Anyone with PCOS



  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2008. I am on Metformin, Aldactone (testosterone suppressant) and BC pills. When I found out, I was 342 lbs. I am down to almost 185 now. I want to get to 150. It takes so much more work for us than other people, but it is possible. If you ARE insulin resistant, the meds help a lot.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I have insulin resistance, PCOS, and hypothyroid. Watch your carbs...only do natural carbs...(fruits/veggies) . Are you on any meds? Make sure you take them...I have lost 40 pounds..and doing amazing...stick with it..the weight will drop..
  • I have PCOS. I was on the meds had 2 beautiful kids. I no longer take the meds. I am trying to eat right and exercise to loose weight.
  • vballscriscuolo
    vballscriscuolo Posts: 39 Member
    I have PCOS! I was diagnosed in July of 2010, so not too long ago. It's been a battle and depressing at times since I've been trying to get pregnant and the diease is preventing it sore to doctor had recommended this website and it has helped me to try and keep on track.....I know my "weight lost" ticker says 0 but I don't base my actual like "weight loss" off weight if that makes me it's more important how you feel and such. I haven't actually lost much, but I have "exchanged" fat for muscle so I am leaner, but weigh the same as of now! Keep you head up and you can do anything!

    Add me if you'd like! I'm always looking for new friends!!!:flowerforyou:
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    I also have (thin) PCOS. I was thin through high school, but gained nearly 100 pounds throughout college. I just chalked it up to poor eating & no longer being as active (I played basketball). In 2008 I joined Weight Watchers & lost 110 pounds and later found out last year (after unsuccessfully trying to have a baby with my now-ex) I have PCOS. This helped me understand my weight gain through college, and also helped me understand why I am able to put on 10 pounds in 1-2 days while 'eating well' (no one ever believes me...) Since finding this out, I've adopted a much lower carb & sugar way of eating (little to no fruit...that's what was killing me) and have found it is MUCH easier for me to maintain my weight loss than ever before. While trying to conceive I was put on Metformin, which helped regulate me & I never had any of the side effects most people talk of (I think that's because I stuck with low carb / sugar & little to no dairy). It IS possible to lose weight with PCOS...I'm living proof. It may take longer than most people (mine took 13 months, pretty average), but if you're committed to modifying your diet & staying the course, the end result will be well worth it :smile:
  • Wow!!! I did not realize how many women have PCOS, please FR me too. I am curios to learn more, and I will not take the metpformin... Have been married 7 years and unable to conceive...
  • mistersgirl
    mistersgirl Posts: 14 Member
    I have PCOS as well. I was diagnosed around 8 years ago. I've been on Metformin before but I am not currently. I took Clomid a couple of times for fertility but, it never did anything to help. I have struggled with the infertility of PCOS for many years. My doctor told me that if I lost weight there was a chance I could concieve but, since the meds never helped, I figured it was a bleak chance. I was scared to help myself. I was scared to lose the weight and face the heartbreak if I still could not concieve. Now, I am overcoming that fear. I am losing the weight regardless of how it will affect my fertility. I have a handsome little boy through the blessing of adoption and he deserves a momma who is fit and able to keep up with him! If I lose this weight and get pregnant, yay. If I still can not conceive, yay anyway! God has a plan for me as a mother regardless of my biological ability to reproduce. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and share a snipet of my PCOS story. :o) Friend me if you would like!
  • angelas0304
    angelas0304 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 38 and was diagnosed with PCOS at 26. I too started to gain weight and then they put me on Glucophage to help manage it. I did lose some of the weight but it is still a struggle to keep it off. I have to work a lot harder to lose the weight and REALLY make sure I watch my calories. My resting metabolism rate is only 1072 calories so it is very easy for me to put it on and extremely hard to take it off. I can't do the 1200 calories per day because i actually gain weight unless i do some really tough exercising to counter the calories. it is tough, but you can do it. I started in mid October and have lost 21 pounds so far. just about half way to my goal. keep your will power and you will see your results :) New Year, New You!!
  • mistersgirl
    mistersgirl Posts: 14 Member
    Also, there is a group, PCOS Cysters Unite, that is all PCOS ladies if you want to check it out for support.
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    Hi, and hi to everyone else on here with the same problems, seems like there are a lot of us!!

    I was diagnosed about 14 years ago, initially I was put on metformin for the insulin resistance and the contraceptive pill to help with some of the symptoms, unfortunately I had to come off of the pill because it affected my blood pressure, and although initially I got on ok with metformin, eventually it started causing me stomach issues so I had to come off that also :-(

    However, I did manage to lose 7 stone over 2 years (around 2003/4, not on any medication) with a lot of hard slog, diet and exercise so I know it is possible to lose weight with PCOS if you're committed, and I defo recommend the PCOS diet book that others have mentioned :-)

    Alas I did manage to stuff up and put the weight back on again though through being lazy and complacent and not watching those scales! :-( I'm back on the metformin now though, but the extended release pill (Metformin XR) which means it spreads the release throughout the day so it's less problematic on your stomach, and I'm back on the wagon to try and lose the weight again and for good this time :-D Finding it a lot more difficult this time though as I now have Psoriatic Arthritis to deal with so I can't exercise much and am a lot more sedentary, but determined to lose as much weight as possible!!
  • I was diagonosed with PCOS in 2009. Through infertility issues, that is what brought the PCOS to light. Good luck in your weight loss journey. Through weight loss and meds, we are now past our inferitity and PCOS days with a 20 month old and 5 month old!
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    Also, there is a group, PCOS Cysters Unite, that is all PCOS ladies if you want to check it out for support.

