Zumba on Wii



  • carrieann1967
    carrieann1967 Posts: 45 Member
    I love zumba, started going to 2 classes a week before xmas and had zumba wii for xmas. The plan was to keep going to the classes and do the wii 3 to 4 times a week on top. Unfortunately I was a bit zealous at my 1st zumba class after a 2 week break and pulled a muscle near my ribs. Having to have at least a week off. Really missing the zimba, its so addictive. I hate exercise and never thought I'd find something I like doing.

    I've only just started on MFP so still trying to get used to the calories etc, so far I've gained 3 pounds, augh! Going to keep going though and hopefully when I can get back to zumba the weight will drop off.

    Only 70 pounds to loose!?!
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm in love with this game. I live in Ireland and have two kids. So always bad weather and not a lot of me-time. Zumba on Wii suits me perfectly because I can do it at home when my dp is here to watch the kids in the evenings.

    It's also the first exercise I've ever tried that I ENJOY!!

    Anyone who feels self concious doing it......close the door! Do it ALONE. That's the beauty of the game as opposed to the classes I think.
  • csummer8882
    csummer8882 Posts: 34 Member
    I just bought the Zumba last night. I did the 20 minute workout on Easy and I finished it. It was hard but I did it! :) Go me!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    I do it on the Wii as well! I got it for Christmas and have been enjoying it! I started off doing the medium intensity class but that kills me after about 15 mins, I think for my endurance sake I am going to try to low intensity one today to last longer and really get to learning the moves!
  • martini0716
    martini0716 Posts: 1 Member
    Well I just started Zumba last night with in 10 mins I was sweating! I did the full work out last night and this morning [= I LOVE IT! I've lost 24 pounds already just from eating healthy and drinking water. I got zumba for the wii for christmas and i also got a gym membership from my parents! I want to lose all the weight by April and I don't know if it will happen or not but if i stick to the Lifestyle Change and work out I know ill be good!

    94 Pounds to go...No big Deal lol
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    I just bought Zumba 2 for Wii! Best Buy had a free belt too! Can't wait to start it tomorrow!
  • Musicgrl4life
    hey i have it! ive only done it a couple times but will say its hard! but it burns a lot of cals :)
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 146 Member
    I do a Zumba class 2-3x/week at the gym but will look into zumba 2 for wii for my home days!
  • ItsAliciaMarie
    I got it for Christmas... but my family members tried it and told me that they aren't too happy with it.. I haven't tried it yet because of their review... everyone else here seems to be pretty happy with it, so I might try it out tonight!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I have both zumba 1 & 2 for the wii... just bought the second one about a week ago and its so fun. I've been doing zumba since I started to lose weight almost 2 years ago... I wouldn't say I lost all my weight to zumba but it played a big part in it :) Anyone who plays zumba wii feel free to add me!!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I've been using Zumba 2 for a few weeks now, and I love it! I do feel a little self-conscious (I make my husband hang out in another room while I do it!), but as I practice the steps more am starting to feel more confident. I'm hoping that I'll see some great results soon!

    Haha i do the same with my husband :laugh:
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    I am enjoying Zumba 2 very much - I burn as much if not more with Zumba 2 on wii as I do with Turbofire - and I have confirmed this with my heart rate monitor. Just FYI on that topic - the progress charter is always about 100 cals off when it tells me my burn (i.e. my HRM says I burned 550, the Wiii says 650) so keep that in mind when eating back your exercise calories.

    I am still getting acquainted with the songs and routines. Are the 32 songs the only songs available? Are they all the same routine/person/tempo? And then the Wii just shuffles them into the premade routines?

    I saw that you can design your own workout a la carte with the 32 songs - do people prefer that to the premade routines?
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    I got Zumba for the Wii when it first come out....it was a great workout so I loved doing it, but it was nothing like the real classes. When I heard about the Zumba 2 and all the improvements they made I was really excited! I got it for Christmas and I absolutely love it!!!! Such a step up from the first one :)

    Almost bought 1 because I thought it might be easier, glad I went with 2!
  • Kelra01
    Hi, I just started doing Zumba 2 on my Wii. It is so much fun and I sweat my butt off. I was wondering if there is anyone else out there that is doing Zumba at home with the Wii? If you are, how is it going? Have you lost weight, what other things are you doing to lose weight and keep the weight off. Please give me your input. Thanks!!!

    I just got Zumba II for Wii having issues with the game recognizing the controller, but still trying to play it. I have actually lost 5 lbs with this game and I also have the UFC fighting trainer as well. The UFC has boxing and sparring like training with sit ups with the punching gloves to hit. Burns so good. If you or anyone else knows what else I can do to this Wii to make it recognize the controllers for Wii for Zumba id be happy to hear from you. I love to dance with it, but annoying I cant unlock anything without gaining Zumba points.
  • LadyFaile
    I've got Zumba 2 for the Wii and really enjoy it. It totally kicks my butt though. LOL. My current goal is to actually make it through more than one song before collapsing! That's an improvement though, at first I couldn't even make it through a single song!!!
    I just got Zumba II for Wii having issues with the game recognizing the controller, but still trying to play it. I have actually lost 5 lbs with this game and I also have the UFC fighting trainer as well. The UFC has boxing and sparring like training with sit ups with the punching gloves to hit. Burns so good. If you or anyone else knows what else I can do to this Wii to make it recognize the controllers for Wii for Zumba id be happy to hear from you. I love to dance with it, but annoying I cant unlock anything without gaining Zumba points.

    I had the same problem. Turns out I was putting the controller into the belt the wrong way. You need to put it in with the sensor facing up and and the wrist strap on the bottom. Once I did that all of the sudden I started getting fireworks for doing well with my steps. The game really should be more specific about that, as the on screen directions don't give you the slightest clue that it matters.