Calorie Cycling

Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
So, I was on a plateau for a while and it sucked. Because of the plateau there were some days where I was just like, meh screw it I'll eat what I want, it doesn't matter since I'm not losing anyways. I didn't go too out of control or anything, but I did eat over my calories. Well much to my surprise I started losing again. Then I heard something about calorie "zig-zagging" here on the forums, and decided to look into it. I guess that inadvertently I've been doing that just because of the few days here and there where I just don't give a damn, and then I feel guilty and go back to eating what MFP says I should for a few days.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone else does calorie cycling or zig-zagging. What are your experiences? Are there any disadvantages? How do you do it using MFP? What's your cycle like? How did you determine your cycle? Any advice anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated, cause I'd love to do this.


  • RainbowPearl
    RainbowPearl Posts: 42 Member
  • alabughosh
    alabughosh Posts: 132 Member
    I sort of have the same question and I'm trying to figure it out myself. This was my experience recently: I was on 1200 calories and not counting my exercise calories (my trainer told me not to for a while). My weight loss slowly started to plateau. I ate kind of out of sloppy for a week....there was one day that I didn't count but I didn't go crazy on that day. I basically just ate a few hundred calories more each day...and I lost 3 pounds! I decided that I'm going to eat back most of my exercise calories from now on. That is how I will "zig zag" my calories. Because some days I won't want to exercise at all....therefore I can only eat 1200. Other days I will exercise a lot and be able to have a burrito if I want to. So for me, its more about zig-zagging my exercise rather than my calories. :-)
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    Hmm that's interesting. I don't work out as much as I should. That's mostly because my life is a mess right now and I can't pin down a schedule. But that's a whole other topic.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I do this every now and then too! I do my best to eat well and work out during the week, then I spoil myself for a day. Nothing crazy, but I do go over my calories intentionally. I've woken up weighing 1-2 pounds less the next morning doing this. It wakes up your metabolism. Kinda like spalshing ice cold water in it's face. It works great for me!
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm bumping this again. I really want to see someones cycling schedule, if there is anyone who has one. And I hope there is someone.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i do it when i get in a plateau. i take what mfp recommends which is 1400... then i go 1200/1600/1200/1600 for about 4-6 days and then back to 1400 again. it has worked great for me. if you google it you will find all kinds of examples. i wouldn't ever go below 1200 though. that's just me personally.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I've started doing it, but I zigzag my net calories. I don't necessarily plan it out, but I make sure each day it varies 150-200 calories. My goal is 1770, so if I net 1800, the next day I would go 2000 or 1600, but still stay within my weekly allowance. I also find it helpful once a week or so to go over, like one day last week I netted 2300, and it seemed to help me lose more. Good luck
  • tyrtill
    tyrtill Posts: 31 Member
    My girlfriend zig zags from 1300 to 1700 every other day and it seems to do a good job at busting through plateaus. She's lost almost 60 lbs now so it seems to be working. (Currently she weighs in the high 170s)
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 770 Member
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    I've done zig-zagging bot with planning my calorie cycling and just kind of going with my normal variations in exercise and hunger level, etc (I absolutely cannot fall asleep if I'm hungry, so if a piece of toast with nutella before bed pushes me over my calories that's much better than not sleeping :wink: ). I haven't been tracking as religiously lately, but I do think zig-zagging has helped me get off of plateaus and also to find a healthier overall calorie goal for myself - MFP was insisting on 1200 cal/day for me, but I actually lost more when I zig-zagged with an average around 1300-1310 cal/day through the week. Here's a sample of what my week would look like:

    Mon: 1200
    Tues: 1400
    Wed: 1200
    Thurs: 1300
    Fri: 1200
    Sat: 1500
    Sun: 1350

    Average: 1307/day

    Keep in mind this is NET calories, so as long as I was working out, I was actually eating closer to 1600-1800 cal/day. Overall, I was less hungry doing this, and I could easily change up my weekly schedule if, say, I knew I was going out on Friday night (so I'd swap Fri and Sat here so Friday was my "high" day).

