Hello Im NEW!!! i need some support!



  • Welcome!

    I am new to this site also.

    I have found it to be very helpful in only a couple days. Yeah! It keeps me accountable.

    I would love to have you as a friend.

    I am cthompson_123

    Have a great day!
  • Hi Jess! I have been on MFP for awhile now and am just now getting serious about my weight loss! Feel free to add me as a friend and hopefully we can offer each other support!
  • Hi Jess, I only started a wk ago and its a brilliant site for keeping you on track. Hopefully it well help you learn what foods you are putting into your body, which are good and which are bad! Im pretty good at my nutrition knowledge.
    my problem is greed! Sweet stuff when i get emotional. Im working on that tho as im hoping i can keep up the excercise, that way i can indulge once in a while! Good Luck and add me if you want to .
  • Reesa32
    Reesa32 Posts: 35
    Hi Jess!! With all the new supportive friends you will have now trying to achieve the same things you will do great! Add me if you want.
  • I'm new too, and I will respectfully support you. Add me if you like.
  • bubbles9021
    bubbles9021 Posts: 17 Member

    I'm new too. Only started today and a little nervous about taking the leap and actually moving my butt to lose weight!
    Any support would be really appreciated!

    Thanks :)
  • mb0328
    mb0328 Posts: 4
    Hello... and Congrats on the weight that you have lost.........I have been on and off of this site for over a year, and have lost little over 10 pounds, but need to shed more. I have recently moved to Florida from Cincinnati, and I am blaming my move for going off the diet..LOL...but now I need to get serious again. This site has really encouraged me, and I hope that it will you.

    I am looking for any little tid bits that will help me.. Know any? I have a few, and will be glad to share. One that I have always had trouble with was drinking my 8 glasses of water per day. Any tricks on this one?

    Again Hello and if you would like to be my diet buddy, drop me a line. Looking forward in hearing from you.
  • honeys7
    honeys7 Posts: 13
    Hi - add me if you'd like! I'm new too - and so far this has been an awesome experience. There are so many good people here excited to encourage once another.
  • Blodnie
    Blodnie Posts: 66
    Hi there.. I'm new too! I added you as a friend if you're interested. :-)