
hello i am starting today to do p90x. and had some questions.
1. how are the results?
2. did you like it?
3. was it easy to stick with?
any comments would be great! negative or positive!

thanks everyone!


  • P90X has been my main workout for the past year and a half. All total I have lost 142 lbs now and still working at it. The program is great, lots of variety and it keeps changing up on you. Plus there are several versions you can do and add in other activities you like to change it up. Its easy to stick with if you are commited, follow the workouts and nutrition, and start seeing results. It is by no means easy. You can modify moves that you struggle with and you will see improvements as you work at it. I just started being able to do pull ups for the first time in my life.
    I have been through the program 6 times and now doing P90X2. If you have any questions I will be glad to answer them if I can and help with modifications if you need them. One more thing... the nutrition guide wasnt originally written for weight loss so if you use it to figure out your calories they will probably be a bit high.

    Hope this helps
  • thanks you soo much i will keep you in mind!! i am excited to get started! and great job on your weight loss!
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I did P90X last year for a while until life got in the way. I'm a mom of 2, a wife and I was working as well, so 1-1.5 hours a day was taxing over time. I also didn't have the proper equipment and so tried to do some of the workouts, but, I felt I wasn't getting as much out of it as I should have been due to lack of proper equipment(100% MY fault--NOT the program!)
    I think I got about 40 or so days into it and did see results. I had my favorite workouts-plyometrics was my fav by far. Was fun, challenging and different. If you can dedicate the time, it is a WONDERFUL program. I still pull out one of the workouts every so often when I'm bored of other stuff. The yoga one is really good as well. Have fun!
  • I did three cycles of P90X in 2011. I am currently picking and choosing from the videos to supplement my running, and plan on starting P90X2 soon.

    In short, I got some pretty amazing results with it. I was at my goal weight when I started it. I ended up losing too much weight and really had to eat more calories than I wanted. I got all the way down to 130 and I'm 5'8. I was really hungry when I was doing it.

    I think it did a terrific job of toning and shaping my body. My stomach in particular got ripped.

    It's a pretty tough, intense workout but it's totally worth it. As someone else mentioned, it's a pretty big time commitment. I think that is a factor that rightly would drive people away. You have to devote an hour to an hour and a half to it on a daily basis.

    Oh and for others thinking about starting it, I got mine brand new on Craigslist for $40.

    Good luck!
  • Nellie1drfl
    Nellie1drfl Posts: 127 Member
    What type of equipment tdo you need?
  • AntonCast
    AntonCast Posts: 7 Member
    I did P90X in 2011 and lost 20 lbs gained some back but that was my fault. I liked it, I never knew what workouts to do but P90X set the program for me and told me what to do.

    I just started again and am on the 2nd week. I'm enjoying working out again.

    I don't know you fitness level but don't get down if you can't do what they are doing. Over time you can tell you're getting "better".
  • You need weights and pull-up bar or you can use the arm bands. It's a pretty cheap start-up, except for the cost of the actual program.
  • I love P90x. I started my first round last February, and lost 20 pounds, then I did a round of INSANITY and lost 9 more pounds. My husband came back from being deployed and I kinda slacked off the during the holidays, and only worked out 3 or 4 times a week. I just started another round of P90x. I'm in my 3rd week. :) I also have P90X2, but its not my favorite...not yet at least. I'm hoping after I do this round of P90x that I'll move to P90x2 and get through it without being bored out of my mind.
  • I'm 3 weeks into it and enjoying the program. I am doing a slightly modified version of the diet. I am beginning to lose weight which is great. i am not far from my goal weight and I needed a new program to spice up my exercise routine. I have been consistent with the workouts which in itself, I am happy with. I do not have space for a pullup bar in the room that I work out in, nor a place to hang bands from so I substitute those exercises by using the Bowflex machine to mimic the bands. Works well.

    My friend at work inspired me to start - she has lost and maintained a 65lbs weight loss since beginning the program last summer.
  • how do you log it in your exercise? it says no found,,, :
  • thump418
    thump418 Posts: 251 Member
    I have gone through 2 tours of the P90X program and am currently doing P90X 2. You need to stay commited to the program to really see results. As far as equipment goes, you can get away with just having a few bands and that would be enough. There is also modifications for pretty much all the workouts. The key to success is to just try your best. If you can only do 3 push ups to start the program then that is what you do. Then the next time you work out maybe you try and do 4, and before you know it you are doing 15 or more. Just need to stay focused. Hope this helps, feel free to send me a friend request and I can help you anyway I can.

  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    I just completed day 4! It is hard, but a lot of fun. I like Tony and i like that he gives a lot of modification (especially for pull ups) one piece of advice i would give you is to watch all the dvd before you attempt them, it got frustrating for me to learn the right way to do a move as the camera keeps moving, especially if you are trying to watch the bands modification sometimes the round is half over before the camera gets to the guy using the bands. You could of couse just pause it and then rewind but i dont like to get out of the groove.

