
I feel like I'm going crazy. It seems at night time I am a different person, my thoughts about my relationships with other people and where I am in life are so negative but also just weird. For example last night I was convinced that I was devistated with homesickness for the town I grew up in and should move back there, when I did everything I could to get out of that place.

But, come morning, I feel my regular cheery positive self again. In love with my bf and happy with my life and friends I Melbourne etc etc.

The only significant change in my life is my diet.

Has anyone found something similar? Am I actually crazy or could it be food related?

NB: I was put on meds for bi-polar when I was a teenager, but that was 10 years ago. My memory of those ups and downs is similar but also very very very different.


  • njoithomp
    I was actually going to suggest you get evaluated by a therapist or counselor for bi-polar but you said it first. That type of thing can come back and perhaps because you are eating differently which can upset your body chemistry and maybe that's why. Usually starting workouts will make you happier or more of something. Get it checked out just to make sure everything is ok.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    sometimes my mood is def a correlation of what i eat, or what i want to eat!! i notice im happiest when i have my carbs.. my body hates them but my mind loves them!
  • munchketeer
    Stay in the morning mood and think positive. You are tryin' to get healthy and that includes how U deal with Ur emotions. Don't let negative thoughts control U. Stay focussed and positive. U are Awesome and doin' an Awesome job!
  • luwalmsley1983
    Interesting. I am bi-polar. I've been given a suggested diet to help it (lower GI, increase magnesium and Omega 3 fats) and I've noticed some "balancing" of mood - however I've also had a tonne of drugs chucked at me too so it's hard to say which if not all are helping.

    Certainly the feelings you're having aren't helpful to you and you DO need to go and talk them our with a physician. Food does affect mood drastically, all those little nutrients if you're deficient can have a huge impact. B Vitamins particularly Folic Acid have been shown to help with depression (I'm not a physician) - I've also read that lithium in bi-polar drugs latches on to the areas in the brain where magnesium should be, hence there are studies now looking at how powerful a magnesium rich diet (not capsules, food based) may help.

    Friend if you like.... I don't take supplements any more - all dietary based so you can't OD on them, plus certain vits if taken with others inhibit their absorbtion and vice versa - you can't do that with food (apparently, I'm alsoo NOT a nutritionist).

    Good luck hun.