
Hi there, a newbie from the UK here, new to fitness pal, but been losing since May and lost 41 lb but gained 7lb over christmas, got back on track and i'm now 36lb down, 49lb to go. I don't know what else to say, but have been looking around and have found your stories very inspiring indeed. Please feel free to add me. Regards




  • ChristenJohnson
    ChristenJohnson Posts: 3 Member
    Im a 30 yr old mother of 3 and really want to get back into shape or better shape then I was in my twenties. Ive been doing low cal since Dec 14 and have only lost 5 lbs really wanting to kick into high gear. Any suggestions?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • halloweengirl
    Hi! You've done really well, 41lbs since May.
    I've restarted my plan today so hoping to get lots of encouragement and support on here. :o)
    I'm in the UK too :)
  • SouthernBelleSB
    welcome...and congrats on your success thus far.
  • Wydorothy
    Wydorothy Posts: 6 Member
    Im new and im not sure where to post at, or how to. Im 54, about 100lbs overweight, and feeling overwhelmed at all this. Help!
  • texakin20
    texakin20 Posts: 98 Member
    You are off to a great start Claire! Day by day. Record everything you eat makes you more aware. I find letting people see what you eat helps too, so they can encourage or offer suggestions. Best of luck!

    Anyone- I love positive motivating people if you want to send a friend request!
  • Rhughley
    Rhughley Posts: 2 Member
    I just started a couple days ago. I am a wife and mother of five. I live a very stressful life, I am about 80 pounds overweight and looking forward to taking my life back.
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    Well done for the weight loss so far.I joined MFp last week and have 100 1lbs to loose. I will send you a friends request
  • clairer2282
    Hi ladies. My apologies, I tried to reply twice and it deleted my post, they were very long, so I will reply tomorrow and tell you what I have done which has helped me x
  • Boosier3
    Boosier3 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm a newbie here as well. I have been stalking the success stories, and wow, people have really done well here! Love it. I love the accountability that MFP offers, so I will try it and hope to get down to my goal weight. Would love to have some MFP buddies to chat with. Add me as a friend! :)