Need help!

I am trying sooo hard to eat good but I am so bad at it. I've had like 6 cookies today and a couple venison beef sticks today, and some water. I know... bad! I HATE cooking so I need easy meals and snacks.
So, what are some good easy snacks and meals? What should I make sure I really avoid?


  • mellissapearson
    mellissapearson Posts: 9 Member
    And I LOVE meat... I seriously couldn't give it up lol
  • CIA100
    CIA100 Posts: 4
    Have you tried Hummus? it has a richness that is satisfying and contains protein and good fat which help you feel full. I dip peppers and grape tomatoes in it and love it! Low sodium sliced deli meat, already roasted chicken from the grocery store, Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts, are all no cook options. I have been thinking about finding a high fiber wrap base and doing a hummus, chicken, pepper wrap. Also I am trying Walden farms zero calorie dressings to add flavor to veggie snacks with out adding fat, calories ect. It isn't about what you give up but rather finding healthy options to fill up on with out feeling deprived. If you can't seem to get rid of them entirely replace sweets with healthier stuff try healthier cookies oatmeal raisin made with splenda and olive oil satisfy the craving with out turning to a nutritional black hole. Apple slices, in fact almost any kind of fruit you like can take the edge of a sweets craving while providing fiber and a wide variety of nutrients and can be combined with meat try lean ham wrapped around melon slices or with figs. Pork is great with apples or pears though that is delving into the cooking thing. Good luck