Personal Trainers

Has anyone had any experience with a personal trainer?

I know of one MFP member that has, but I'm sure there are others. Are they really worth the money and time spent?



  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    It's a matter of personal preference. As well, there are good trainers and not so good trainers. If you think you need one to push harder or go further than you can on your own, then I think it's well worth the money if you find yourself a good one and work hard. I don't think it's necessary for everyone though.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    It depends I think. For me it would not be worth it. The stuff they have you do I can find online for free. Some people really benefit from having someone there telling them what to do, but I can do that on my own.

    The nutritional advice from many trainers are full of myths. A lot of them are not trained in nutrition so make sure to do your research :]
  • ClarkAddison
    ClarkAddison Posts: 86 Member
    My opinion is it depends on what you want. I see one every two weeks to push me on a bit and to give me someone to check in with. It helps me keep accountable. For me it's worth it.
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I started working with one in June when I started this journey. I was 56 with bad cholesterol and a metabolism that was almost dead. I worked with her 2x's a week and am now down to 1x/ 2 weeks. I was able to lose weight, cure the cholesterol issue and change my body with the strength training. i have lost 4.5 " in each thigh, 4 inches in my waist, hips and across my stomach. I have worked very hard and do workouts without the trainer and do classes, but for me and my situation, working with her has been invaluable. Not everyone can afford a trainer and it is not for everyone, but I have had a very positive experience.
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    My trainer is well worth it, but he has and continues to teach me things and gets me to do proper research on things, so I can see for myself and make my own mind up and he pushes me to do more than what i think i can do. I'm pretty lucky I think, we work well together and its a lot of fun even though he can be quite evil at times :laugh:

    You want a trainer who knows your goals and will help you achieve them and put the effort in to teach and guide you and push you when you need it. You have to want to put that same effort into it though, otherwise whats the point?
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    Recently, I upped my trainer sessions from 1x/month to 1x/week. To me- it's totally worth it, but I'm a natural slacker. Working with a trainer introduces me to many new exercises I wouldn't do on my own, and performing with the correct form. When lifting weights- he pushes me harder than I would every push myself. After I've given up on myself, he's still pushing me. It's a big investment, but it's what I need.
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    For me hiring a personal trainer was a must to get me really kick-started again. I'd been wanting to work out, I just never got motivated enough to actually do it, and not really being a gym rat, I felt like if I joined a gym, it'd be like owning a car without ever taking driver's ed. So for Christmas I bought myself a gym membership and 13 sessions with a trainer.. and it was the absolute best decision I could have made. After 8 sessions, I can't believe how much more I'm able to do than I could have done on my own. He doesn't babysit me on the fitness circuit machines, but has me do a variety of things that uses every muscle group and coordination at the same time. I don't think, I just do. It's also motivated me to really push myself in between sessions, and I've even started pushing him to work me out harder.

    Trainer's aren't cheap, and I'm already trying to figure out which kidney to sell to buy more sessions, but for me, it's really worth it.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I love my trainer. she's the best. inspirational, sets goals and keeps me accountable!!!
  • adams4101
    adams4101 Posts: 44 Member
    I loved my trainer. My husband and I worked with her for several months, but just couldn't afford it. I am also a very private person and going to the gym for me was really a struggle. I also have 4 kids, and with school and work it was really hard to fit it all in. I really do think it's a personal preferance. I really needed the extra push and the motivation when I started. She taught me that I could do it. She also told me about this sight, because after 3 months I had only lost 5 lbs. I had to drop the training and the gym I just couldn't afford it, and didn't think it was for me. After several months of doing nothing, I realized I have to find something that I can do that is free, I can do at home, and I enjoy. I am a very private person and just don't feel comfortable going to classes. I found dance arobics on neflix and I love it. I do it every day now, along with pilates and yoge. Again, it is a personal preference, but whatever you choose you really have to enjoy it, if you find yourself just waiting for it to be over, it's probably not for you. I knew if I didn't enjoy it I wouldn't continue doing it. My advice, find something you enjoy and stick to it. Also a lot of personal trainers will give you a free session or two to help you decide, but just realize they are in the business for money, so they will push you to join, but ultimately it's up to you and if you feel like you can do it on your own, then it's not worth it.
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    Every personal trainer and every person they train is different. Some people need that push just to get into a gym. I had an experience with a personal trainer a few years ago when i joined the gym, before I started with MFP. I almost passed out. It made me realize how out of shape i was. I went home and sulked, and felt like i couldn't show my face in the gym for weeks. But eventually, i got back there, and after discovering MFP, I became a bit of a gym rat. When I stopped going to the gym and logging on MFP, i ended up gaining back a lot of weight. I wished i had the money to be able to go, at least once a week, so that I could at least partially stay on track and have someone else hold me accountable. I've been thinking about trying to go for just one session, just so i can have someone kick my *kitten* and show me how out of shape i am, kinda give me a kick in the *kitten* to get me to go full speed again.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i was dieting on my own when i first started.. and trying to do any kind of work out i could.. i lost 30lbs from march to july. one day i stumbled on an 8 week boot camp which consisted of 3x a week at $249.. i figured i didnt have anything to lose by going so i signed up.. it was a program designed to improve my workout performance.., holy cannoli did i improve in them 8 weeks. they worked me to the bone. but i wanted to go. i learned sooo much from that trainer . she got me to strengthen my core and improve on my cardios big time. she also advised me of diet ect..when she left there i followed her to the gym i currently go to. i hired her as my personal trainer .. i worked with her three months and she moved on to another career and i went with a guy at the gym who performed miracles on me with conditioning, muscle building and strength.. i lost 50lbs all together with them two. if you get a good trainer you will benefit so much.

    make sure you shop for a trainer. work out at the gym and watch how trainers are with other people. i saw trainers sit there with their cell phones while training people .. sometimes talking on them while their client was working out .. thats a big no no to me..i want someones undivided attention. someone who is right there with me ,watching how i move , encouraging me to push harder.. the two trainers i had do that. i am stil with the male trainer. he is a great friend now and a big reason why im so dedicated to go to the gym regularly.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    A woman I work with is addicted to her trainer. Her daughter and her started working with him after her daughter got engaged and they both wanted to get in shape for the wedding.

    Well, they both lost a ton of weight....but the daughter just broke off the engagement and is with the trainer now!!!

    As for my experience, you can just go to a trainer once or twice to get a good feel for weights and good routines. I did that and it has worked out well for me.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    My first personal trainer was definitely worth it!! She helped me lose 50 pounds,and was totally dedicated to my success
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    If you're not sure where to start, a personal trainer is a great way to begin a workout program. I was 18 and had no clue what I was doing (then again the internet quite wasn't what it is today). I went to my gym and hired a trainer for a week to get me started and to give me a basic workout program. It was the best $250 I spent, though I had to check my eqo at the door because I had a female personal trainer (who was a professional fitness model, so it wasn't all bad lol).
  • allisonblair
    I've worked with an AWESOME personal trainer in Orange County, CA - if anyone is in that area - he comes to you or you can workout in his personal gym - check him out... And he sends out weekly newsletters with great health tips and info... and makes some pretty useful and funny videoS!!

    his website is
  • malins2
    malins2 Posts: 154 Member
    I work out with a personal trainer three times a week (and have been doing so for almost 5 months now). That is the best thing I have ever invested in, I have lost a lot of inches and weight, he keeps me motivated and teach me new workouts all the time. He steps up the routines all the time so I keep getting results, pushing me and encouraging me when I need it. For me it's totally worth it!