it was nothing. I found an egg or two helped - thank you, sunny queen extra large 70 cals. The only real appetite tamer was exercise, though.
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    My calories were set at 1200 when I was following (pregnant now, so ignore the calorie allotments and just try to eat healthy) and i would eat fruit, veggies, celery with PB, and drink lots of water and hot tea. I also exercised and ate those calories back (at least some of them) to help with the hunger. I noticed eating salad at lunch was filling without too many calories (like 350 maybe)....thats how I did it..but if nothing works, then maybe change your goal weight loss (from 2 pounds a week, to 1 for example) so they give you more calories a day. Good luck! Once you get the hang of a good eating schedule that works for you and doesn't leave you hungry, it gets better :)
  • The thing that helped me the most was water.....even getting those little crystal light packs helped when I was sick of drinking just water :) Also the first week and half of the second was the hardest for me. It is like you have to TRAIN your body to eat properly again. Eating veggies will also help. Low low calorie like cucumbers, lettuce, and so forth. Its "filling" but it wasn't the filling my body was wanting :) so it does take some time getting used to! I sure hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck. Keep a bottle of water in your hand at all times......
  • It is really hard the first month. It will get better tho.I drink lots of water which will make you less hungry because your belly has less room in it. I eat protein and fruits and veggies which have less calories and the protien fills me up more. I peice on stuff all day. I grab an apple in the morning and work as I eat it so it takes an hour to eat then I pick my next thing and peice on it for a while. I feel like I do nothing but eat all day and I don't seem to get hungry. That is how I do it, but everyone is different. Good luck! It gets easier.
  • offutt100kelly
    offutt100kelly Posts: 4 Member
    baby carrots are my go to snack!
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    Protien Protien Protien (higher in cal, but will keep you fuller longer)
    Chicken, eggs, fish, nuts.

    Raw Veggies are low cal, so you can eat more!!

    I agree, and would also add a suggestion to spread your food out during the day, so instead of having 3Xmeals have 3 smaller meals, plus 2-3 small snacks to keep you going.

    Don't forget to drink plenty of water between meals and snacks, as this will help you feel fuller.
    Both give great suggestions! Im on 1200 and I find that protien is key, dont worry about it going over, the setting for Protien is a bit low on MFP. watch the salt intake and make sure that you are not eating empty calories. Your body will adjust just give it time dont give up. I drink a LOT of decaf tea, I find that caffiene can cause sugar cravings and hunger/energy spikes. Eat an egg with your breakfast it will help, I hardboil a few at at time and keep them handy,
  • My doctor also suggested chewing gum before and after meals. He said it almost tricks the mind into thinking you are eating when you are not.
  • ianwheat
    ianwheat Posts: 2 Member
    When my wife and I started working out daily, I was very hungry. My go to breakfast at the time was 100% rolled oats, natural peanut butter, some dried fruit, and honey. It's a great breakfast and I still have it a couple times a week but I found that the BEST way to keep from being hungry all day was *protein.*

    After almost every workout (morning) we make fruit smoothies. Just under a cup of frozen fruit, a bit of lemon, some water, splash of fruit juice (or v-8 fusion for the veggies), and a scoop of protein powder. I'm just doing a 23g dose of protein but it's plenty to keep me going.

    Keep it up. Another part of your hunger might be your stomach getting used to less food. Weight gain/loss might wobble a bit at first, but if you force your stomach to expect a bit less, you should be good. (I'm not sure if 1300 is a good goal or not--but plenty of others have advised you on that issue.)
  • My daily goal is 1200 calories. I eat low fat cottage cheese and lots of veggies to keep full. My biggest cheat is exercise, though. I workout daily with a goal of 300 calories. That gives me 1500 calories per day to eat. I still lose 2+ pounds per weeks, which is my goal. Even if you only want to stroll for 20-30 minutes, that would give you an extra 100 calories, depending on your weight. Good Luck! :smile: