Anyone with PCOS

Hello! I'm new to this :) I'm 23, looking to lose around 40-50lbs. I was diagnosed with PCOS almost a year ago and have been gaining weight! I'm finally ready to take control of this condition and the weight gain! Anyone else here in the same boat?


  • kelsiemojean
    kelsiemojean Posts: 15 Member
    Meeee :)

    Watch your carbs!! Are you taking any meds??
  • AllsmilesMom
    AllsmilesMom Posts: 12 Member
    I was dx with PCOS in 2000. I would recommend that you check out The PCOS Diet and the Insulin Resistance Diet from the library... AWESOME resources.

    I am 33, totally in your boat. We can do this! :o)
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    Hi there
    i was dignosed with PCOS 16 years ago. I am now 32 and am married and trying to lose weight for me and my future family. I have been up and down in weight all my life. I am about 45lbs over the weight i would like to be. if you need motivation I think i can help.

    G.I diets help as a resourse.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • hloftin32
    hloftin32 Posts: 86 Member
    I know my little 4lbs lost ticker isn't very impressive, but let me tell you there is hope and you just need to read all of your resources!! Get a book by Dr. Elizabeth Vilet! She is amazing. Also start following lower carb diet. Refined crap is terrible for us! Please everyone feel free to add me!! :)
  • Meeee :)

    Watch your carbs!! Are you taking any meds??

    Hey! I'm suppose to be taking Glumetza but I don't.. I figured once I started to try for a baby again then I would start it back up.. but the more I think about it now, the more I realize it might help me lose some weight :) I'm gonna send you a FR
  • I was dx with PCOS in 2000. I would recommend that you check out The PCOS Diet and the Insulin Resistance Diet from the library... AWESOME resources.

    I am 33, totally in your boat. We can do this! :o)

    I'm gonna check into that book and I'm sending you a FR :)
  • Hi there
    i was dignosed with PCOS 16 years ago. I am now 32 and am married and trying to lose weight for me and my future family. I have been up and down in weight all my life. I am about 45lbs over the weight i would like to be. if you need motivation I think i can help.

    G.I diets help as a resourse.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    FR accepted :) And I'm looking for all the motivation I can get and looking to give it out also :)
  • I have PCOS, I have only had 3 periods in 10 years and im only 33. I was recently put on Metformin 500 2 times a day for borderline diabetes. Friend me if ya want!
  • I know my little 4lbs lost ticker isn't very impressive, but let me tell you there is hope and you just need to read all of your resources!! Get a book by Dr. Elizabeth Vilet! She is amazing. Also start following lower carb diet. Refined crap is terrible for us! Please everyone feel free to add me!! :)

    I'm going to look into her! Thanks! I'm also gonna send ya a FR. I'm new to all of this never thought about what I ate, the amount of anything or even the portion size this is a all new outlook for me!!
  • I have PCOS, I have only had 3 periods in 10 years and im only 33. I was recently put on Metformin 500 2 times a day for borderline diabetes. Friend me if ya want!

    Okay I'm gonna send ya a FR. I get my periods, about 3 times a year. I was originallyon Metformin but it made me horribly sick so I was prescribed Glumetza but I haven't been taking it here lately (Just being lazy & down) and I'm pretty sure I'm insulin resistant and was told if I don't change my lifestyle i would become diabetic!
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    Thanks all motivation helps.

    here are 2 books that have helped me out and i am now going to have to get reaquinted with them again.

    The New Glucose Revolution "shopper's guide to GI values" by Dr. Jennie Brand-Miller
    The GI diet by Rick Gallop (this is a Canadian book)
  • mathaholic
    mathaholic Posts: 15 Member
    I've been using the PCOS diet book for about two weeks now... Before I was just tracking calories. I was starving at 1200 calories and not losing weight at all. But now that I'm using the the food pairings this book mentions, I'm down 1.5 lbs in barely 14 days. Hopefully this will keep working and my hormones will regulate.

    Good Luck!
  • carpediem3
    carpediem3 Posts: 320 Member
    Me :) Feel free to FR me. PCOS is a depressing diagnosis, but losing weight is possible!
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    I have PCOS, too. I love having other PCOS-diagnosed friends on here!
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    I have PCOS -- feel free to add me please!!!

    I can't take metformin so I'm just eating better and trying to get my health problems under control. I eat 100 carbs a day and I have been losing weight ;)
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    PCOS sister here too, I was diagnosed in 09, currently taking Metformin and seems to be working.. Feel free to add me too!!

    :bigsmile: lets fight this together!!
  • Hi,,
    I have pcos and struggle alot with my weight.
    I am takign no medication as the doctor wont give me anything apart from the contraceptive pill which I dont want to take.
  • GCNerd
    GCNerd Posts: 63 Member
    Seems like there's a lot of us here! I was diagnosed about 5 years ago. I've been taking birth control, but no other medications. It's definitely a struggle to get through all the symptoms, but we can get through it together! :)
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    Im in the same boat. Watch your carbs and sugars. Feel free to friend me :)
  • abbysmommy1
    abbysmommy1 Posts: 48 Member
    I have PCOS too! I was just diagnosed in June of 2011, but have had symptoms since my teen years. I take metformin and that does seem to help some! Hubby and I are currently TTC #2, but the PCOS is not making it easy...

    Feel free to add me as a friend, fellow PCOS'ers. It's always nice to have friends who know what you're going through :)