I don't own any of those evil things



  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I own neither a scale nor a tape measure. I weigh myself once a week at my bootcamp. (Yes, I'm weighing myself at 6:30pm while clothed, but I'm weighing at the same time of day wearing approximately the same clothes.) I get measured about once every 6 weeks or so (although it's been 10 this time. Things just got hectic. I'm measuring tomorrow.)
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Scales and measuring tapes and the like are a way for people to track progress, but they certainly aren't the only way. If you're happy with just watching yourself get healthier and more fit and don't feel the need to measure, don't worry about it.

    I will say, though, that I regret not taking my measurements when I started this, because I think it would be fun to know what I've lost. Then again, all I need to do is measure a new pair of pants against those I was wearing a year ago and I have a pretty good idea.
  • tdots1andonly
    tdots1andonly Posts: 23 Member
    LMAO, I have neither also, I used my husbands tool type measuring thing to measure myself tonight and I just posted on freecycle for a scale as I have no funds for one for several weeks. LOL.
  • muffyjog
    I vowed never to own a scale again and have succeeded in that. I weigh in when I go to the Chiropractor every two weeks or so. It's the same scale and it helps to keep me from obsessing.

    As for tape measure, I have that for making clothing and quilts so I do happen to have that one. Maybe 4 of them. I'd share one but it's probably cheaper for you to get it yourself. :)
  • Korrinn
    Korrinn Posts: 24
    You might want to at least weight yourself initially so that the calorie count is correct and the BMR is calculated correctly.

    After that I would weight yourself at least once a month. As you lose weight your BMR (and subsequently your calorie count) will change, so its a good idea to weigh yourself every now and then.
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    I have a scale, but I refuse to buy new batteries for it because i know I'd be weighing myself everyday. I'm a nurse so I just weigh myself every Monday morning when I get to work. I like to see my success and have accountabilty when I know I messed up during the week. :smile:
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I got rid of mine, I weigh in every 2 weeks at a drop in and weigh at the doctors surgery. Get good results every 2 weeks, so it keeps me going for the next one x
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I own one and only weigh in once a week (Wednesday mornings). I also do measurements every other week at the same time as my weigh in. I like to see the changes as it really pushes me harder. I also do not get obsessive with it and have no urge to weigh more then I already do.
  • jennilovesryan
    i think scales are the devil too. i'm going to track my loss in the size of my clothes. bah to numbers!!!!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I hate my scale, because when I mess up, the nerve of that thing to NOT lie to me! haha

    But seriously having several ways to measure your progress is your best bet/ Pics are great
  • kaithenderson07
    I don't have a scale,but I'm getting one tonight.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    If you can not have a scale and still be successful, why not? If you don't want to buy one, you can gauge your weight loss by clothing. See how your clothes get looser and looser, and then you have to get smaller sizes. I think it really depends on your mindset, but I think you could do it if you really want to.

    How fun would it be to say you lost weight and got to your goal size without ever owning a scale? That'd be quite a successful story! An exciting one.

    If you want to get a scale, get a cheap one. I bought one that was $15. Now, granted, it's 2 lbs off so whenever I get on, I have to add 2 lbs to get my weight, but I'm so used to it that I don't even realize I'm doing it now, haha! You might be better off paying $2 for a measuring tape and tracking that weekly or monthly.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    If you REALLY don't want a scale, then just get a measuring tape - they are super cheap and you will be glad you have one (in addition to the progress pictures)
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I have a tape measure that goes to 60 inches from my sewing days, but I don't have a scale. Be careful using random ones, because they can have differing calibrations and may not show your weight loss accurately. It's better to use the same scale every time.

    My issue with owning one is the ones at the store rarely work accurately over 250 lbs. Getting one that will work accurately at my weight is expensive. Not even my doctor's scale is reliable enough. The ones at the office can show fluctuations up to 30 pounds in the same day!

    I'd recommend investing in a private set of measuring tools. It's more important to go by inches most of the time anyway, so get a 5 dollar measuring tape and call it good for now.
  • rashooy
    rashooy Posts: 55
    same here i neither own a scale nor a measuring tape. But I am going to buy them asap :) i wanna keep track of my progress
  • Kelra01
    Kelra01 Posts: 23
  • jazzie2421
    I have a scale, but I try not to step on it except for once a week. I'm not overly obsessive about that number versus the number on the tag of my jeans. ;) I enjoy my jeans being easier to button and can't wait until I can't wear them anymore!!
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    I can understand not having a scale to weigh yourself, but a kitchen scale is perhaps the best weight loss tool out there, with the exception of gym shoes. It turned out that what I was actually eating was *way* more than I thought I was eating (and logging.) Weighing out all my food has helped with that tremendously.
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    I have a scale as well and I tend to check it a couple times a week, HOWEVER, it is not an obsessive thing -- I try not to deny myself things I want (in moderation, of course) and I'll pick what day during the week based on how my week is going. Weight is very fickle because it bounces around all day.... plus low weight does not always equal healthy.

    I agree with others, try at least once a week in a store (though you will get much more accurate results with the same scale every time) and if not a scale, a measuring tape. It is very rewarding and inspiring to see numbers going down. :)