new to the boards

Hello All!
I've been using MFP on and off for about 8 months and its been mostly from my phone. This is the first time I've been on the message boards. I haven't been on any message boards for a long time. I'm a mother of 4 and they have always been my motivation but I slip up. They are awesome cheerleaders and encourage me. Anyways I am just saying hello and am looking forward to making some new friends and get some much needed support.


  • Hello!! today was my 2nd day using MFP and I am loving it already. It makes me stay on track, so let's hope in 8mos I feel the same way!
  • n8vchick77
    n8vchick77 Posts: 114 Member
    Here's to 8mos! :)
  • This week is my first week of MFP. I am 43 years old, mother of 2 girls 10 years apart. Friends and family my age are beginning blood pressure, cholesterol, and pre-diabetes medications. I am really trying to get a grip on my sugar intake and portion control. MFP is showing me I lean on fruit more than vegetables. This has been a great help for me this week.
  • Hi! 32 yr old mom to 4 here too! This is my 2nd week on MFP and I'm just checking out the boards now! I would love some new friends on here to stay motivated with!!!
  • I am also new here. I read about this site (and app) on another message board I am on. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I have a very small frame (only 5ft!) so 5lbs looks like 15lbs on me. I recently went to the dr and for the first time my blood pressure was high and my dr mentioned life style changes are the first step. I am only 20 days away from turning 26. I will NOT let this be the future of my life. I have a horse who I ride regularly and teach lessons on the weekend. I have a 8 year old pembroke welsh corgi who is the cutest little thing. I am fortunate enough to have a boyfriend I have been with for 8 years who has also decided to make life style changes and is the biggest supporter for me. Every small victory is a big deal :)

    My motivational words: "A body in motion stays in motion" SO GET MOVING :)
  • Hay! Im new here. Ive never really had trouble with my weight until i got pregnant with my daughter who is now 21 months old. I just cannot shift the weight! I will turning 20 in march and would love to get my figure back on track. Ive tried so many diets and had no success. I totally agree that support is the way forward and i need lots of it :D