Beach Body products?

Has anyone here used any Beach Body products such as the dvds or shakeology?

I just ordered Rockin' Body since it was on sale for $20 instead of the normal $60. I thought I might give it a try, it's no where near as intense as P90x, and there is a great support group where I live that uses Beach Body. It will also allow me to mix up my workouts during the week. I'm most curious about shakeology. The only thing that stops me from trying it is the $100+ price tag. I usually hate to try out diet products because to me, if they worked, then everyone would be handing over money for them!

Any opinions?


  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    I recommend you do a search on "Shakeology" - there are posts on that product almost one every two days.

    Many opinions, you should review. This will allow you to more wisely make the correct decision based on your needs, budget, and how you feel this (or any product) will suit you and your goals.

    You will also find many reviews on many Beach body DVDs, since they are popular on this site. Again many opinions. Some of their programs I like, some not so much. Again, depends on your goals and needs.

    I personally would pass on the Shakeology, "In my opinion", they did not taste great - and for what they are - you can spend a whole lots less money, get more bang for your buck with a good multivitamin supplement program, paired with a good quality protein, or meal replacement shake. (if meal replacement is your goal). I did not find they provided any benefit, energy etc. to me personally.

    Meal replacement shakes are a dime a dozen, and though they all boast amazing results, at days end -- they are simply replacing a many calorie meal, with a small calorie liquid meal. You can do the same thing with foods, get better satiety, chewing satisfaction, and learn portion control (for after you loss weight, and no longer want to drink your meals)

    Or if a liquid meal better suits you for convenience, their are lots to pick from, many very good, at MANY price ranges. And you can also find many high protein meal replacement shakes, cheaper, some of which taste very good. Just depends on your needs, and fitness goals.

    You certainly DO NOT need to invest in Beach Body supplements to get good results.

    It is not necessary to take liquid products, shakes, or supplements to cleanse or jump start your system. Thats is hype, and proven to be bogus info by many well rounded studies, from non biased sources. If you few personally though, this is something you want to pursue, you can do the something many ways, including just eatting some good food sources, with lots of fiber, and avoiding the "crud" food, you feel you need to clean from, for a period of days. The body is a marvelous thing, and liver and kidneys work great to cleanse the body every single day.

    No supplement, shake, vitamin, potion, drink, or powder - no matter what anyone tells you, will ever replace a good diet, and good well rounded workout program including strength resistance training, and cardio.

    Supplement can "add a bit", or augment or tweak, overall results, to a limited extent - but they are ultimately never the fix to a poor diet or poor exercise routine. (not that you have one of course, just speaking in general) If you are not getting results from diet exercise program, assuming you are staying in your macro and calorie goals - supplements, shakes, pills, powders are not going to make any difference.

    (This is not specifically speaking of a protein only supplement - which many use to boost protein levels to meet macro ranges needed - but just general "special" supplements)

    Focus on diet, focus on your macros, based on your needs, protein is key for many - as to low a protein range will limit strength, muscle repair, injury repair, fat loss and much more.

    Maintain the correct calorie level for your needs, not to low to starve yourself, nor to high,, to lose weight (if thats your goal)

    Maintain an appropriate carb level to allow you to feel satisfied, and have good energy for your workouts.

    Keep some good fats in your diet, for satiety, and good body function, and tissue and joint health.

    I am not saying supplements are bad - I use a number myself.

    Just use common sense, do your research, and due diligence to make sure products you take actually are giving you appropriate dosage levels for what is needed for that product - not just added in tiny trace "fluff" ingredient levels - so they look good on a fancy label.

    Make sure they are warranted for your situation, health etc.

    Do the ingredients actually do what they say? And what is the correct dose to do that? Does the pill or powder you take have that amount in it, in a form your body can use and absorb?

    How should it be taken for best results? For example many vitamins do best in split doses, taken once, twice or three times a day. Taking some types all at once, you essentially urinate most out of your system, before your body can use them

    You are paying lots of money for not so much benefit.

    Some people adore Shakelogy, just keep in mind, you certainly do not have to use that product for positive health and body composition results. It is just one tool of many, and depending on your goals, or opinion - may not be the best option for your needs.

    However you may research it, and feel for you - it is what you want and need, In which case great.

    I would suggest your order a few single serving packs from Ebay to test the waters, more cheaply, or get a free pack from a Beach Body Coach.

    I am not a Beachbody coach, nor affiliated with them, or their competition. This is just my personal, non expert, opinion. based on my product use, and research.

    Best of luck with your fitness goals :)
  • jkp2012
    jkp2012 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion. I appreciate it :)

    I'm new to MFP so I didn't realize Beach Body was such a popular subject. I guess this is a fitness/weight loss site so it's not too surprising! I'll have to look more into it.

    Thank you again!