Microwave meal ideas please!

BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
Due to an epic "muck"-up (thank you rude word filter) with the delivery and installation of a new cooker, I am without conventional cooking facilities for 12 days. Can you share your microwave meal ideas, please, preferably cooking from scratch rather than reheating stuff. My partner's a chef and I think he feels like his right arm's been cut off!


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Oh no, what a pain!
    Do you have a bbq or grill (or can you beg, buy or borrow one) to cook meat on? Then you can have salads/veggies and grilled meat/chicken/fish. Microwaved meat is not very good in my opinion, whereas rice and veggies are pretty good. I do have a microwave mac and cheese recipe somewhere but it is hideously unhealthy, I won't give you that!
    What about those asian noodles that only need soaking in hot water, or couscous, that just needs hot water too. That gives you some good bases to add veggies and meat to.
    Good luck!
  • Oh, that sucks. Maybe go for some bean salads using tinned beans? Add some marinated tofu or cheese or already cooked sandwich meat to bulk it up? It's not hot, but it's good!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I'd spring for a George Foreman. I haven't used my oven in months.
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    My absolute favorite 'I don't feel like cooking' meal is microwaved instant rice, add a can of chili beans, top with some cheese (I like muenster), and nuke until melty. I usually add some taco seasonings, or cayenne, or even just garlic salt, and lately I've been topping all of that with some fresh tomatoes and avocado.

    SO good, and a whole plateful is reasonable on the calories, and totally filling.
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    fish can be quite good microwaved, we only really use ours for veggies though
  • One that I have found that my whole family likes is a mexican chicken.
    use boneless skinless chicken breasts and cook in microwave til they are just about done, making sure to turn them to get an even cook on both sides. when they are pretty much finished, add pepperjack cheese and melt just a bit, throw some salsa on top and enjoy!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Lovely ideas, thanks! I'd forgotten about fish - my Dad is so hooked on microwaving salmon it's now the only way he cooks it!

    Several years ago I was without proper cooking facilities for three months after a new kitchen install went awry. I found ways to microwave EVERYTHING from bacon to stir-fries with varying degrees of success. Wish I could remember what I ate!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    You can heat canned soup... also, I cook spaghetti squash in the microwave rather than the oven since it's faster :D
    You can also try steaming veggies in the microwave, put a little water at the bottom of the bowl, cover and cook! Yum!
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    you can buy ready made chicken and beef dishes etc.. then microwave vegetables in a pack, it's like steaming.

    Soup with crusty bread.

    http://www.thesaucyfishco.com/ you can microwave some of these I believe.

    I bet you can cook most things in a microwave.
  • marylou1976
    marylou1976 Posts: 106 Member
    how about, put in some chopped onions and garlic with a little water and allow to "sweat" then add rice, chicken stock and cook till the rice is nearly ready, add frozen peas and a packet of ready cooked seafood and/or pre cooked chicken and you have a (sort of) paella

    pasta and a jar or sauce (a bit boring but quick and the microwave can't ruin that)