Just starting out....Need to lose some lbs by April

Looking for some motivating new friends to kick me in the butt when the newness of this wears off and I start slacking (like always). I am planning to have my first wedding dress fitting in April. Would like to lose a few pounds and definitely tone all over! I want my arms and back to look fabulous in my strapless gown. And the rest of me to look great in a bikini for some summer fun!


  • marce916
    congrats on taking the step :) and good luck!! you can do it ...:drinker:
  • dadiesangil
    This is a great site and I know that you will be able to loose the pounds that you want as long as you apply yourself. I just started using this site not too long ago and I already lost 4 pounds. I am pretty sure you will look great on your wedding day. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • TheColes
    Hey, I'm also a newbie and have my first wedding dress fitting coming up! Eek... Congrats to you btw. Any help or advice on here would be great! Add me :-)