
Hey guys and girls

I'm new here, 31 year old looking to loose 3 stone by September when I take my kids to Florida for the first time

Please help me!!!!



  • Tink_89
    Tink_89 Posts: 23

    Welcome to MFP! I am new here too but just wanted to say hello. It seems a really friendly community and we will all support you. What an amazing incentive too.

    Lottie x
  • kirstyg1980
    Thanks Tink and thanks for the friend add, yeah it's a great incentive just wish it was easier and not so much temptation around lol
  • bghere
    bghere Posts: 42
    That is totally possible by Sept. I grew up in Florida, and still love it. Enjoy!!
  • kirstyg1980
    So very jealous of you growing up in Florida!!!

    Was there when I was 12 and loved it so it's now time for me to take my family and hopefully it will be the 1st of many trips
  • kurzty1
    Hiya I just started today and I have a LONG way to go! About 50 odd kilos which I think is about 120lbs!!! So its a long way but I don't care how long it takes me as long as each week I lose aprox 1 kilo (2.2lbs) per week Im happy. Hows everyone join on their quest?
  • PoshPants30
    Welcome Kirsty and good luck on your journey!

    I'm in a similar position, 30 years old, looking to lose around 3 stone before October. Always welcome any encouragement so hopefully we can all do the same for you!
