21 and have 50 pounds to lose.



  • I'm also 21 and need to lose 30 pounds. I lost 20 pounds previously put allowed myself to put it back on in the past year. Now I teach fitness classes and am working to get certified as a personal trainer. Add me for inspiration, tips, and anything else. :D
  • dani22105
    dani22105 Posts: 76 Member
    Girl! YOU GOT THIS!!! Sometimes I feel like I can't lose weight but everyone else can. That is a bunch of BULL!! You can do this sweetpea! It means so much to you and you can do it. Stay positive, you've done this before so you're ahead of the game! :)
  • 23 years old w/ about 25-30 pounds to lose (but would loooove to lose 40)
  • Hi my name is Lynn and I have 30 lbs to loose by this Spring/Summer. I'm not afraid of working out hard, it's more my eating that makes me gain, :sad: . I need to push myself into eating clean food. Add me if you want support and would love the same in return. :happy:
  • i'm 28 and trying to lose about 50-60 lbs this year also! feel free to add me, forum friends!:)
  • I'm 22 (turning 23 months month, EEP!) and I also have about 50 pounds I'd like to lose. Feel free to add me! :)