Hi!! ;)

I am new. I have been keeping a written log of the food that I eat for the past couple of weeks and weighing in every morning. So far I have been going down about a pound per day which is a great motivation for me. The problem is that I usually do great losing weight for the first few weeks or month and then I start the same old habbit back up and gain everything back. I am really trying not to do that this time around. I have been eating foods that are relistic and not dieting per say. I am counting calories, exercising and staying accountable by weighing in and keeping a food log. I sure hope this time is different for me!!!!!!


  • n8vchick77
    n8vchick77 Posts: 114 Member
    HI! I'm fairly new as well! Welcome!
  • luvmy2babies
    luvmy2babies Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome. I am the same way. But I really feel this time its different. I am trying to stay motivated and strong. We can do this. Feel free to add me if you would like
  • dos_treinta_y_cinco
    Hey JJ. most people say that it takes 21 days to change an old habbit. So stay in there and keep up the fight. This is my fist time at mfp but it does keep you honest. I cant very well go eat a dble quater cheese burger value meal and post it it would be so embarrassing.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    This is a lifestyle change for me, therefore I have found things I can live with and enjoy doing! If you want it bad enough, you will stick with it. You will have bumps along the way, they just make you stronger and smarter :)