Too few calories???

Anyone had issues with NOT loosing weight because you are not eating enough. I am eating between 1000-1500 but with the exercise I am only netting between 700-900 calories on average. i have not lost any weight in a while and I am wondering if it is because I am just not eating enough? any thoughts?


  • wessymomma10
    Same here! I'm just not hungry after doing the workouts.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Yes. When I started I was eating around 900 cals per day and my weight loss was completely stalled. I increased to 1200 cals, gained for 2 weeks while my body adjusted, and then started dropping weight again quite quickly. Please don't starve yourself. Just because you're used to eating so little and your stomach has shrunken to accommodate doesn't mean that it is healthy, and it will slow your metabolism eventually.
  • kristih86
    I could have the same problem. The day after I started MFP i got sick and so I didn't really feel like eating anything, but have tried to get into a better routine the past couple days-like eating small meals/snacks every few hours. BUT every time I submit my daily food diary it says I'm not eating enough, even though I feel like I've been eating plenty. So I'm not sure what could be going on? Good luck to us though : )
  • fluffymcfluffster
    fluffymcfluffster Posts: 51 Member
    I have done the yo yo of losing/gaining and I found when I plateaued, it was because I was not eating enough and doing the same amount of workouts. You need to re-shock your system again... Increase calories again and it will take a week or two, but you will start dropping. Your body is holding on to what it can keep now out of survival instinct! Good luck. I can't wait until I lose enough to hit that point!
  • arhicks
    I just logged my food and closed out the day and it told me I wasnt getting enough calories. I actually got a message telling me it will slow down my metabolism. Pretty cool that it warns us. Good Luck!
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 172 Member
    I know there is a lot of debate back and forth about eating too few calories. I eat about 1200 a day, and with exercise I usually net around 700 - 800. I have been losing consistently (35 lbs. in 6 weeks). Sometimes I struggle to eat my 1200, I can't imagine trying to eat 1600-1700. My husband was having issues not losing, but he started watching his sodium closer and now is losing. Maybe it is not so much how much you are eating but what??? If you continue to not lose the best thing is to just change things here and there until you find what is right for YOUR body. Good luck!!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i'm not sure why i'm not loosing? i kind yo yo a bit with my calories, 1200 is the lowest and no more then 1400. I have been trying for over 2 months and only 4 lbs max, i have lost? I am exercising and started a dvd too to keep things going but nothing is changing? before i started here i was gaining, gained 15 lbs in less then a year and that was with a good 1700-1800 cals a day some days. so i don't get why it's not coming off now with the less calories?
  • jessnjosh319
    jessnjosh319 Posts: 2 Member
    I did the same hting back in october.. I stuck to my calorie goal everyday which was right at 1000 a day and i did great for the first two weeks then i stopped completely. i ended up getting so frustrated after a few weeks i quit all together! now I eat about 1200 a day and i work out but if i go more then a week with out changing things then i hit a plateau again. eat smart and change it up!! It should help! GOOD LUCK!!! :)
  • silentnacht
    If you are netting less than 1200 it becomes more and more difficult to lose as time goes on. Don't be afraid of eating more and losing at a slower pace - remember it's your life, not a race! If you are having trouble getting your calories in, try a protein shake after you work out, or a handful of natural trail mix.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Let me also add, if you're new, be patient. Give it at least a month of eating what MFP suggests for you before you decide it isn't working. Sometimes the solution is to increase, rather than decrease, calories, so don't feel nervous about asking for advice about your next move if its been a month and you've seen no results. All these commercials around new years make out like you should lose tons of weight fast and that's not the healthy way to go. Plus if you starve yourself you're more likely binge later, and that will cancel out your calorie deficit.