    You can use to enter your own height, weight, gender, and activity level (I used "desk job/little to no exercise" because I was entering my exercise calories in MFP), then clicked the "7-day calorie cycle" button and used the middle column (fat-loss, NOT extreme fat-loss) to set my goals. I kept the numbers in an Excel spreadsheet week-to-week so I wouldn't have to keep coming back to figure out what I needed to enter in MFP as my daily calorie goal. To do this effectively, you do need to reset your calorie goal every day, but (at least on my phone app, where I usually track stuff), this was really not that big of a deal for me.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I've been thinking of doing this so after reading this thread I AM going to do it. I'm swtiching my goal to 1 lb a week (1430 cal a day) and am going to flip between that and my 1.5 lb goal I've been going by (1210 calories). And am probably still going to eat most of my exercise calories. I've been at the same weight for 3 weeks and it's making me angry.
  • Riverofbeauty
    Riverofbeauty Posts: 205 Member
    I'm on maintenance now, but I (unintentionally) calorie cycle. Some days I'm much hungrier than others, and it's more important to listen to that than a certain number.

    I worked out how many net calories I need a week, and as long as I reach that total by the end, I have completely different daily totals. Some might be 1400 (net) some might be 1750. I don't tend to do huge differences, but enough.

    I can't say if it helps with weight loss from my experience, but I know it does help a lot of people because it's changing your body up and it's working harder with different amounts of food - same goes with eating a different variety of food.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    You can use to enter your own height, weight, gender, and activity level (I used "desk job/little to no exercise" because I was entering my exercise calories in MFP), then clicked the "7-day calorie cycle" button and used the middle column (fat-loss, NOT extreme fat-loss) to set my goals. I kept the numbers in an Excel spreadsheet week-to-week so I wouldn't have to keep coming back to figure out what I needed to enter in MFP as my daily calorie goal. To do this effectively, you do need to reset your calorie goal every day, but (at least on my phone app, where I usually track stuff), this was really not that big of a deal for me.

    That's crazy, I input all my info on that site and even "extreme weight loss" was 200 more per day calories than my 1.5lb a week goal on here.
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    Options, calorie needs caculator, youll put in height and current weight, and age. Then at the bottom of that youll see zig zag on that and it will tell you based on your hieght, age, and weight what your calorie needs are. Ive seen several friends use this along with me. So I hope this helps! Good luck! I zig zag my callries every week, and I have had pretty steady losses :) even has what youll need for maintence calories also for those who are doing that
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    Why do all of the other calorie calculators on the web say I need to eat more than what MFP is telling me? Even my Wii games tell me more. Could this be why it's been so hard to lose weight lately?
  • calana
    calana Posts: 88 Member
    Why do all of the other calorie calculators on the web say I need to eat more than what MFP is telling me? Even my Wii games tell me more. Could this be why it's been so hard to lose weight lately?

    With the Wii, it's probably assuming you will be using the game as exercise, helping create more of a deficit.

    MFP calculates your calories based on what deficit you need to achieve the goal you selected. Say you chose 2lbs per week, that means you need a deficit of 7,000 calories a week. If you told MFP you lead a sedentary lifestyle, it's going to assume then that the entire deficit needs to come from cutting calories food wise.

    If you need to eat 12,355 calories a week for example to maintain your weight, or 1,765 a day, then cutting those calories is going to put you at only 765. MFP automatically rounds you up to 1,200 because you should never dip below that number.

    If you're exercising on the other hand, the whole formula changes because some of your deficit can come from calories burned.
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    These other calculators aren't assuming I'm exercising though because they ask.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Options, calorie needs caculator, youll put in height and current weight, and age. Then at the bottom of that youll see zig zag on that and it will tell you based on your hieght, age, and weight what your calorie needs are. Ive seen several friends use this along with me. So I hope this helps! Good luck! I zig zag my callries every week, and I have had pretty steady losses :) even has what youll need for maintence calories also for those who are doing that

    Did you use MFP or FreeDieting for your daily calorie goals?
  • mizzcase
    Look up the Johnson Up Day Down Day Diet.. JUDDD.. works for me.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think it's good to go over at least once a week. My body was stubborn, I netted about 300 over maintenance, and lost again. So I think I'm going to have a little over maintenance day once or twice a week, but still stay within my weekly goals.