How do I stop sabotaging myself?

I think the key to weight loss is to feel good about yourself so that you want to improve yourself. I have been down on myself the last two months (you can tell on my food dairy).. maybe the winter blues... I have been comfort eating which means eating only things that are bad for me! I love salads & haven't had one in two months.. Just take out, Ice cream, ect. I have been stressed out a lot lately, but it almost seems like I am sabotaging myself, like I am not good enough to get to my goal so why am I trying just to fail? Anyone else go through this? Any tips on how to keep my steam going?


  • Ashalena
    Ashalena Posts: 162
    I think the key to weight loss is to feel good about yourself so that you want to improve yourself. I have been down on myself the last two months (you can tell on my food dairy).. maybe the winter blues... I have been comfort eating which means eating only things that are bad for me! I love salads & haven't had one in two months.. Just take out, Ice cream, ect. I have been stressed out a lot lately, but it almost seems like I am sabotaging myself, like I am not good enough to get to my goal so why am I trying just to fail? Anyone else go through this? Any tips on how to keep my steam going?

    you're not alone. you have to set yourself up for success. it's never going to happen if YOU don't MAKE it happen. you said you love salad....prepare yourself a few delish looking salads and remove anything else that will deter you from eating your salad. think about the awesome feeling of going to bed happy and proud of yourself instead of angry at yourself. you got it, girl!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Spend a weekend making meals for the week. Easier and better than take out, not to mention, it's pretty fun.

    See a therapist, talk to them, just once, if you like it and it's beneficial go again. It's a great way to deal with winter blues.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I go through this a lot. I even took a self-esteem course when I was younger. The only thing that seems to kick my sorry butt back in line is to stand in front of the bathroom mirror (naked:blushing: ) and stare at myself and ask myself: "Self, is this what I really want to look like? How do I expect my husband to find me pretty when I can't? I need to do something! I will do something! I am worth being healthier! I am worth the work it takes! I will do it!" I repeat this as often as necessary and this last time I took pictures on my cell phone (NOT naked - in a bikini - just in case cell phone got lost - that would be way tooooooooo embarassing) so if I am out and about and have one of those chocolate or sweet cravings I can look at the picture and ask myself is it really worth it!!! Good Luck - it is a lot harder than it looks or sounds but I know you can do it. Take it one day at a time!!:flowerforyou:

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    ASOPW Posts: 2
    When you feel stressed, just sit down and do not move for 5 or ten minutes. In other words, you have to get through the miserable moments. If you can practice this awhile, you will master the need for comfort eating. Also, I can say, for me, eating never really produced comfort anyway. It generated a cycle of eat hurriedly to get comfort, knowing there was not comfort that way, and feeling more uncomfortable and uneasy. ASOPW
  • jasharp021
    jasharp021 Posts: 54 Member
    I think the key to weight loss is to feel good about yourself so that you want to improve yourself. I have been down on myself the last two months (you can tell on my food dairy).. maybe the winter blues... I have been comfort eating which means eating only things that are bad for me! I love salads & haven't had one in two months.. Just take out, Ice cream, ect. I have been stressed out a lot lately, but it almost seems like I am sabotaging myself, like I am not good enough to get to my goal so why am I trying just to fail? Anyone else go through this? Any tips on how to keep my steam going?

    I think everyone goes through a "funk". There are times when I wonder why bother if I have a really bad eating day or week. I know (hopefully not TMI) but it does have to do with the cycle, sleep schedule, and alcohol intake. If you are stressed, then take baby steps to get back in control of those feelings. I know it's not as easy as 1,2,3 but you have to put yourself first. If it's too many committments, then learn to say no. Also, don't beat yourself up. We are all human.. have "boo-boos" so it's just a matter of saying "I will try not to do that again". So when it comes to the comfort eating.. yeah, you've had a bad few months but what are you going to do today to take back control? Go for a walk...? Have a salad..? Have a little less of X,Y,Z..?

    Also, don't forget to reward yourself for minor accomplishments! If you worked out consistently.. or one extra day.. then be proud of what you have done. If you had a kick butt diary.. be proud that you took control and are taking steps to be healthy.

    If being healthy/fit/a few less pounds were easy.. no one would be on this site. Don't get discouraged!!! :-)
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    what i do is i buy the unhealthy junk food and i portion out the whole bag into the serving size so i dont feel so bad when i do eat them
    ASOPW Posts: 2
    Also, I am not going to wait to feel good about myself. Most of us don't. We are too busy comparing ourselves to others so forget about self esteem and just practice, practice, practice self control.
  • jdricketts
    jdricketts Posts: 3 Member
    This has to be the hardest one for me. I will notice after a few days that I haven't done anything like I have woken up from a dream... I eat because I like to. I tell people I eat for my mouth (the taste) and not for my stomach (hunger). I also tend to take the happiness now vs. happiness later. You have to remember that the good feeling of eating now (even if it's becuase you are sad) is nothing compared to the good feeling of being the healthy weight you want to be. Every day you you eat right and exercise is a day you don't eat bad and be lazy. You can't much more than that. Forget what you did yesterday (good or bad)... you can only effect today. You'll ge there...
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 236 Member
    I hate to say I can't offer any real advice on this subject. I am very curious as to what other people have to say though.
    I am exactly the same way. I even find that when I have a good weigh in, I completely blow it. I'm still trying to figure out why. I've been gaining and losing the same 5 lbs for at least 6 months now. I wake up every morning telling myself today is a new day and by the time the day is over, I'm depressed. I try to get on this site everyday and give support, but I just don't know how to motivate myself to stick with it.
  • bbwceo1019
    bbwceo1019 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for all the wonderful advice! It helps to know I am not the only one with this problem & I will go back to this when I am feeling overwhelmed. Love MFP!
  • celirn
    celirn Posts: 1 Member
    You need a happy hour with your best friend. I know that always makes me feel better. But, then again, my best friend is the BEST. Seriously. Mine kicks *kitten*. Like MAJOR *kitten*. She's kinda like SuperWoman, but without the stupid spandex. :)