    Please eat your recommended calories. There are too many women here starving themselves and thinking that it's healthy. I've lost 30 lbs without ever being hungry. It can be done.
  • Melissa_Suzanne
    Melissa_Suzanne Posts: 75 Member
    Im not to sure as I have never been one to eat that little. But this is my experience : My calories are set at 1470 a day and that is for me to lose 1lb a week. (my current weight is 149) I always eat my work out calories back, today I will have eaten about 1800 cal. and I lose weight every day.... I work hard in my work outs, 158 bpm 80% max heart rate. But yeah I eat lots its what my body needs.. I get head aches and feel sluggish when I dont eat enough. (I stay within my net calorie goal I dont go over)
  • vandbrad
    remember tho that as you are exercising your using your muscle's and by doing that you will actually stay the same for a while as muscle is heavier than fat so keep up the exercise and the calorie counts... DON'T be discouraged i know i am a lot of days went from 174 to 210 in 2 years
  • hsmommyofmany
    wow, thanks for all the great responses!! i dont feel like i am starving and i am eating very healthfully. the problem is that i am trying not to eat at night and with work i dont have enough time to eat often. i am not doing it on purpose and i know that if i was eating my normal bad diet i would have no problem getting in the calories but with all the healthy food i am having trouble with the quantity...eating enough that is. i think i will try the protein bars (i cant do shake...yuk). i think i just have a block to eating a 200 calorie just seems wrong for some reason but i guess i am going to have to do that.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    wow, thanks for all the great responses!! i dont feel like i am starving and i am eating very healthfully. the problem is that i am trying not to eat at night and with work i dont have enough time to eat often. i am not doing it on purpose and i know that if i was eating my normal bad diet i would have no problem getting in the calories but with all the healthy food i am having trouble with the quantity...eating enough that is. i think i will try the protein bars (i cant do shake...yuk). i think i just have a block to eating a 200 calorie just seems wrong for some reason but i guess i am going to have to do that.

    Dont be afraid to eat at night if you have to. There is no magical cut off time for eating. It's a myth. I ate dinner at 11 because that's what time I got off work, and I sure as hell wasn't gonna go to bed hungry.
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    try sipping some green smoothies while at work. You need to drink during the day anyway, why not add fruits and veggies in hte process. Healthy and not a ton of calories, vital nutrients.
  • kristih86
    wow, thanks for all the great responses!! i dont feel like i am starving and i am eating very healthfully. the problem is that i am trying not to eat at night and with work i dont have enough time to eat often. i am not doing it on purpose and i know that if i was eating my normal bad diet i would have no problem getting in the calories but with all the healthy food i am having trouble with the quantity...eating enough that is. i think i will try the protein bars (i cant do shake...yuk). i think i just have a block to eating a 200 calorie just seems wrong for some reason but i guess i am going to have to do that.

    Just remember that your body/metabolism can't tell time, eating late at night isn't a problem it's what you eat- so try and stick to fruits, veggies & proteins... good luck... you're doing great already : )
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    There are many reasons why you're not losing weight & unfortunately being in a very low calorie diet is one unless you're severely overweight or obese as these people can handle large deficits due to their higher fat mass compared to leaner people. However this doesn't mean its OK to eat very few calories especially if done for a long time (assuming you're one of the overweight people I mentioned) because at the end of the day, your body will shift to starvation mode which puts your lean muscles at risk.
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 333 Member
    I usually eat between 900 and 1100 cal a day and I am losing consistenly, having said that I am about 5'1. Once I add exercise depending on what I do my net is generally around the 700 mark for the day. The only thing I can suggest is do your own research 1200 is not a one size fits all number.
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    It definitely could be a factor. If you've been doing this for a while and you're not morbidly obese, then it most likely is at least a factor. Depending on how long you've been so under, it may take a few weeks to get your body out of starvation mode and burning fat quicker. Just don't get discouraged ig you gain in those weeks, as it WILL come off. Good luck!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    wow, thanks for all the great responses!! i dont feel like i am starving and i am eating very healthfully. the problem is that i am trying not to eat at night and with work i dont have enough time to eat often. i am not doing it on purpose and i know that if i was eating my normal bad diet i would have no problem getting in the calories but with all the healthy food i am having trouble with the quantity...eating enough that is. i think i will try the protein bars (i cant do shake...yuk). i think i just have a block to eating a 200 calorie just seems wrong for some reason but i guess i am going to have to do that.

    Yup block yourself in a snack. Don't feel like you have to eat "diet" versions of things-- whole milk can add calories, as can nuts or avacado-- it's not hard to get in an extra 200 cals.