    When you get to day 4 dont let the idea of yoga fool you, i have been going to yoga for years, and this was tough

    I hope you enjoy it as much as i am :)
  • zoronqueen
    zoronqueen Posts: 10 Member
    1. how are the results? Great if you stick with it, also the nutrition part really helps.
    2. did you like it? Yes, but it's a big time commitment.
    3. was it easy to stick with? Yes/No. I work out before I go to bed but the phase I high protein was hard for the nutrition part.
    any comments would be great! negative or positive!
    It is great for drastic change in body. Helped me lose lots of body fat. But it is not a weight lose program per se as you have to eat alot to be able to keep up with the workouts. I started at 1800 Cal and ended up at close to 3000. But I did end up losing about 5 pant sizes but only about 7lbs of weight loss. From sz 12 to sz 7.

    I think it is hard to maintian after the 13 weeks because you feel like you earned the right to eat, as you were eating clean for 13 weeks.
    I did regain all of the weight and back to a sz 10. That saying. I am more fit this time round, and this is after ACL reconstruction.... So on day 6 and it's getting easier already....
    I need to plan a work out after p90sx maybe 10min trainer or P90??

    thanks everyone!
  • 1. how are the results? Great if you stick with it, also the nutrition part really helps.
    2. did you like it? Yes, but it's a big time commitment.
    3. was it easy to stick with? Yes/No. I work out before I go to bed but the phase I high protein was hard for the nutrition part.
    any comments would be great! negative or positive!
    It is great for drastic change in body. Helped me lose lots of body fat. But it is not a weight lose program per se as you have to eat alot to be able to keep up with the workouts. I started at 1800 Cal and ended up at close to 3000. But I did end up losing about 5 pant sizes but only about 7lbs of weight loss. From sz 12 to sz 7.

    I think it is hard to maintian after the 13 weeks because you feel like you earned the right to eat, as you were eating clean for 13 weeks.
    I did regain all of the weight and back to a sz 10. That saying. I am more fit this time round, and this is after ACL reconstruction.... So on day 6 and it's getting easier already....
    I need to plan a work out after p90sx maybe 10min trainer or P90??

    thanks everyone!

    Maybe you could try INSANITY after P90x. P90 or 10 min trainer may not help you maintain because they aren't going to be hard enough. Just my opinion. :)
  • crewsicka
    crewsicka Posts: 105 Member
    Did it... helped me shed some fat... but not good for building muscle.
  • I'm about 2/3 of the way through my first cycle and I LOVE it. I couldn't do a proper toe push-up or pull-up when I started, so I have been doing knee push-ups and the resistance band variation for the pull-ups. I can definitely feel my strength increasing, and I started seeing progress from Ab Ripper X within just a couple of weeks!

    It is challenging but I love that it is scalable. There are plenty of variations for everything, and for almost every move you pretty much do the number of reps you want, at the weight you want.

    Yes, it is challenging in that your heart rate will be up and stuff, but with the exception of the Plyometrics workout, there is a lot less jumping and flailing around than in other programs like Insanity. (I really hate flailing, hahaha.)

    THAT SAID -- be careful logging it. The more strength-focused days are great workouts to build up your muscle (which in turn will burn more calories overall!) BUT, they do not offer as huge a caloric burn as the commercials would have you believe. Since I got my heart rate monitor, I've been recording a net burn (in other words, subtracting the amount of calories it takes me just to be alive) of about 250-350 per strength workout.

    If you log them on MFP as "calisthenics" or something, for instance, you are going to get an overestimation on this site because there are just too many variables involved. I think it might be better to underestimate the burn when you log if you are planning to eat back your exercise calories.

    Try it, you may like it! I get bored really easily with programs so I love that this one changes every three weeks.

    Oh, P.S., besides the cost of the DVDs themselves (if you were to order straight from Beach Body), this is one of the cheapest at-home workout programs. You can get a couple resistance bands at a discount store like Marshall's for about $5 a pop.
  • I've done all 3 programs of p90x(lean, original, and doubles) and I LOVE IT! It has definately helped me to get in the best shape of my life. I've been running and hitting the gym for the last several months, but plan on starting p90x2 soon. As far as advice i would say to stay focused and not get discouraged. It's tough and you may struggle in the beginning, but as Tony would say "just keep pressing play".
  • I just completed day 4! It is hard, but a lot of fun. I like Tony and i like that he gives a lot of modification (especially for pull ups) one piece of advice i would give you is to watch all the dvd before you attempt them, it got frustrating for me to learn the right way to do a move as the camera keeps moving, especially if you are trying to watch the bands modification sometimes the round is half over before the camera gets to the guy using the bands. You could of couse just pause it and then rewind but i dont like to get out of the groove.

    When you get to day 4 dont let the idea of yoga fool you, i have been going to yoga for years, and this was tough

    I hope you enjoy it as much as i am :)

    Tomorrow will be day 6 for me, I am on the lean schedule so I did yoga yesterday and I agree 100% it was brutal, I thought it was gonna be an easy day but I think the yoga made me more sore than the others so far lol. Kenpo tomorrow woot woot!! I do enjoy the workouts and they are very intense but feels so good when you get through each day. Good Luck!!!!
  • how do you log it in your exercise? it says no found,,, :

    I wear a heart rate monitor and log calories burned that way.
  • zoronqueen
    zoronqueen Posts: 10 Member
    Insanity may not work for me as I had ACL reconstruction in June/11, too much jumping. As for login in your exercise you just have to add it yourself. Ie Cardio X, Cardio tab and about 500 cal?