Zumba on Wii



  • kelly81082
    kelly81082 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm starting tonight. Glad to see so many like it. My mom gave me her Zumba. I have all these great Wii workout games but the Wii was taken over by my son. Hubby bought me a new Wii last night so I can work out.
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Bought it today.
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Bought it today.
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    i did zumba last night for wii and burned 612 calories in 30 mins
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    I love Zumba Wii. When I don't feel like working out I put it in and BAM 30 mins go by. I will do a lot of individual dances as well just to challenge myself. There are so many on there it is hard to become bored.
  • annettechango
    I didn't know Zumba is on wii. Is it a game or part of Wii fit?
  • irenegalea
    What a coincidence, i've just joined the Zumba challenge group. :) I just posted a thread there about how terrible i am at dancing but i'm willing to give it a try! it looks like so much fun, but it's quite hard till you learn the steps!
  • mylasttime
    I always love zumba..and when I saw that Zumba 2 came out I bought it. I went out and bought the first Zumba Wii game and I can say im not impressed. By far the best version is Zumba 2. I love that I can customize my playlist which is a BIG bonus for me. So keep it up because its a great workout!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Is Zumba for Wii anything like in-person Zumba classes? I loved going to the Zumba classes at my college's gym last semester but this upcoming semester, they won't work in my schedule. Is the Wii game as intense and have as much variety as a class?

    I haven't taken a class and have only done Zumba on the Wii a couple of times with my grandkids. I have the DVDs and do them regularly. But, I have 2 daughers, one used to take Zumba classes and the other has both Wii games. Some of the workouts on the Wii are identical to the DVDs and they are intense and burn a lot of calories. But the game and the DVDs do, of course, have a limited number of workouts available whereas an instructor could constantly make up new routines if they wanted.
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    I just did a moderate class for 40 min & burned 652 cals having FUN!! So much more entertaining than the elliptical :)
    never tried the eliptical but i love zumba
  • traci0620
    traci0620 Posts: 46 Member
    I bought Zumba 2 for Wii since my January goal is to lose at least 10lbs. I've only tried it once and just felt so dumb! my husband has been encouraging me to try again and I know I will, I just have to force myself to get over my self consciousnesses

    I felt dumb the first few times, but as you start to get the routines and steps down it is better, and a great workout.
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    I'm wanting to get it because I hear it's a great workout and fun; thanks for reminding me
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    I just ordered this. Thanks for the recommendation. Can't wait to try it.
  • mylasttime
    I got the Zumba 2 for the wii for christmas and i started my workout plan this week. I was wondering how you know how many calories you burn? I know that at the end of your 20 minute session that it will give you points, is that the calories?
    Zumba 2 is so much better than Zumba 1 for Wii. I love Zumba 2 because it gives you a report at the end under the statistics tab. It will tell you how any calories burned, how your technique was and the time you worked out. It will also generate a daily, weekly and monthly report.
    I grew up dancing salsa and merengue so I may be biased. I remember when the regular Zumba DVD came out. I was so ecstatic. I was like yes...Latino music! Zumba 2 for Wii gives me the option to customize my playlist.. I can do all intense...or mix it up. Its all up to you how you want to do it. I definitely recommend Zumba 2 I do not recommend Zumba 1 since I bought it and was disappointed with it. Hope this helps.
  • kbendert
    kbendert Posts: 74 Member
    I've been using Zumba 2 for a few weeks now, and I love it! I do feel a little self-conscious (I make my husband hang out in another room while I do it!), but as I practice the steps more am starting to feel more confident. I'm hoping that I'll see some great results soon!
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    I got Zumba for the Wii when it first come out....it was a great workout so I loved doing it, but it was nothing like the real classes. When I heard about the Zumba 2 and all the improvements they made I was really excited! I got it for Christmas and I absolutely love it!!!! Such a step up from the first one :)
  • NatzG
    NatzG Posts: 2
    I love it!!! lost 8lbs in a week doing that and exercising..now ive lost 10lbs well on my way to my goal even though i got 79lbs left to go
  • JackieAC1951
    JackieAC1951 Posts: 94 Member
    Anyone 60+ try WII Zumba? I did, and now I'm waiting to get a chiropractor appointment. I will not, however, let a little pain deter me from working out as I am determined to get better fit this year, and each year from now on out.
  • Sharisunshine
    Sharisunshine Posts: 41 Member
    I have zumba for the wii. I am so uncoordinated though I just feel like a fish flopping out of water. I can't seem to get the moves and feel stupid and like it is no benefit. Any suggestions?
  • tanyalee4
    I love Zumba on WII I do it every morning and find that I Have to tell myself to quit, haha I enjoy it that much.