after 125 lbs lost, i see it coming back. HELP!

I'm looking for excited, motivated, and honest MFP friends to help hold me accountable. Inspired by wanting to avoid the cpap mask and all the meds that come with sleep apnea, I went on a multi-year fitness journey and had successfully lost over 125 lbs. Fast forward to today and 30 lbs have found me once again. I've realized my success was in large part to seeing a nutritionist and knowing that my food diary would be scrutinized at our wkly session. How I hate to admit I'm more successful if I have to be 'good' for someone else instead of just doing it for me, but alas, it's the sad truth. My allowance of that extra goody here and there (cuz I know no one is looking) has resulted in my tugging of 30 repeat pounds. sigh.

So here I am... Looking for friends - fellow fitness enthusiasts that are willing to be honest to tell me like it is and help this gal find her path again to fitness happiness. Any takers?


  • ashp31
    ashp31 Posts: 1
    i am going through the exact same thing. my problem is i ignore it hoping it will go away. its all subconsious. sorry for my bad spelling. you have to face it yourself. the reason that meeting with a nutritionist helped is because she forced you to fully face and analize your health choices. just face your fears. sit down once a week and fully face it. just carve out ten or twenty min to soak in. do not skip this or make subconsious excuses. dont let this get you down either. face it then end with encouraging yourself to do better. look at it in a positive life changing course. i am studying the nuerology behind exercise and brain power. the encouragment from it may drive you to work harder. i am reading a book called brain rules that might inspire you. orread born to run. find positive motivation for what you do.
    hope this encourages you,
  • kscott77
    I would love to help! I am new too!! I have a super long way to go!! I am new to the healthy eating as well. I grew up in the home of butter is great smeared on chicken fried. I am super serious about this and am well on my way. I will be honest and let you know I am on doctor guieded program so its a bit easier with the appetite suppressants. But at the same time, the effect wears off at night right before bed when I am my most vulnerable. I lost about 40 lbs a year and a half ago and gained all but 12 back, so I know how you feel, the absolute terror of the possibility the scale will keep going up. Always here if you need me, you can do this!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Just keep logging. Everyone goes up and down but if you keep logging it may help. :flowerforyou:
  • glenclewis
    glenclewis Posts: 256 Member
    If you'd like support add me if you like :tongue:
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 146 Member
    Accountability is always helpful! We all have our ups and downs but the overall good health should be our goal. I'm traveling down the same road. Lost 40 (of the 70 I needed to lose), kept it off for about 1 year but now it's creeping back. So, I'm back to using the diary and moving a little more! I know we can do this!:flowerforyou:
  • smitty328
    smitty328 Posts: 164 Member
    I love to give support....add me if you would like. :smile:
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    I was the same exact way but I made by food diary available to my friends so they can get on me when I completely get off track. Knowing that they can see everything that I put in my body (and I keep it honest) I've been very good.

    I truly think I'm on the right track because I'm doing it for me and my well being instead of doing it for someone else or because of what others may think.
  • BellydanceBliss
    I lost 190 and gained 40 back after gallbladder surgery. It is very frustrating but you just have to keep on keepin on. Change your exercise routine to trick your body and the foods you eat too. It can really help.
  • sambustem
    Right there with ya!! I lost 130 several years ago (about 5) and a lot of it is back :( Most came back last year during a difficult pregnancy. Now I feel completely overwhelmed :( I lost mine through a personal trainer, who no longer trains, and really don't have the money or the time to find a new one!! Good luck to you and friend me if you want! We can get it done again!!! :)
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I'm supportive.. add me if you'd like :smile:
  • buschfan17
    Same boat for me. I had lost 120 lbs several years ago.....I've put 60 back on. I'm now using MFP and training for a half marathon. So slowly......I'm getting my head in the right spot.

    We can all motivate each other! Support makes such a difference.