just found out that i'm pregnant..

EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
but i still have about 15 lbs to lose to even get to my pre pregnancy weight before i had my son. i know it wouldn't be safe to lose weight while pregnant, but is there anything i can do to at least get in shape and stay where i'm at or not gain a lot? i don't want to be even bigger after my second baby. HELP!!:embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:


  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!! Definitely check with your doctor, but as long as you have been working out for a while, I think that you are safe to continue doing so...obviously to a certain extent. I know that walking is very good to do while pregnant. As far as not gaining a lot, eat really healthy! Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean that you have to run out and grab that pint of ice cream! Trust me, I know how hard it is when those cravings kick in, but you will feel so much better afterward (and during your pregnancy) if you pay attention to what you eat. Good luck...you can do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member

    When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was biking 40-50 miles per week and walking at least a mile every other day. By doing that and eating healthy, I manage to weigh less after she was born than before I was pregnant. But it is different with everyone, I also would recommend checking with the doctor.
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    Congratulations! I'm glad I'm not the only one that's not back to the pre-pregnancy weight yet. I have an August baby, too. I agree with staclo about exercise and your Dr. but there seem to be some smart pregnant ladies on this board who can probably help you better. Just enjoy the ride for now, I say! :flowerforyou:
  • bikermama
    bikermama Posts: 14
    congradulations on your pregnancy. always check with your doctor before doing anything new also check to see if what you are doing is now safe since your are pregnant. i think the rule most doctors follow is you can continue whatever you were doing. walking is always a safe exercise as is any kind of water exercise like a water aerobics class ( be sure to let your instructor know you are pregnant if you are not showing as there are some things she may not want you to do)or swimming. also watch what you eat, since you are only over your goal weight by 15 lbs. the doctor will still probably want you to gain some, so choose what you eat wisely.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Congrats on your pregnancy :flowerforyou:
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Congrats!!! Check with your doctor on what he/she recommends on the weight issue.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
  • EllieAmancy
    EllieAmancy Posts: 36 Member
    Congratulations! When I was pregnant with my second daughter, I didn't want to gain the 40 lbs. that I did the first time, especially since I lost 60 lbs. afterwards! My midwife explained to me how to eat really really healthy and by following her advice I wasn't hungry and only gained about 30 lbs. (that I lost afterwards). I even look great in the pictures right after giving birth!

    For breakfast I would eat whole grains + protein + fruit. The complex carbs and the protein would keep me full so I wouldn't want a mid-morning snack. Usually I would have a ham and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread and a piece of fruit. Sometimes I would have plain yogurt with fresh fruit.

    For lunch, I would eat tons of veggies, some whole wheat bread and a plain yogurt with a teaspoon of sugar.

    For dinner, I would eat normally (some meat, veggies and a starch).

    I quit drinking anything but water and tea (mostly herbal), so as not to drink any of my calories. I stayed away from pre-sweetened yogurts and only ate plain yogurt to which I'd add a teaspoon of sugar or honey. In general, I avoided all junk food and anything sweet like ice cream! Sometimes it was tough because I was pregnant during the summer, but it was really worth it to feel beautiful while pregnant, and avoid having tons of weight to lose afterwards. :smile:

    Hope this helps; it really worked well for me!
  • JJLM
    JJLM Posts: 48
    For some people it is okay to continue to lose FAT while preggo, but it depends on multiple factors. If you have decent insurance just ask your OB for a referral to a nutritionist. They can help you maximize what you eat for pregnancy to keep baby and you both healthy. You only need about 300 extra calories for baby, not the *eating for two* we all fall into (me too, you should have seen me last time) Lots of exercise is okay while pregnant, even things you wouldn't think of like aerobics, running, etc. The big thing is to stay way hydrated and to stop if its painful.

    Have a happy and healthy 9 mos
  • ronkswife2000
    ronkswife2000 Posts: 176
    Congrats on the new baby!!! :heart:

    Walking is always safe!!! Also you might want to check into pregnancy exercise dvd's... When I was pregnant the library had a few choices!
    It is such a special time in your life.
    Check with your doctor.
    Eat healthy.
    Exercise in moderation.
    Have a healthy pregnancy and birth.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I agree with talking to your Dr - but I would be sure to bring up the fact that you are pregnant with a less then 9 month old - I know that being pregnant less than a year after giving birth causes some extra risk factors for miscarry etc - and adding exercise etc on top of that - be sure to talk to your DR about this combination specifically. (Better be safe and ask TOO MANY questions!) Hopefully it will be no worry and congrats and hoping for another healthy little one!
  • :flowerforyou: Congratulations! Check out FITPREGNANCY.com. or pick up the magazine. They have lots of helpful tips to keep you healthy, safe and focused! :)
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    congrats!!....And i know what u mean when I found out I was pregnant with my second son I had still kept on 20lbs from my prior pregnancy....I just ate good food and the right portions and also took daily walks... by the end of the pregnancy I had only gained an extra 15lbs (I had gained 55 lbs with my first son) so by the end of my seccond pregnancy it was almost as if I had only gained 35 between the two ... and i also found being healthier the second time around made the delivery session sooooo much easier..
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Congrats!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I found out I was pregnant the same week I hit my goal weight..so I know what a weird thing it is! I just ate to maintain....for a long time. Now, I eat to maintain but if I feel hungry and need a little more, I have it.

    So far, weight gain has been on track. Barely gained anything in the first trimester...and of course it's picking up now (I am 28 weeks tomorrow)..but I continue to exercise and keep active and drink my water and eat healthy foods.

    Just be sensible...and you know you don't have to suddenly cram a bunch of junk food down your throat!! :wink: :laugh:

    Good luck! And congrats again! :happy:

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    YES!! You are NOT eating for 2!! It was that idea that started me on the road to unhealthy eating.

    With my 3rd child I had gestational diabetes. This meant if I didnt eat the prescibed diet, my baby would be sick or get the disease too.

    I was 118 when I came out of the hospital after giving birth to a healthy 8 pound 10 ounce baby girl!!

    I exercised daily with walks pushing my son while my other rode his bike.

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Also, here is a thread in the Motivation section. A few of the MFP preggo's post on there! :happy:

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