looking for some friendst

hi just started this eating better to lose weight life. and it is hard knowing i cant have stuff and can only have so much of it makes me want it more and more i feel hungry all the time. or i should say my mouth wants to eat all the time i am not hungry i just want to eat cuz im not supposed to lol


  • same here. i tried slimming world a while ago but then i got bored with eating the same thing over and over again. and i eat....ALOT. ive just downloaded the app on my phone and i have no idea how to properly fill it in. and ideas??
  • mlawilm
    mlawilm Posts: 39 Member
    they key is to find things that will fill you up and keep you full. I like protein shakes. You can change the flavors every day to suit your mood !!
  • Me to, I started getting serious about my health December 18..I was diagnosed boarderline diabetic so that why im here! Friend me if ya want! Good Luck with your journey!
  • I think chicken is the greatest meat (unless you like fish, but im a sissy when it comes to fish lol) you can do lots of different variations with chicken, wether it be like a cooked dinner, stir fry, curry, I wont go all bubba on ya but yeh chicken is filling and can do alsorts of meals with it, I think i should calm down as ive just realised I sound abit over excited by chicken lol
  • Steel cut oats with fresh fruit in the morning is great too! Lots of whole grains, but not a lot of fat and it really sticks to the ribs! There is this great cook book called Fresh Start that I found really helpful. It is all about substituting flavors for fats and oils. I just stumbled upon it in a used bookstore so I don't know how available it is.
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    Hey there! Don't despair! First off, don't consider yourself as "eating to get slimmer", you want to be healthier. Getting healthy will ultimately cause you to be slimmer, but thinness should not necessarily be your goal. Know that this is a long and slow process, but is ultimately fulfilling. I started at 210 a few years ago, with a goal of getting to 150. I decided to break it into 20 lb "chunks". I am now at 170 (I was at 161 last April, then got completely side-tracked) and am finally ready to tackle that last 20 lbs!

    Most importantly, DO NOT deprive yourself of anything because you will want it that much more and eventually "fail" in keeping that craving in check. If I want a piece of chocolate cake, I get a small one and savor every bite (if you are like me, you would have typically wolfed down a much larger piece and then want more because your mouth never really got a chance to realize it was eating chocolate cake). Do NOTHING else but enjoy every single bite of whatever you are eating. Don't watch TV, don't read, don't text. Just slowly chew and swallow whatever you are eating. I also "spend" my calories only on delicious things. No more Twinkies or enormous bags of chips, but I will enjoy a piece of my homemade caramels or some salty roasted almonds. It is all a matter of portion control, not food control.

    That said, I do have to watch it on the foods that set off a binge. Some breads and potato chips will send me into an eating frenzy. So, if I'm feeling good and strong, I will allow myself a little bit. But more often than not, I will drink a glass of water, wait 20 minutes (to see if the craving is still strong) and then eat a little bit of a substitute item (roasted almonds, a bowl of cereal, a cup of blackberries...). If all else fails, I go for a walk or get on the elliptical - exercise actually sends out appetite-control signals, so you won't feel like noshing.

    And don't forget your sense of humor! Once, I was whining at myself that I couldn't sit down and eat a bag of chocolate mini-donuts "like everyone else can." Then I doubled over laughing: NO ONE can eat a bag of chocolate mini-donuts and be healthy!!!

    Good luck!