    Funnily I just joined about an hour or two ago! I didn't even realise there were groups on here until this morning :-D
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I have it too.
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    As you can tell from my ticker, I have lost 46 pounds in a year and 3 days on here. I'm not saying it is easy, but it takes time and devotion. It can be done. I've known I've had PCOS since I was 20, but didn't get diagnosed with it until 2005. You can do this, just remember that it is a life style change you need to make.
  • Thanks Everyone! I guess I didn't realize actually how many women this affected! I was fine also all through out high school, got married at 18 started to try for a baby. I put on maybe 5-10lbs for the "honeymoon/just married" phase and it just kept packing on. I've gained almost 60lbs in 5 years and chalked it up to not going to school or working and poor food choices. After we tried for a couple of years (to concieve) and I realized I was getting pregnant we started with the DR visits. Every dr told me I was young nothing ''seemed'' wrong. Til last year, they finally did bloodwork and all that and I found out I had PCOS. I did 3 rounds of Clomid/Provera combo with no luck. So we or shall I say I decided to take a break from TTC and I'm trying to lose some weight. After taking the Clomid though, my hormone seemed back in order until about 2 months ago then my periods stopped coming. I'm going to start taking the glumetza again and read up on this some more about the healthy diet and such. What does everyone eat? I have no clue what to eat and right now I'm just guessing..I haven't been monitoring my carbs just making sure I stay under my calorie goal! So any/all help will be appreciated :)
  • I was diagnosed a few months back once i miscaried our baby. I have since put on lots of weight feel hungry all the time and am not taking any meds for it ...tried metformin but made me so sick i couldnt get out of bed...

    I have decided today to embark on some weight loss but its hard work ...please feel free to add me can do with all the support i can get right now...


  • Sthiara18
    Sthiara18 Posts: 29 Member
    I was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago... I need to lose about 40-50 pounds also. Any support from other women with PCOS would be great!
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    Thanks Everyone! I guess I didn't realize actually how many women this affected! I was fine also all through out high school, got married at 18 started to try for a baby. I put on maybe 5-10lbs for the "honeymoon/just married" phase and it just kept packing on. I've gained almost 60lbs in 5 years and chalked it up to not going to school or working and poor food choices. After we tried for a couple of years (to concieve) and I realized I was getting pregnant we started with the DR visits. Every dr told me I was young nothing ''seemed'' wrong. Til last year, they finally did bloodwork and all that and I found out I had PCOS. I did 3 rounds of Clomid/Provera combo with no luck. So we or shall I say I decided to take a break from TTC and I'm trying to lose some weight. After taking the Clomid though, my hormone seemed back in order until about 2 months ago then my periods stopped coming. I'm going to start taking the glumetza again and read up on this some more about the healthy diet and such. What does everyone eat? I have no clue what to eat and right now I'm just guessing..I haven't been monitoring my carbs just making sure I stay under my calorie goal! So any/all help will be appreciated :)

    I tried for a long time to conceive my son. I was 33 when I got pregnant with him. We had given up all hope. We had decided to go on the PCOS diet and lose weight, then try Clomid. Within a month of the PCOS diet, I got pregnant with Alexander. He is so worth the wait for him.
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Hello!! I was diagnosed about 3 years ago now - I don't have any of the "external" symptoms apart from a larger than everywhere else middle section. I'm not on any meds for it but I've just made an appointment to see a different GP because I'm fed up of feeling crappy all the time...which I'm convinced is down to the PCOS. I've also got Endometriosis - oh the joy lol!!

    I've done calorie and fat counting before and I took Xenical for a few months, prescribed by my GP but it stopped working - best thing I've found now is eating low carb...I have to stick to about 30g per day, anything much higher and the weight decides to pile back on again.

    Good luck with your weight loss...hopefully you'll be able to have your baby soon :-))
  • divinesoul
    divinesoul Posts: 48 Member
    I was diagnosed with insulin resistance and ?PCOS( as they couldn't prove it). I am on Metformin since 2 months. Being a vegetarian, it's hard for me to keep my carbs below 110-120/day but I take 30gm of carbs per meal linked with 15gm protein. I have lost 13lbs in 2 months despite being very erratic with exercise (am on vacations). The best thing that happened is that I didn't get the facial hair back after the last laser session which was 2 months ago!!! Earlier I used to get the growth back within a week. Also my hair fall stopped, muscle pains are almost gone, BP and energy level is much better. Though I still have 50lbs to lose, I don't think about it, otherwise I get depressed. Will try and stay on the diet and exercise, hopefully will lose it all soon! ;)

    I had lost all hopes, but now I feel so much better! All thanks to my family for being my support. <3

    I have a PDF of "insulin resistance diet". If anyone needs it, do let me know. I can email it to you.

    Don't lose hope, everything is possible. Just hang in there, good results will follow! :-)