having a hard time getting back on track

hey folks,
fell off the wagon over Christmas and am having a hard time getting back on track. I am hoping to expand my support and motivation system with new (more) friends...I love seeing my newsfeed and seeing that one of my current friends completed a goal, was under on calories, etc...would like to see more of that.
feel free to add me as a friend :)


  • I know the feeling, I had lost over 14 kilos and let myself go. I checked the scales yesterday and well... have to start nearly all over again but today it's a new day , a new beginning and I'm back on it! so C'mon mywedding2012 let's do this thing.
    I'm getting married in May so I have no time to waste.
    When it's your big day?
  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    I will be your friend! I am also getting married this year! I have to get some weight off before I buy my dress in a few months and am freakin out! I have like 10 inches to lose everywhere so I can fit a size 14 dress. I decided that size would make me happy. When is your wedding? Mine is in August.
  • KBall2013
    KBall2013 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey guys, thanks for adding me :)
    I'm getting married in July and woud like to be down about 30-40 pounds by then...it is doable, i just have a hard time staying on track!
  • apesid
    apesid Posts: 135 Member
    I've had trouble getting back on track after the holidays too and It is hard! But you can do it! Just keep taking it one day at a time :)