how often do you weight yourself?



  • JoyBellz
    JoyBellz Posts: 108 Member
    I weigh myself weekly, on the same day, around the same time. I recently read something that said not only should you weigh yourself, but you should also measure. Muscle weighs more than fat so if you are working out, you might have replaced some of that fat with muscle resulting in a higher number on the scale. BUT you might have lost inches. It makes sense and it might help you to not be so discouraged if you have worked really hard at working out and eating right, only to see that number on the scale go up.
  • I only weight myself once a week,same time,same scale.
  • I weigh in the morning as soon as I wake up. I believe it's best to weigh everyday to stay on point. I do have to admit, sometimes weighing everyday is hard. If I feel like daily weighing is becoming overwhelming, I will switch it up occasionally and weigh in once a week, in the morning.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    My first week working out I gained 1 1/2 lbs. I was so disappointed. This week I am going to lose over 5 lbs. It took time for it to show on the scale. I only count my weekly weight at my weight loss meeting. I do sneak a peek at the scale several times a week, but I don't count them.
  • If you're working hard & not cheating yourself then I wouldn't get too worried about a small variance like that.

    I weigh myself weekly in the morning before breakfast. Used to check on a daily basis but the natural variance just makes you over-think IMHO.
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    I weighted myself today and gained a pound, lol small amount yes. But I am generally not pleased. I feel like i've been working out all week I should have a tiny result.

    So how often do you weight yourself? Should I box my scale away in order to avoid the temptation to weight myself at any given opportunity?

    If you find that you are getting discouraged weighing everyday then stay away form the scale and do it once a week and see if that helps.
  • I weigh myself maybe once every 2 to 3 weeks. I play roller derby and have been now since August. That's why I don't weigh myself very often, so I know that my muscles play a big roll in my weight loss now, or maybe I should gain, but a good gain. I know that muscle weighs more than fat. But I'm glad to be back on the journey to lose more weight. Yes I've lost 83 lbs, but I still have about 100 lbs left to lose.
  • When I was at my thinnest, I would weigh myself all the time because I was proud of the weight I had lost and I was afraid of gaining it back. I felt like I was a little obsessed with the magic numbers and those numbers would affect my moods, so I stopped weighing myself all together. Guess what? I gained it back. I feel like I need to weigh myself whenever I feel the need.....I'm just not going to let those numbers control me. How my clothes fit is a much better judge of my progress.
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    i weigh myself everytime i go near my fridge, that way it discourages me from eating!!!!

    Lmao that really made me laugh. But a great idea!
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    Once a week, friday mornings, after I workout and go to the bathroom and right before I shower :)
  • What a great idea!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    Fridays, in the morning after I wake up and after I potty. :D