New, looking for motivating friends!



  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    Add me I got about 50lbs to lose
  • Hi! I am new too. did one week which I recorded at least a half pound loss. I say this because I didn't write down exactly what the scale said at first. :) I didn't like it. But also I take a diuretic so that changes your weight and it was a bit confusing to decide what my true weight was as I was starting to decrease the amount of medication that I took. so anyway, I am thrilled to lose either a half pound or possibly 2.5 lbs this week . I am even more thrilled at this site. I would never have done it without this site. I have also been sick so haven't started exercising yet. - just a little increasing stairs and all. I am also amazed that many of you can say you have 80 to lose! I mean cut and dry. I could lose more but I know I need to lose38.5 more. But I also know every 5- 10 lbs I will be thrilled!! right now I am just thrilled that this program actually makes me want to stick to the diet. Great support too and I haven't even used it that much! This is actually fun! yeah!!!Thank you!My name is Alison. I think my sister and my niece joined too!
  • crewsicka
    crewsicka Posts: 105 Member
    What upppppppp.
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member

    Feel free to add me!! It's always nice to have friends to motivate you! MFP has been a great source for motivation!!
  • JennyAnnLanders
    JennyAnnLanders Posts: 79 Member
    Add me if you would like. I've lost 43 lbs so far and have around 65 more to go. I figure encouragement is always a plus!!
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Looking to lose 50 short term but 100 long term! I will add ya!
  • Feel free to add me! I signed up ages ago but its only now I am really motivated. I would also like motivation from others :)
    I'm in Australia and would love to lose 12kgs which I beleive is around 26lbs.
  • Stavakoli
    Stavakoli Posts: 86 Member
    Been on here for 3 weeks and it's going really well! Feel free to add me : )
  • Cupcake1015
    Cupcake1015 Posts: 109 Member
    looking for some friends on here to motivate me too. add me if you'd like!
  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    Hello Please feel free to add me I try to motivate and help others Have been here since August of 2011 I also belong to OA

    Take care Larry
    SHERRYnGA Posts: 38 Member
    You can Def add me... Check out My Profile & Pic.... To other females that are new here ~ feel free to add me...

    (Sorry Guys... no offense but this is My Girl hang out time... We get a little personal in our talks... so def no disrespect your way! ;)
  • nsnyeahh
    nsnyeahh Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • Sure, I;'ll add you :)
  • nsnyeahh
    nsnyeahh Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    Keep adding me(:
  • I'm new as well so would love a new buddy! Good luck
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    Hi I have 1001lbs to loose and joined last week and also looking for motivational friends.You can add me if you wish.
  • nsnyeahh
    nsnyeahh Posts: 33 Member
    Awesome, thanks for the support(:
  • nsnyeahh
    nsnyeahh Posts: 33 Member
    Keep the requests coming!(: