Over55 and over 200

My husband and I just found this site and have used it for 1 week. Been off and on diets for lots of years, so much harder as you get older. Aches and pains keep you form doing all the things you want. First week he lost 6.5 lbs and I lost 2.5. Doing it mostly with diet. Any one else out there in this category?


  • housegirl2
    housegirl2 Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome! Yes, I'm getting ready to turn 66, Has lost almost 50 lb about 6 years ago but due to medical, injury issues had gained part of the weight back.I am over 200lb and started this 2 months ago after gaining back about 30 lb . So far I've lost almost 10lb since starting with MFP. Its a great website and makes journaling food a snap! This has really helped me make better food choices. Great support system built in too.
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    Yes best site I have found for ease of tracking. Sure makes a difference. Hope we can keep up with it, so easy to give up. We are both over 60. My biggest problem is lack of water. I just never drink any. I have been a Dr. Pepper drinker forever. Trying hard to add in the water now.
  • housegirl2
    housegirl2 Posts: 79 Member
    I grew up on Dr Pepper. Love it but only drink sodas on very rare occasions and usually diet even then. I'll send you a friend request because checking in with others is a good way to follow through.Water is a tough one to remember for me too. Even when I drink it I forget to record but one of the people here that "friended" me, reminds me! Really helps. I use my iphone for recording most food because the app is so convenient.
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    Haven't done much Dr. P in the last week. I do manage to go for the 12 oz serving usually at night. Can't start on it or want more. Doing pretty good without it. It was my only form of caffiene so been a little tired. I also use my phone to record, gotta love that barcode reader. Just got the smart phone a couple months ago so still learning what it can do. Thanks for the help.
  • 56208
    56208 Posts: 11
    Really 68 and over 200, I am in week 2 first week was good for me down 6 lbs.