I kind of hate exercise.

Sometimes I can find myself at the gym everyday and burning 900 calories or attempting to use the strength machines, but the past month and a half I have stalled completely. I started p90x in the beginning of December, but stopped after almost two weeks because of finals, and then the holidays. Now I want to start again because I am going on a cruise with my friends at the end of February, but I cant motivate myself to do it. For example, I didnt do it today, so im thinking "Oh I missed Monday, so I have to wait until next Monday until I can officially start". Im trying to keep my eating in check, a lot of Subway and a lot of salads and chicken, but my weight has stalled at 177. I feel flabby and gross still. I need motivation or some tips or something!


  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    switch it , gym then p90x,I am getting a friend to do it with me so I can stick with it :)
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    try something completely different if your fed up of gym style stuff, get yourself a bike if you don't already have one or try martial arts or boxing class.

    I love Karate when I was young and never had weight issues when I was going there twice a week and cycling everywhere!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Find something you DO enjoy, then you might be more motivated.

    Or, just suck it up, put on your big boy pants and go do it even though you don't love it! Some days that's what I have to do.
  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    What about going for a walk that helps too
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    people are also getting good results from games consoles... so if you've got an x box that you only used to play shooting/fighting/driving games on.. dust it off and get yourself a Kinect and a few exercise games!

    I love my Wii!
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    Learn to love it!

    Do something that is fun, that you enjoy, that you want to get up and do!

    Subway tends to have a lot of salt, and check out the nutritional information, coz some of the subway isn't THAT healthy. Drink heaps of water due to the sodium.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    great post. it's my problem too. maybe I'll play the fat powerpoint i made in the first months when I started this....get off your *kitten* and jam
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    My wii is my saving grace on days that I have no motivation. The balance board is awesome because it has option for strength, aerobics, yoga and balance, and you get a total body work out. Zumba for the wii is great too. There are a lot of games geared towards fitness now. Maybe get two or three and mix it up. I also hike and walk when I don't feel like hitting the gym. Ooh also see if there are any weekly classes where you and can pay as you go. Hope this helps :-)
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I second the idea of using video games as exercise. I was a runner until I got ill several years ago and used to think the only exercise was running. If I wasn't running, it wasn't worthwhile for me to do. I now realize that is totally not true. Any time you are moving, you're burning calories (obviously some exercises are burning more calories than others) but if you are bored with your workout, then it's time to try something new. If video games aren't your thing, start doing a sport. Obviously you are using the "Oh I missed my Monday workout, my whole week is in the toilet" as an excuse because you just don't want to do what you are doing! So change it up!!
  • Lady_Chilli
    Lady_Chilli Posts: 161 Member
    The best motivation for me is to take some pictures of yourself, one from the front, side and back, that was the BEST motivation I ever found. Never saw myself from them angles and I definately don't want to see 'them angles' when I look again! lol

    I dont go to the gym or do running due to shin splints but I do Wii Fit and there is loads of variety on there. I have also ordered Jillian Michaels 30DS so theres something else on top.

    Bottom line is you know what you need to do, you know that if you did it you would feel so much better instead of beating yourself up so in 3 words... JUST DO IT. :)
  • anchorageb2
    anchorageb2 Posts: 55 Member
    I hate exercise too. I detest it.
    P90X I got thinking "Oh I will look great in 90 days" Yes while I was doing it I looked fantastic but I hurt so bad that it was torture doing it.
    However I love dancing. So i have been getting up and dance during commercials( when no one is home) or finding songs or instructional videos on youtube.
    Find something you enjoy, Swimming, racquetball, dancing, fencing, Martial arts, Volunteering with something that gets you moving like folding clothes at a 2nd hand store or rec center participant. Playing/teaching activity games with kids. dog/horse walking.Stall mucking for money and exercise.
  • tennillewade
    tennillewade Posts: 49 Member
    It is tough sometimes finding motivation but the fact that you said you feel gross and flabby should be motivation enough. Check out the P90X page and some of the results that others got. I know they seem somewhat extreme but they arent. People really did get ripped in 90Days just stick with it. If you excercise it helps with everyday stresses so you deal with life better. If P90X just isn't for you try something else. Good Luck...
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    The key to success is to find the things that you love to do, which applies to most things in life including excerise.
  • diamondpinksky
    Ok here it is! i was there also... i would wake up and say today is the day im going ... then i would sit down and wouldnt move or something came up... i would have to kick my self and make my self go.... use the trip for you to get inspiration, i hope i wasntsounding me , there was another girl who said take pictures of your self from side and front view... good advice..
    you know what i know you will go to the gym ....go today have everything ready :)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I agree with others...find something you DO like to do. The best exercise is the one that you'll do. Honestly? I hate the gym. I had to drag my butt there back when I did have a membership and it was easy for me to make excuses not to go because I didn't like it at all. It took me a while of trying different things but now I have an exercise routine that I really enjoy (brisk walking the dog 4 mph every morning and pilates for strength training 2x/week). I look forward to what I do as opposed to dreading exercise.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    try something completely different if your fed up of gym style stuff, get yourself a bike if you don't already have one or try martial arts or boxing class.

    another vote for this. try something different to what you usually do until you find the thing that motivates you and then you will have no trouble keeping it up. i absolutely detest rower / stepper / aerobics and would never set foot inside a gym again if thats what i had to do, but i love going to do running / spinning / boxing / kettlebells!
  • repoman150
    repoman150 Posts: 42 Member
    I hear what your saying....The gym does get old after a while....sometimes i loose motivation too but I force myself to go....Try giving up subway and go with more frequent smaller meals...such as a can of tuna/chicken and 6 wheat crackers.....2 carrots for a snack etc until you can get back to the gym and offset the heavy calories. I agree with some of the others....change it up....go walking at the mall, something different.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    The key to success is to find the things that you love to do, which applies to most things in life including excerise.

    [I love to eat. I love to cook and I love being served. I love to savor the taste of delicacies on my tongue-letting sensation melt through my mouth. I love to talk about how that makes me feel. Sit ups.. not so much}
  • mimimoheho
    Try having a route of walking that is relaxing and visually appealing to you, if you enjoy your scenery your more likely to keep on trekking. Try finding activities that you can do with some of your friend and or family such as bad minton, frisbee, or any sport you think you can get people to try it, I also love playing the exercise games for the xbox kinect by myself or with friend, good motivation and you can laugh at yourself for you doing silly moves while playing dancing games. :laugh:
  • ryall70
    ryall70 Posts: 519 Member
    Dance games on the PS3 are fun also.