xbox kinect



  • angevee
    angevee Posts: 55 Member
    I've been using The Biggest Loser for nearly a week and it's been hard work but fun. Better than a DVD as it changes every day and seems to evolve with you. I have my first weigh in on it tomorrow. The achievements are, well, achieveable, so you feel like you are making progress.
    We've also been playing a bit of fruit ninja for a laugh. But put the kids on Kinect Adventures for a couple of hours and boy do they sleep well!
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    We have had an xbox for a while but just got the Kinect for Xmas. It is awesome - much better than Wii (which we also have). We have Dance Central 3, Fruit Ninja, Adventures, and some other game I haven't played yet. My "reward" for making my first weight loss goal is a new Kinect game.

    I thought I really wanted the UFC Personal trainer (b/c I love kickboxign) but I watched a youtube and it looked kind of lame. I like the way the Biggest Loser one gives you form points (lift higher, punch faster). Tough choice they all look good.
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i love my kinect i have these fitness games:

    Dance Central 1 and 2
    The biggest Loser
    Jillian Michaels Adventures

    they are all great! xxx
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    We got one for the kids for Christmas. It works really well, and they have a blast. Can't vouch for the exercise games, but they love Just Dance 3.
  • elo83
    elo83 Posts: 97 Member
    Its pretty cool and gets you moving. I burned 500ish calories playing one hour of Just Dance 3. Not to mention its fun to play with family and friends. Love it! Can't endorse it enough!
  • lovinlife71
    Just Dance 3....great exercise and hilarious!!!!
  • daphnegetnfit
    I have a Wii, but I definitely want to invest in an Xbox and Kinect. i am getting a Kindle Fire this month, then my next investment will be an Xbox/Kinect.
  • hwilliams519
    Oh I'm getting excited now! See my husband just got a new xbox for christmas and my bday is next month and I have been wanting some type of interactive game system for a while. He refuses to get a wii because he doesn't like the graphics. Which is fine, because one of the great things about the kinect is you don't have to spend extra money on accessories.

    Anyways, all these games sound very fun and exciting. I wrote them down for him so he has suggestions. Thanks again for your help!!!