Supplement HELP, please



  • leahayliffe
    I take the multivitamin one a day for women, vitamin C & D, and Omega 369
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    @ sandhillcrane

    Dr Oz is also a massive sellout who is making huge amounts of money flogging products on his show. Add that to the fact that he has a regular show to fill, and there is only so much 'real' advice you can give people before you have to start repeating yourself... or start pushing fads and gimmicks as he does.

    Just because someone has a medical degree does not automatically make them the font of all knowledge and a person to be put on a pedestal!

    I totally agree. I know doctors that don't have a clue. You know what they call someone who barely passes final medical exams....Doctor.

    It's true, there are many studies proving that strangers on the Internet know more than professionals with 12+ years of higher education and training.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i would suggest Omega3 and CoQ10 - the two together help internal organ function. talk to your doctor about dosages and brands. there are a LOT of brands out there and most of them are crap. i have found ProCaps Labs and i love that brand, but TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR before you buy anything.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    It's true, there are many studies proving that strangers on the Internet know more than professionals with 12+ years of higher education and training.

    Let's just get this straight, I am in NO WAY saying you shouldn't seek professional medical advice, or follow their recommendations.

    If you actually read my post it is very clearly focused on Dr Oz, and the fact that he is more focused on commercialism than providing sound medical advice (afterall, how can you give adequate advice to millions of distinct individuals in a mass media format?)

    One of the most valuable assets of the human mind is that we have the ability to apply rational thought, and to question things (at least most of us have that ability...). Don't take something as gospel just 'cos a guy in a lab coat tells you it is true. Question things, assess things and make sound rational decisions based on science, evidence and rational thought.
  • MomDupuis
    MomDupuis Posts: 18 Member
    I understand the no health benefits part of your concerns as I am self employed and have no benefits.

    In Ontario we have Telenurse through the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Which provides Free Access to a Registered Nurse — 24 Hours a day, 7 days a Week.
    Now help is close at hand. You do not need to provide your health insurance number and all information is confidential. It doesn't hurt to call. 1-866-797-0000.

    Our local wellness centre (my doctor's office plus) also has a dietician we can arrange to see - usually at no cost.

    So if your doctor doesn't have time for you I suggest searching for similar programs near you AND contacting your ombudsman about poor service provision by your physician.
  • smoochums
    smoochums Posts: 6 Member
    I agree talking to your doctor is best. BUT I also was intrigued with Dr. Oz's recommendations. I already take fish oil, a multi, and chromium. I added (after watching Dr. Oz) L-Carnitine and rasperry ketones. I tried the Konjac root, but it gave me killer gas, so I quit that fast. It did make me feel fuller, but I was bent over with bloating. That didn't happen to my friend, so I guess just something with me. I have not tried the carb blockers, because these supplements are not cheap, and I'm at my limit financially.

    Without a doubt I have TONS more energy with the L-Carnitine. I REALLY see a difference when I don't take it. It gave me a headache the first day at 500mg. That leveled off. I now take 1000mg in the morning. DO NOT take it late in the afternoon. If I take it past 2pm, I cannot get to sleep. This stuff has really boasted my energy level. You should not take this if you have every had seizures, according to my doctor.

    I take 100mg of rasperry ketones before every meal. The biggest thing I noticed here was my sugar cravings. I crave sugar like crazy. (yes type 2 diabetic) I literally can eat cake with icing all day long. After several days on the rasperry ketones, my sugar cravings were almost gone. At first I wasn't sure if it was the rasperry ketones or something else. Then 3 weeks into this I ran out of them. GNC was out, and I had to wait a week to get more. By the second day, my walk past the bakery was like walking on hot coals. I broke down, and "slipped" that week. Once I got them back in my system, I had no interest in sweets.

    Keep in mind these are just my experiences, and I am nobody. I just thought since you asked, I would share. I am not a doctor, and I don't know how much weight I have lost yet. I'm not weighing in until 2/1. My sugar counts have gone down a lot, but I am eating better so it could just be that. Good Luck! Laura
  • SherrysLife2012
    Thanks again everyone!! I love reading all the responses. I wouldn't do anything without a ton of research and will try to get information out of my doctor. But I sometimes feel my doctor or other doctors I've been with, don't always look at your records and just blurt out to take whatever....for example...I'm allergic to Keflex, its in all my records and yet last year my doctor prescribed it to me and I had to remind/tell her again, that I'm allergic to it. Also...and this is a bit of TMI, I had to have my ovaries removed 4 years ago and yet to this day my doctor still asks me when my last period was and when I tell her May 2008, she asks why, I tell her about the surgery and then she won't believe this, but its true.......I know you had your ovaries removed, but why are you not having a period. Ummmmm.....LOL.....ok. Anyhow, I guess I just don't totally trust doctors either, so I like to research and ask others opinions on what works for them.

    Thanks again,
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    With the your medical history, I would go to the doctor, have him do some blood work, and he'll tell you if need to take any supplements.