21 Female 5'7" 150lbs FL

I'm not really new to this. I've lost a total of 12 pounds on this program in 60 days. Creating this post to hopefully receive some feed back. Not feeling very motivated. My co workers say I'm becoming to skinny. I think my weight is ok now but if I lost a few more while getting tone that would be great. Looking into starting up martial arts again. I no longer have friends on myfitnesspal. Just decided to delete everybody. Thinking I'll just be my own motivation since everybody hash't either logged or never lost weight. I'm looking forward to the feedback on ways to stay motivated :)


  • Hi!
    I'm also 21 and need to lose 20 lbs :)
    I am 5'11 at 170 lbs (and not super athletic).
    I saw that you were the same age and wanting to lose 20 as well, so I was wondering if we could be motivational buddies :)
    It's awesome to see that you're already half way towards your goal weight!
    Keep up the good work, you can totally do this!
    I hope you have a great day!