My Work Out Routine & Motivation

Work Out Routine: I've been doing the Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred for a couple of weeks now and it is awesome! If you're looking for a GOOD work out I definitely recommend it. I do it every other day. It's only a 20 minute work out but its no joke! I bought the DVD at Wal Mart for $10 & 2 hand weights & that's all you need! On the days I don't do the 30 Day Shred I do a power walk around the neighborhood, then a little bit of strength training, & abs. The Jillian Micheal's DVD will really help to teach you strength training & ab exercises!

Motivation: I get a lot of motivation from Pinterest. If you haven't heard of this website you should definitely check it out. I have the Pinterest App on my phone so I can click on "Fitness" & get instant motivation, the before & after pictures are what really get me going!


  • 30DS is awesome! But, I can't really do lunges right now because of some knee problems. :/ I've been doing a lot of walking, plus alternating between the bike, elliptical, and arc trainer at work. Also been doing some other lower impact workout videos. I can't wait until my legs are strong enough for me to handle the 30DS again, though. I love JM.
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I've been wanting to try the shred, but I have knee issues too. Funny thing is, they don't bother me when I'm working out with my trainer. He has had me doing side lunges and squats using the ball on the wall behind me, and each week kinda encourages me to go a little deeper. After my work outs I have no knee pain whatsoever; but the next morning??? OUCH!

    I'm just motivated to feel my inner athlete again.