5lb weight gain in the evening??



  • aprilc1982
    Everyone's weight fluctuates on average 2 lbs a day plus the weight of what you have consumed through out the day will also show up on the scales. I would suggest weighing your self only once a week, first thing in the morning. loosing weight is a slow process so don't get discouraged. :smile:

    I'm definoitely not discuraged by any means! It was just something that I didn't know could happen at such a great rate in a 12 hour period. I'm by no means fretting over the scale, I just had to check as my new jeans now fall off me..yet my measurements remain the same. It was just me trying to figure out my weight loss and where it seems to be fading from. Lol and no I'm not freaking out about my measurements either! :) I'm a mommy of two very itty bitty twin boys so my train of thought is already pretty consumed :p

    Thanks for the insight!
  • aprilc1982
    I suppose oi should have zoomed in on my phone screen for that last post..eeek!! Lots of typos :s good ol' touch screen cells. Grrr
  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    Hey, so I'm lost within this new world of dieting. I was never a person to step on a scale once a year let alone once a day! :s I really never paid much attention to my weight before. But now that I have taken up dieting, I'm a touch conflicted with gaining 5lbs by the evening. I know that you are to gain some weight during the day but is it really normal to take on sooo much extra weight? I drink around 8-10 glasses of water/day and yes..I pee like a rece horse!! But how do I manage to wake up in the morning 5-7 lbs less than when I go to bed? Some feedback would be great! :)

    Probably just normal water weight gain.
  • dos_treinta_y_cinco
    Weigh once a day at the same time-best in the am nude, even before a shower. The skin is a bit of a sponge and can take on weight after a shower